[I-mobile-u] Conference Call Tomorrow

Pete Akins pete.akins at modolabs.com
Thu Jan 13 13:09:26 EST 2011


We will be having our first bi-weekly conference call of 2011 tomorrow, January 14th, at 1:00pm Eastern. In addition to items by others, we will be discussing:

- Progress on the iMobileU mobile site
- Update on the Public GitHub repo

iMobileU Conference Call
1/13/2011 1:00pm EDT
(712) 432-0111 
Code: 143833#

We look forward to discussing these and other issues with you tomorrow.

We would also like to welcome some new members to the iMobileU community:
- University of Florida
- University of British Columbia
- UC San Diego
- Cal State - San Marcos
- Georgia State University
- Boston College
- University of Massachusetts - Amherst
- Suffolk University 
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of Rhode Island

We hope everyone can join in the call tomorrow. 

Pete Akins
Modo Labs, Inc.
pete.akins at modolabs.com
(617) 256-9976
making mobile awesome for everyone
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