[ietf-enroll] Charter

Alper Yegin alper at docomolabs-usa.com
Tue May 27 14:53:27 EDT 2003

Reading the charter of SACRED, and messages on this mailing list, I think
there may be some overlap between the ENROLL protocol and server-based
SACRED protocol. The end-result might be some protocol re-use between the
two. Note that IPSRA was being considered for both protocols at some point.


> SACRED is about credential portability.  ENROLL is about getting the
> credential in the first place.
> Russ
> At 10:33 PM 5/25/2003 -0700, Alper Yegin wrote:
>> It'd be useful to understand how this work relates to or differs from the
>> work SACRED WG is doing. Any comments on this?
>> Alper
>> On 4/28/03 12:03 PM, "Jim Schaad" <jimsch at nwlink.com> wrote:
>>> Here is a candidate charter for people to take shots at.
>>> Description of Working Group:
>>> There are many cases where a user needs to obtain credential information
>>> from a service provider and provide for some type of information for
>>> validation of identity.  This working group will look at some of the
>>> cases dealing with the use of cryptographic algorithms for providing
>>> this information.
>>> When doing enrollment of a user against a service provider, three pieces
>>> of information need to be provided or created in order to support
>>> authentication of the user to the provider and to allow for additional
>>> security services to be provided any information exchanged.  These
>>> pieces of data are:
>>> 1.    The name of the entity being enrolled,
>>> 2.    A piece of keying information to be used
>>> 3.    A set of permissions for operations for the entity being
>>> enrolled.
>>> This group will create a model to be used in describing enrollment
>>> procedures and create a document for a framework how this is to be done.
>>> The group will then produce three documents profiling the use of the
>>> framework for the following cases:
>>> 1.    A shared secret key
>>> 2.    A base asymmetric key
>>> 3.    A bound asymmetric key (e.g. an X.509 certificate).
>>> Additionally, the group will consider the case of using a credit card
>>> profiling the framework.
>>> Goals and Milestones:
>>> Sept 2003    First draft of model
>>> Dec 2003    Last call on model document
>>> Nov 2003    First draft of Framework document
>>> April 2004    Last call on module document
>>> March 2004    First draft of secret key profile
>>> March 2004    First draft of bare asymmetric key profile
>>> March 2004    First draft of bound asymmetric key profile
>>> Aug 2004    Last call on secret key profile
>>> Aug 2004    Last call on bare asymmetric key profile
>>> Aug 2004    Last call on bound asymmetric key profile
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>> ietf-enroll at mit.edu
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