[I-mobile-u] con call on june 4???

David R. Morton dmorton at u.washington.edu
Thu Jun 3 10:42:53 EDT 2010

We are starting a project that is looking at mobile authentication options and are interested in having a call with others to further that conversation and thoughts. We might be able to use tomorrow's call or we can schedule a call specifically for this topic.

In one of our calls a couple of months ago, we'd started a similar conversation and there was some talk about sharing documents, approaches and even code. Does anyone have any other source material to help get the ball rolling?

Please let me know what you think.


David Morton	
Director, Mobile Communication Strategies
University of Washington
dmorton at u.washington.edu
tel 206.221.7814

                  a fresh look at mobility

On Jun 3, 2010, at 7:06 AM, Michael R. Gettes wrote:

> If folks don't mind, I'd like to cancel tomorrow's call as
> MIT is prepping to push version 2 to Apple.
> Can we simply wait for 2 weeks from tomorrow?  Somewhere
> in all this I want to get time with Dave Olsen to begin
> discussing a merge of efforts.  We had a very nice call
> 2 weeks ago with Derek from PSU (i have the notes but
> have not yet posted them to the wiki).
> If anyone still wants to have the call - please speak
> up!
> /mrg<smime.p7s><ATT00001..c>

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