[I-mobile-u] Stakeholders

Dave Olsen dmolsen at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 06:30:24 EST 2010

At WVU we don't have a Steering Committee or Stakeholder Group. We've
gotten lucky that most of the information and expertise we needed to
launch our site was within one group. My experience has been that
their are a lot of people on campus who want to talk mobile but no one
who actually wants to make a commitment since usage is such an

If I had to pull together such a group though I think I'd evaluate
what content I'd want to launch with and other quick wins in the
short-term after launch and have them included. The one thing I will
say is that while something academic like Stellar from MIT is
fantastic to have their are probably going to be a lot of hurdles in
getting similar functionality built into your own apps so maybe
academics or instructional technology are left out at the beginning
but brought in as time goes on.

I'd also skip Alumni and Admissions but that's just because I don't
think they'd offer relevant mobile content. Just think about the
*tasks* you expect people to make when they're out and about in a
mobile environment. Browsing info isn't really among them (at least
that we've found). Though if you have ideas on how you'd expect to
leverage their content I'm all ears as I'm really curious to find ways
to utilize it.

Oh, and if University Relations includes your news group it'd probably
be good to pander to them a little bit just in the sense of using them
to publicize your work. Getting the word out is the big obstacle in
getting people to use and return to your mobile site.

So I would include University Relations, whoever maintains your
calendar, whoever maintains your directory, and whoever maintains your
campus map as your initial stakeholders. Get content out there and
then do a tour of the other units you mentioned and invite them to
partake in your already launched project.

PS - I just realized that this sort of assumes you're going to do
mobile web based on MITs project. If you're looking for a general
mobile strategy having academics early would make sense since they'd
probably push for an already developed product like Blackboard.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 5:36 PM, John Spadaro <john_spadaro at brown.edu> wrote:
> Do any of you have Steering Committees or Stakeholder Groups to help plan or
> govern your mobile sites?  If you have one, what roles are represented.  If
> you don't have one, what groups do you think should be represented?  Student
> Life?  Instructional Technology? Alumni Development?  Admissions? Library?
> University Relations?
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