[Kdc-info] Re: slowly...

Leif Johansson leifj at it.su.se
Tue Mar 11 15:57:52 EST 2003

Ken Raeburn wrote:

>"Bob Joslin" <bob.joslin at hp.com> writes:
>>Agreed.  Any proposals for a time?
right, sorry.

>Hearing none so far, I'll toss one out:
>How about Tuesday, Afternoon Sessions I, meeting outside "Imperial A"
>which is where the Kerberos WG meets on Monday?  It's a one-hour
>session for: fax, ldup, nsiim, entmib, smime, nsis, spirits.  Is an
>hour enough?
Sounds fine to me.

>Anything except Tuesday night (is there a social? I was going to punt
>it and try to see some friends in town) will conflict with something.

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