[ietf-enroll] Progress; not meeting in Seoul

Paul Hoffman / VPNC paul.hoffman at vpnc.org
Thu Feb 5 22:47:57 EST 2004

Greetings again. The list has been waaaay too quiet over the past few 
months. We need to find a way to make some forward progress. 
Suggestions  are welcome.

Given that we aren't even sure what our requirements are, I believe 
that it is not appropriate to have a face-to-face meeting until we 
have a clearer direction. Thus, I have not asked for a slot at the 
Seoul IETF meeting. This is not an admission of failure, just a 
strong prod for us to get our act together on the mailing list so 
that we can have more productive face-to-face meetings.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium

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