[I-mobile-u] iMobileU Interesting Stats

Andrew Yu andrew.yu at modolabs.com
Mon May 2 00:30:51 EDT 2011


Almost two years ago, we started iMobileU to share ideas and to collaborate on open source mobile development. What started as a small group of folks from a few universities grew to over 200 subscribers from 115 higher education institutions.

Here are some stats:
- 235 Total Subscribers
- 115 Universities 
- 100 from the U.S. and also from Australia, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Peru, Spain, Switzerland, U.A.E., United Kingdom
- Membership Growth (chart attached)
- Member Map (map image attached)

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all the members (present and past) who helped start and grow this community. I hope you will continue to participate and benefit from the community as we all move forward to the exciting future of mobile development.


p.s. We maintain a list of participating institutions and link to their sites at http://imobileu.org. If you would like to be added to the list, please let me (andrew.yu at modolabs.com) or Pete Akins (pete.akins at modolabs.com) know and we will update the site. 

Modo Labs, Inc.
Email: andrew.yu at modolabs.com
Phone: +1-617-398-0088
making mobile awesome for everyone

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