[Kdc-info] notes from today

Nicolas Williams Nicolas.Williams at sun.com
Wed Nov 12 21:41:40 EST 2003

On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 09:43:03PM -0500, Sam Hartman wrote:
> >>>>> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Williams <Nicolas.Williams at sun.com> writes:
>     Nicolas> On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 10:43:49PM +0100, Leif Johansson
>     Nicolas> wrote:
>     >> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1
>     >> 
>     >> Please yell if I got it wrong. This is roughly what transpired
>     >> today:
>     >> 
>     >> 1. After some initial confusion about the word 'policy' we
>     >> decided that the policy part of the model be restructed as
>     >> follows:
>     >> Policy type OID Optional opaque parameter "DEFINED BY" the type
>     Nicolas> "Open type" is the right ASN.1 terminology.
> We're not in an ASN.1 world here.

Nonethelles Leif used ASN.1 terminology - if we must, then let's use the
right terminology pls.  "hole," "open type," etc...  are good to use.

>     Nicolas> per _policy_ type.
>     >> 2. Nico commented on the need for words about access control.
>     >> The next version will have such words.
> I'm uncomfortable getting into ACLs at all in this document even ACL
> policy types.  I believe that is a major rathole.

Noone said anything about managing the ACLs through this model (in fact,
I am against it).


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