[Kdc-info] blasphemy

Leif Johansson leifj at it.su.se
Wed Jun 11 04:53:59 EDT 2003

Ken Raeburn wrote:

>Leif Johansson <leifj at it.su.se> writes:
>>    * Is the keyversion associated with the key or with the principal?
>With the key -- or, perhaps, a set of keys.  We might want the model
>to reinforce "my key is at version 4 and supports triple-DES and RC4"
>rather than "my DES key is at version 4 and my AES key is at version
>5".  At least, I *think* that's the way it needs to work.  I haven't
>tried to really wrap my head around a way of making the second
>approach work, but I don't think it would.  But maybe the model
>doesn't necessarily need to reinforce that.
There are two issues here:

1. Separation of key-stuff from non-key stuff in the model.
2. Association of the key version to the keytype.

Issue 1 is a requirement of our work!  We need to be very careful  about 
attribute we associate with principals. If the version is associated 
with the keyset
then we probably need a new keyset object which has a 1-1 association 
with the
principal but is separate from it.

>Not associated with the principal -- if you want to rekey a service,
>you want to keep the old key around on the KDC a while so people can
>renew tickets previously issued.
Good point!

>What "flags" do you imagine being associated with a key?
>At this level, isn't it appropriate to spell them out?
Yes. I was thinking about (from hdb.asn1)

        initial(0),             -- require as-req
        forwardable(1),         -- may issue forwardable
        proxiable(2),           -- may issue proxiable
        renewable(3),           -- may issue renewable
        postdate(4),            -- may issue postdatable
        server(5),              -- may be server
        client(6),              -- may be client
        invalid(7),             -- entry is invalid
        require-preauth(8),     -- must use preauth
        change-pw(9),           -- change password service
        require-hwauth(10),     -- must use hwauth
        ok-as-delegate(11),     -- as in TicketFlags
        user-to-user(12),       -- may use user-to-user auth
        immutable(13)           -- may not be deleted

But those are clearly associated with the pricipal.

>>    * Is the auxilliary key data (I was thinking about AES
>>requirements) appropriate?
>We need something like that, but I'm not sure how to store it.  All
>the KDC would care about would be the octet string form, but that's
>not what the admin system is going to care about.
The admin system will have to understand how to encode the auxilliary data.
This is essentially the same discussion we had about policy recently. Isn't
a typed blob all you can hope to do in a general schema/model?

>>    * What exactly goes into password policy?
>Good question.  I'll try to get to looking over the LDAP password
>policy stuff soon, for some ideas.

>Some random thoughts:
>I think there would be at least two categories of password-related
>policies: (1) when is a password change needed (including "now"); (2)
>what new passwords are allowed.  I don't know if they'd be entirely
>independent; "you chose a short password, so you're going to have to
>change it again tomorrow."  "When is a password change permitted"
>needs to be covered, but probably would fit in one of those two
>Non-password policies and other info:
> - require preauth? what kind? handle for auxiliary data for preauth
>   system, which might or might not be associated with key version
>   numbers. (srp: probably associated with key and kvno; smart card:
>   not associated)
> - can initial tickets be issued for this principal?  (probably not
>   for many random service principals, in many environments)  boolean?
> - can service tickets be issued for this principal?  (probably not
>   for most user principals with relatively weak keys) boolean?
> - supported encryption types for service principals, since Kerberos
>   doesn't allow the client and server to negotiate.  MIT currently
>   overloads the set of service keys for this purpose, but they really
>   should be separate.
Are these general enough to warrant specification in the model? Maybe...

>Principal aliases?
Very good!

>(Sorry for the rambling, I'm trying to head home shortly, and just
>want to get some of this down so I don't forget it.  Let me know if
>I'm diving into too low a level of detail for the stuff we want.)
No, great stuff.

       Cheers Leif

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