[I-mobile-u] Update to Kurogo Universitas theme

Pete Akins pete.akins at modolabs.com
Sat Apr 9 00:35:31 EDT 2011

To users of Kurogo:

We have recently pushed an update to Kurogo that replaces the default site theme (Universitas) with newer graphic icons. The previous set of icons were licensed through iStockPhoto. We were assured that we would be able to include these assets in our open source application for others to use. After further discussion, including some disagreement from within iStockPhoto, it appears that although the license permits us to distribute the icons, it may not permit others to use or modify these icons in a non demonstration environment. To avoid any possible ambiguity we have decided to replace those icons with assets created by our own designers. These assets are included for you under the same MIT license as the Kurogo software (meaning you are free to use, copy or modify the icons in any way you like).

We imagine that most institutions will choose to make their own icons, but to make it easy for institutions to deploy sites with minimal effort, want to be sure that you can use our graphics as a starting point without encumbrance. If you would like to use the previous icons in your site, you should contact iStockPhoto to arrange a license for your use. 

We apologize for any inconvenience.


Pete Akins
Modo Labs, Inc.
pete.akins at modolabs.com
(617) 340-3807
making mobile awesome for everyone

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