[ietf-enroll] Please help with TTI model document v2
max pritikin
pritikin at cisco.com
Wed Oct 13 03:11:31 EDT 2004
Thank you for this though provoking exchange. I've been pondering it. I
particularly like the entity descriptions and the suggestion to re-order
some of the dataflow discussions.
Some additional questions inline,
On Sun, 2004-10-10 at 21:48, Jim Schaad wrote:
> Max,
> This message is going to end up very long and probably some what garbled. I
> am writing this in the breaks between work that needs to be done at the
> winery and this affects the flow of thought that can be produced.
> 1. I really want to change the order of presentations of the data flows
> from the simplest to the most complex. While I think there is a great deal
> of possible discussion on this order, it seems to me that the simplest is
> the imprint data flow method. In your current presentation you have added
> complexity to this model because of it's second place order and thus your
> desire to relate it to the mediated model presented first.
> 2. There is a difference in how imprint is used in my world vs. in your
> world. Imprint for me is the really basic things and would not include the
> possibility of a secure channel. This secure channel is present in a lot of
> the applications where you use the word imprint.
I'll re-read with an eye toward consistent use of the term.
> 3. Section 2 Para 2: This is not mandatory for public key exchange.
> Consider the following scenario -- As register I send a DH public key &
> parameters along with a secret to the petitioner. The petitioner then
> creates a private DH key in the group, sets up a public key encrypted
> channel and sends the secret across to prove identity.
> 4. Section 2 para 3: We are still talking about OOB communication. I
> think the first sentence should be "manual 'out-of-band' communication"
> 5. Section 2 para 5: 'Trent says "Alice, meet Bob. ..."
Ok. Easy ones out of the way,
> 6. Here is some updated thoughts about what I think needs to be in the
> primary area of section 3. If we are doing a model then we need to talk
> about all of the important pieces of the model and define what they are and
> what they are expected to do. Following this some examples would not be out
> of order.
> X.X Model Components
> In the model there are six different components that need to be looked at.
> Not all components are used in all of the data flows laid out in section
> 4.0, but all are considered to be part of the model.
> ---A----> P
> | ^
> v |
> I B
> ^ |
> | v
> ----C---> R
> Petitioner - This is the entity that is trying to join the security domain
> in question. The petitioner can be either a human agent or an automated
> agent. In general both human and automated agents make bad judgments about
> who can be trusted, thus having methods of establishing trust which do not
> call for judgments by the Petitioner is desirable. The petitioner is
> designated by the letter P when discussing the model.
> Registration Agent - This is the entity that controls access to the security
> domain in question. The registration agent can be either a human agent or
> an automated agent. As the registration agent is considered to be of
> reasonable intelligence, it can often make good judgments about trusting
> petitioning entities if it has the correct information. The Registration
> agent is designated by the letter R when discussing the model.
> Introducer - This is the entity that has the responsibility for correctly
> identifying the petitioner and the registration agent to the other. The
> primary role of the introducer is to make one of two statements either "The
> entity that gave me this item is ..." or "I will only give this to the
> entity ...". These statements may be modified slightly to say "The entity
> at the other end can be trusted to correctly give it's own name". (This
> would be the case if one hooks a dedicated cable between two boxes.)
> B is the "normal" communication channel between the Petitioner and the
> Registration Agent. This channel can be considered secure only after a
> sufficient amount of information has been passed between P and R in a
> reliable manner.
> A is the "out-of-band" communication channel between the Petitioner and the
> Introduction Agent. This channel can be considered security as there is a
> prior relationship of some type between P and I.
> B is the "out-of-band" communication channel between the Registration and
> Introduction Agents. This channel can be considered secure as there is a
> prior relationship between R and I.
> 7. I have produced an updated data flow section. In part it represents the
> ways that my thought process have changed at the need to really formalize
> what I was taking about at the last meeting. Thus it does not directly
> correspond to what I said there. I hope that it is still clear.
> 4.0 Data Flow
> During the process of Introduction, information is exchanged between the TTI
> entities. The order of passing data and the set of entities involved allows
> us to classify the introduction processes into various types. This section
> describes the different data flow types and discusses the security aspects
> involved with each data flow.
> Unless otherwise noted in the discussion for the data flow below, the order
> of data being passed is not considered to be relevant tot he security
> implications. (Thus in a bi-directional channel the order and interweaving
> of the data is normally not relevant to the security properties.)
> The data flow diagrams described here deal only with the process of setting
> up the data for an initial secure channel between P and R. The process of
> setting up the secure channel between P and I or R and I is ignored. The
> data flow diagrams also only deal with the process of transmitting the
> introduction data, once this is done setting up and using the subsequent
> secure connections and it's properties is out of scope to this document.
> The amount and type of information exchanged or transferred during the
> introduction process is heavily dependent on the enrollment dialog to follow
> the introduction. This is considered to be out of scope to this document as
> is the process of identify the correct enrollment protocol to be used.
> 4.1. No Introducer (Imprint)
> The imprint data flow in the model occurs without the use of the Introducer.
> This is one of the most common methods of introduction both in the real
> world and in the security world today. It has very poor security properties
> in terms of getting a true introduction of two parties, but is an acceptable
> method under some circumstances.
> In this real world this corresponds to the situation where one is at a party
> and somebody walks up and says "Hi, my name is Bob." (To which you reply
> "Hi Bob, my name is Alice"). At this point you don't really know if Bob has
> lied to you about his name or not, however you can now recognize this as
> being Bob in the future. (Assuming of course that you have a memory for
> names and faces.)
> Put a pretty picture at this point I P<--->R
> (1)
I think one reason why we differ a bit on the imprint case is that I
draw and consider 'I' to be part of this exchange:
In the simple case I--R is a physical (internal to device P, if you
will) connection and I<--->R is un-authenticated. It is still an imprint
if I<-->R is a full secure across box link. The important aspect is that
I<--->P is un-authenticated.
> Under most circumstances the communication (1) has a bi-directional flow of
> data, however this is not necessary. The flow of data could be
> unidirectional, i.e. carrying a token used to established a shared key
> during enrollment.
> Security Analysis: When looking at this model, one cannot assume any
> pre-existing knowledge between any of the participants.
But we shouldn't preclude an association between I & R.
> Nor, since there is
> no prior relationship can one assume any security level on the communication
> channel between the parties. Although a very common method of introduction
> in the real world, it is not used in those situations where a level of
> security can be considered to be important. As stated above however, this
> method can be used when the only thing that is desired is to be able to
> recognize somebody the second time that that appear.
The way I draw this model we can also make an interesting observation
... the 'closer' we can get I to P physically the more secure the
imprint is. This matches common sense and is a plus for our model.
> 4.2 Common Introducer
> The data flows in this section of the document are all based on a single
> common introducer being used by both P and R.
> 4.2.1 Unidirectional End-to-End Information Flow (Courier)
> In the courier data flow model, an intermediary is used to transfer the data
> between the two parties in some type of secure manner. The level of
> security is dependent on the type of courier that is being used. This data
> flow is used in many cases in the real world. The simplest example would be
> you manager handing you a sealed envelope containing your identity and
> password for your computer account when you start a new job.
> Put pretty pictures at this point P--->I--->R
> (1) (2)
> or P<---I<---R
> The data flow is unidirectional, but the data can flow either from R to P or
> from P to R. The security properties are the same. There is no requirement
> that both channels (1) and (2) need to exist at the same time. (There could
> be a unidirectional store and forward model working here.)
> Security Analysis: In looking that this model there are three points of
> failure that need to be examined. The entity I and the two channels (1) and
> (2). The two data channels have the same issues and will be treated
> together.
> The assumptions one makes for the Entity I are follows: 1) The packets will
> be relayed between the two data channels without alteration or prying. 2)
> The two data channels will be created with the correctly identified
> entities.
> Entity I can 1) snoop, 2) alter contents (man in the middle attack), 3) lie
> about identities. This are issues with all versions of the model
I think I'd state that these are issues with reality. The model just
exposes them. Future protocols based on this model should attempt to
address these issues.
> For insecure data channels, they can be snooped, altered.
> For secure data channels, with integrity checking nothing can be done.
> 4.2.2 Unidirectional Middle-to-End Information Flow
> In the central authority data flow model, the Introducer generates the
> identification material and hands it to the entities P and R.
> Put a pretty picture at this point P<----I---->R
> (1) (2)
> The data flows (1) and (2) are unidirectional with all data flowing from the
> Introducer to the other parties. A data channel between P and R would then
> be created at enrollment time.
> Security Analysis:
> The Entity is expected to 1) Create the data used by P and R to mutual
> authenticate each other, 2) transmit the data to the correct entities.
> Channels (1) and (2) could either be secure or insecure and have appropriate
> security problems.
>From a model perspective does this case add anything? How is it
materially different than (your) 4.2.1?
> 4.2.3 Bidirectional Information Flow (Mediated)
> In the mediated data flow model, the introducer acts as a bidirectional
> channel to send information through. The level of security is dependent on
> the type of mediator that is being used. One example of this type of data
> flow would be hooking a cable directly between two devices. The fact that
> the cable exists means that the can securely talk to each other.
> Put a pretty picture here
> P<->I<->R
> Security Analysis:
Ah. I see why you differentiate this from the unidirectional flow. In
this scenario the introduction could have an arbitrary number of
messages (whereas in the unidirectional flow there is, essentially, only
> 4.2.4 Round the horn information flow
> In this data flow model, the introducer supplies information to one party,
> and later verifies that it is the correct information for the second party
> at a later time.
> Pretty Pictures (and mirror image)
> I--->P
> ^ |
> | v
> |--->R
> Example: Data is provided by I to P, P uses this data to talk to R and R
> verifies the data with I.
> Messy but possible. I cannot think of a good real world scenario that
> really matches this, but I am sure one exists.
> Note: this could be a bi-directional flow as well with both entities
> mirroring the other.
I think this is just an interesting transport example but not a distinct
dataflow discussion.
Because P is not yet introduced it is obviously not trusted by R yet.
Thus R must be able to accept this data from *anybody* (because it can
not yet prove P is who supplied it) and yet use it to determine P at a
future time (enrollment). Since the data can be accepted from anybody P
could be an untrusted transport:
I-(1)->P R
Still pondering this...
> 4.3 Disjoint Introducers
> In this section we will look at the cases where the introducers are
> effectively different entities for P and R.
Hmm, an interesting case. Another way of thinking of it is that an
introduction can be 'half complete'; in that at the end of the
introduction only one of R & P can authenticate the other. This is
similiar to, for example, I delivering R's RSA certificate but not
sending any of P's information to R.
> 4.3.1 End-to-End Unidirectional w/ authority
> In this data model, information flows from one P to R (or visa versa) and R
> then validates the information received with an authority figure.
Isn't this 4.2.4 restated?
> This is a
> common model used for financial transactions. A customer gives a VISA card
> to a vender (data from P to R), the vender then runs the data passed the
> vender bank which approves or denies the transaction. (R validates the
> information with I(R)).
This is a storyboard, and I touch on this in section 7.5. I clearly
think that the current implementation(s) are broken wrt to this
scenario. I also clearly need to re-write sections of 7.5. Regardless my
approach is to define the entities a bit differently than you do.
P : The vendor
I : The user/laptop/creditcard.
R : The credit card provider/bank. More specifically the customer's
"account" at the institution.
I see this an an example of I introducting P to R. In this storyboard
the introduction should include an authorization for a financial
transaction (details out of scope).
Clearly the vendor will only trust the R to come through with $$ if
there is a pre-existing association of some kind between P & R. At some
point P must have been introduced to the bank as a whole (not the
specific user account). This 'disjoint introducer' concept may certainly
help to clarify this -- but still the vendor is a P and the bank R.
> Is would also be the case of a signed packet coming
> across which then goes to an OCSP server to validate.
> Pretty pictioner
> I(r)<-->R<---P or
> I(p)<-->P<---R
> This model can be made bi-directional by running both at the same time.
Isn't this an example of an already established security relationship
between R & P? Not sure.
Time to end this mail for now,
- max
> Security Analysis: ...
> Jim
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