[gwaMIT] gwaMIT Newsletter: March 22, 2021
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Mar 22 15:26:17 EDT 2021
gwaMIT Newsletter
March 22nd, 2021
We at gwaMIT celebrate the contributions of all members of our community. We want to condemn hate crimes against Asian American individuals that have been highlighted in the news recently. We acknowledge the sheer unfairness and the danger of these events and the pain they cause, and counter it with love and celebration of the achievements of incredible Asian Americans. Here’s a great list to start: https://www.ywcampls.org/all-our-voices-blog/20-asian-american-and-pacific-islander-women-to-know/
gwaMIT Healthcare Awareness Series
When: March 22nd – 26th, 2021
Details: We’re excited to announce that we will be holding a healthcare awareness series this month during the week of March 22nd - March 26th! There will be three panels, each one during a certain day of the week; these panels will focus on sexual and reproductive health (Monday, March 22nd), community healthcare specifically focusing on work being done to address racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare and improving health equity (Tuesday, March 23rd) and LGBTQ health and mental health (Friday, March 26th). We have an exciting lineup of speakers from healthcare workers at MIT as well as in the greater Boston area, and the sessions will be interactive with many chances to ask questions and engage in discussion. Lunch will be reimbursed (up to $15) and the sessions will be from 12-1 pm. If you’re interested, please RSVP here! You can attend any or all of the events, at your preference. (https://forms.gle/MvGkWbrccK6yJHoXA)
2021 gwaMIT Leadership Conference: Leading for the Future
When: April 5th – April 9th, 2021
Details: This year’s Leadership Conference, “Leading for the Future”, is poised to help you hone the leader in you, whether that be in industry, academia, entrepreneurship, or life. Through a series of hour-long events, we hope to help think about how to create better workplaces, navigate successful careers, and support each other along the way. Our events are free of charge and open to the MIT public. We are reimbursing up to $20 for food for the first 30 sign-ups for each event too! [Calendar Description automatically generated]
Check out our list of events below and go to https://gwamitconference.wixsite.com/gwamitleadership for more details. Some of the events have limited space, so register today!
* Mon 5th April, 12 PM to 1 PM: Keynote - Fireside chat with Dr. Maria Zuber: The Role of Science in Policy
Dr. Maria Zuber is the first woman ever to lead a science department at MIT, the first to lead a NASA planetary mission, and the first to co-chair PCAST, on how science and policy can work together to inform decisions that affect society. Join us to hear about her incredible career trajectory and how to leverage research for policy.
Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/science-for-policy-fireside-chat-with-dr-maria-zuber-tickets-146019643685>.
* Wed 7th April, 12 PM to 1 PM: Leadership Panel by Exponent
In a panel/Q&A, four MIT PhD alumnae at various stages of their career talk about taking leadership in their respective careers, developing leadership skills on their job as consultants, and traversing a transition from student-to-professional, especially during the pandemic.
Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leadership-panel-by-exponent-tickets-145965188809>.
* Wed 7th April, 5 PM to 6 PM: Graduate Women Networking + Deep Conversations
The COVID pandemic has left us feeling alone. Join fellow graduate students in a safe (Zoom) space for moderated conversation and breakout rooms, make connections!
Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/graduate-womxn-conversations-networking-tickets-146002875531>.
* Thu 8th April, 12 PM to 1 PM: Keynote - Build Your Army
Strong relationships are the key to fulfilling and successful careers. Dani Shulz, Margaret T. Fuller, and Neetu Bhatia give advice on (and answer questions about) building your network of mentors and cheerleaders in industry, academia, and entrepreneurship.
Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/build-your-network-tickets-145146371705>.
* Thu 8th April, 7 PM to 8 PM: Building Healthy Workplaces
This interactive session, in collaboration with Healthy Masculinities, discusses how to build happy and constructive workplaces in which everyone can thrive. Bring a friend, labmate, or partner -- men are especially welcome to attend!
Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-healthy-workplaces-with-healthy-masculinities-tickets-145889697011>.
* Fri 9th April, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM: Path to Professorship
Professors Karen Zheng (Sloan) and Katie Galloway (ChemE) demystify the path to professorship: how to build a successful career in academia, find mentors and collaborators, and manage time.
Register here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/path-to-professorship-tickets-145965140665>.
Joint event with Healthy Masculinities: Building healthy work environments
At our upcoming virtual gwaMIT Leadership Conference (April 5-9, 2021), we will be hosting a joint event with DUSP Healthy Masculinities to discuss and learn more about how to build healthy work environments for women and other marginalized identities, and the roles that men can play in that.
To help us shape this event, we invite you to share your own experiences with hostile or healthy workplace/lab cultures in this brief anonymous form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDyXm4sDmXeGHN71-lGz2lcfq_r44WWzID8sUKtcoaVtIzAA/viewform?usp=sf_link>. Questions/comments? Please email them to gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu>. The form will close on Monday, March 22nd.
Building a Supportive Community for LBGTQ+ People
When: April 21st 7-8 PM EST via Zoom
Details: What can we do to help create a community that is supportive of LBGTQ+ people? Join other graduate womxn at MIT in this discussion, facilitated by Nina Foushee, graduate assistant for LBGTQ+ services at MIT. In the RSVP form you can include specific questions or scenarios that you’d like to explore during the discussion. The first 15 people to sign-up will have the option to receive a book from MIT’s office of LBGTQ+ services. Dinner will be reimbursed (tax excluded) up to $10 for the first 50 sign ups. Please RSVP here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeWn09SMY9sZ3IEaMB5RUdz0z8pp94lmsKgr3zcsvq70wJmuQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>.
Post Doc and Graduate Student Recruitment for gwaMIT Black Womxn in Science Panel
When: April 30, 2021 12-1:15 PM
Details: gwaMIT is organizing an event to highlight Black Womxn in science at MIT and beyond -- this will be in the form of a panel with faculty, industry professionals, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students. The event will be held on Friday April 30 from 12 PM to 1:15 PM ET. We are hoping to have 1-2 post-doctoral fellows and 1-2 graduate students share their experience at MIT. During this panel, there will be a brief introduction by the panelists followed by small breakout rooms where each panelist will be in a group with ~5 graduate students for questions and discussion. Lunch will be reimbursed.
If you are interested in participating and/or have suggestions for this event, please reach out via email to gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu>. In addition, if you think a friend of yours would be interested you can nominate them by emailing us or forward them this information so that they can contact us if interested.
Meet the Department Reps!
[A person holding a teddy bear Description automatically generated] Lily Liu / Operations Research
Please tell us about your research interests. I’m currently working on maximizing technology adoption through farmers’ social networks. In general, I’m interested in Operations Research for social good with applications in public policy, and behavioral operations.
Who is your favorite womxn from history or the present times, and why? My fellow Cornellian, RBG is my role model. She not only had a super successful career and fought for gender equality, but also had a balanced relationship with her husband Marty.
What do you like about being a gwaMIT Rep? As a first-year PhD student, being the gwaMIT department rep is a great opportunity for me to get connected with both students in my department and other womxn’s groups in other departments at MIT.
Did you know? Womxn-related news from around the world
These five MIT Sloan alumnae are working to get more women into hiring pipelines<https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/5-ways-female-leaders-are-supporting-women-business> and to create more inclusive spaces for those behind them.
On the one-year anniversary of its digital launch, Women in Innovation and STEM Database at MIT (WISDM) has selected 20 fellows<https://news.mit.edu/2021/wisdm-announces-fellowship-program-0312> to take part in communication skills training with The Story Collider.
Events & Opportunities
1. Forum for Equity: Women’s Leadership in Higher Education (March 24th)
2. Womxn Leading Social Change Conference (March 25th, 30th, and 31st)
3. Become a member of the gwaMIT Executive Board! (apply by April 2nd!)
4. Graduate and Postdoc Women’s Fellowship at D. E. Shaw Research (May 13th – 14th)
5. Upcoming BCG Events and Opportunities (apply now!)
6. Spring Programs at the MIT Museum
7. Engineering Positions Open at Ouster (apply now!)
8. Grad Workshops in Technical Leadership (Spring 2021)
9. Spring 2021 LEAPS Courses (sign up today!)
10. CS jobs in MIT Digital Humanities Lab for Graduate / MEng Students (apply today!)
11. AI Teaching and Curriculum Internship at Inspirit AI: Summer 2021 (sign up now!)
12. "Amplify Your Technical Education to Build a Better World!” (sign up now!)
13. Become a gwaMIT Department Rep!
1. Forum for Equity: Women’s Leadership in Higher Education
When: March 24th, 3-4 PM EST
Details: MIT president emerita Susan Hockfield, Harvard president emerita Drew Faust, and Wellesley College president Paula Johnson will discuss challenges facing women leading colleges and universities, and offer insights on topics including equity and inclusion on campus. Register here<https://alumic.mit.edu/s/1314/17form/interior.aspx?sid=1314&gid=13&pgid=56001&content_id=63152#_ga=2.88281747.923721297.1613497283-2111951906.1604870424?utm_source=gwamit&utm_medium=partner>.
1. Womxn Leading Social Change Conference
The Margaret Cheney Room, PKG, SOLE, and other groups are collaborating to host a conference called “Womxn Leading Social Change,” which will highlight and analyze womxn’s roles and responsibilities in leading social change, inspire MIT womxn student leaders to drive change, and increase all MIT student leaders’ awareness of and commitment to feminism in their leadership.
* Join us for a Panel Discussion with womxn change makers from across MIT and beyond!
* March 25th, 6-7 PM EST
* Zoom: https://mit.zoom.us/j/97075058387
* Engage: https://engage.mit.edu/event/7009767
* Join us for a Workshop with student change makers from across MIT to learn feminist leadership practices and practical action items for driving social change on campus and beyond!
* March 30th, 6-7 PM EST
* Zoom: https://mit.zoom.us/j/94722984466
* Engage: https://engage.mit.edu/event/7009817
* Join us for a Closing Keynote as we are excited to be joined by Sheila Katz, the CEO of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW). Come learn about Sheila’s social change work advancing and advocating for the rights of women, children, and families around the world.
* March 31st, 6-7PM
* Zoom: https://mit.zoom.us/j/94536582780
* Engage: https://engage.mit.edu/event/7009824
1. Become a member of the gwaMIT Executive Board!
Want to get involved with gwaMIT, build your network, and collaborate with an incredible community of womxn graduate students? Apply to be part of the 2021-2022 gwaMIT Executive Board! We are accepting applications for the following Board positions: co-chairs, advocacy co-chair, treasurer, conference chair, membership chair, and outreach chair. The application form is available here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ew01qWCmkagbFJcujaysxp9Q4uMVSMzZMJh8-vFKEBA/edit>. There is a link to the official descriptions in the application form. The deadline to apply is 5pm on Friday, April 2nd.
1. Graduate and Postdoc Women’s Fellowship at D. E. Shaw Research
When: May 13th – 14th, 2021
Details: The Graduate and Postdoc Women’s Fellowship<http://www.deshawresearch.com/womensfellowship> at D. E. Shaw Research is a small gathering of select women graduate students and postdocs pursuing computational or theoretical research in chemistry, biophysics, or related fields. This is an opportunity for women working in these fields to make meaningful connections with other researchers from across the country, discuss their work with DESRES scientists, and explore our research projects in detail. Fellowship attendees will come together for two days of virtual activities, including technical presentations, talks by participants, career development discussions, and networking.
We offer a stipend to all Fellowship attendees. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the event will be held virtually this year and we will share the instructions for the virtual platform we’re using ahead of the event. The Fellowship will last approximately 5 hours in the afternoons (ET) on May 13 and 14, 2021.
To learn more please visit our website<http://www.deshawresearch.com/womensfellowship>. To apply, please email your CV to DESRESFellowship at DEShawResearch.com<mailto:DESRESFellowship at DEShawResearch.com> with the subject line “DESRES Women’s Fellowship” by Monday, April 12, 2021. Within a few business days, you will receive an email with a link to an online questionnaire that will help us learn a bit more about you and give you the option of submitting a Flash Talk title and abstract. The deadline to submit your Flash Talk title and abstract is Friday, April 16, 2021.
If you have any questions about this event or our group, please feel free to contact Lukas Bane at Lukas.Bane at DEShawResearch.com<mailto:Lukas.Bane at DEShawResearch.com>.
D. E. Shaw Research (DESRES) is a New York–based independent research laboratory that conducts scientific research in the field of computational biochemistry. Our group is currently focusing primarily on long molecular dynamics simulations involving proteins and other biological macromolecules of potential interest from both a scientific and a pharmaceutical perspective. An integral part of our effort consists of designing and developing custom hardware and software to carry out this research. We are also pursuing drug discovery programs, leveraging the insights enabled by our novel technologies to focus on drug targets that span a range of therapeutic areas. Our team includes computational chemists and biologists, computer scientists and applied mathematicians, and computer architects and engineers, all working collaboratively within a tightly coupled interdisciplinary research environment under the leadership of our chief scientist David Shaw. For more information about the group, please visit www.DEShawResearch.com<http://www.DEShawResearch.com>.
1. Upcoming BCG Events and Opportunities
Bridge to BCG
What: Bridge to BCG<https://www.bcg.com/en-us/careers/students/adc-bridge-to-bcg.aspx> is an immersive workshop experience designed to help ADCs test-drive the BCG project team experience. You will have the opportunity to learn more about BCG and consulting as well as network with BCG consulting staff and other ADC participants interested in consulting.
When: May 24, 2021 to May 27, 2021
Eligibility: The workshop is open to:
* PhDs, JDs, and postdocs currently attending US or Canadian schools and looking to start working full-time in late 2021 or in 2022
* MDs, MD/MBAs, medical residents/interns, and physicians (who’ve been practicing for less than 5 years), looking to start working full-time between late 2021 and 2023
Apply: Apply here<https://www.bcg.com/en-us/careers/students/adc-bridge-to-bcg> by March 30, 2021
Full-Time Consulting Roles – Start by June 2021
We are currently seeking candidates for our full-time consulting roles that can start full-time between March 2021 and June 2021. We are reviewing applications on a rolling basis and encourage you to apply as soon as possible. Learn more and apply here<https://www.bcg.com/en-us/careers/students/adc-application-process>.
Discover Women at BCG
Learn more about Women at BCG firsthand from a panel of Advanced Degree consultants. You will learn about our global best-in-class career development, mentorship, networking programs to help you excel – personally and professionally.
March 23rd at 6:00pm ET
REGISTER HERE<https://talent.bcg.com/Events?folderId=10039945&source=Event>
Are you an Advanced degree student at Harvard or MIT? If so, you can soon register for coffee chats & webinars just for Harvard/MIT students. We will share these events by March 1st.
Harvard/MIT Coffee Chats
Chat with a BCG consultant in a small group setting to learn more about consulting and BCG.
Coming soon!
1. Spring Programs at the MIT Museum
Movie Nights <https://mit.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8f096ffcb76b3882760cf1589&id=3281996314&e=959266bc83>
Our monthly series, Movie Nights, combines great flicks with lively conversation all from the comfort of your own home.
Virtual Idea Hub<https://mit.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8f096ffcb76b3882760cf1589&id=5ee383910a&e=959266bc83>
Looking for some creative hands-on learning experiences you can do from your kitchen table? Our weekly series brings making and tinkering fun from our Idea Hub makerspace straight to your home. Build, create, tinker, and engineer in activities designed for families with children in grades 4 and up.
Cambridge Science Festival<https://mit.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8f096ffcb76b3882760cf1589&id=611816fab4&e=959266bc83>
Get ready for a month-long celebration during this year’s Cambridge Science Festival. Create your own 30-day challenge to connect with science, join with community members, partners, and others in cool STEAM activities, and share stories of science and why it matters through art, video, podcasts, and more. And don’t forget our annual Curiosity Challenge, providing an opportunity for kids ages 5-14 to wonder, imagine, and share what they are curious about.
1. Engineering Positions Open at Ouster
At Ouster<https://ouster.com/>, we build sensors and tools for engineers, roboticists, and researchers so they can make the world safer and more efficient. We've transformed LIDAR from an analog device with thousands of components to an elegant digital device powered by one chip-scale laser array and one CMOS sensor. The result is a full range of high-resolution LIDAR sensors that deliver superior imaging at a dramatically lower price. Our advanced sensor hardware and vision algorithms are used in autonomous cars, drones and many other applications. If you’re motivated by solving big problems, we’re hiring key roles across the company and need your help!
We are looking for a Systems Engineer, Data (software) Engineer, Firmware Analytics Engineer, and a FPGA Hardware Engineer. Check out the job listings and descriptions in the following link: https://ouster.com/careers/
1. Grad Workshops in Technical Leadership (Spring 2021)
The Graduate Program in Engineering Leadership Program is pleased to announce our Graduate Certificate in Technical Leadership Workshop Series for Spring 2021. These workshops will run virtually and here is a link to descriptions for each.<https://gelp.mit.edu/gel-grad-spring-2021>
We invite you to register and attend our series, which count toward satisfying requirements toward our certificate.<https://gelp.mit.edu/grad-students/graduate-certificate-technical-leadership-interim-requirements> Most of the workshops will be held from 5:30pm-7:30pm.
* Technical Leadership and Finance: What Technical Leaders Need to Know About Dollars and Sense - Led by Olivier L. de Weck on Tuesday, April 6
* Foundations for Ethical Action and Integrity in Engineering - Led by James Magarian on Wednesday, April 14
* Managing Up Your Advisor or Supervisor - Led by Diana Chien and Jesse Dunietz on Tuesday, April 27
* Taking Charge of New Roles: Strategies for Your First 90 Days - Led by David Niño and Albert Atkins on Tuesday, May 11
*If you are interested in registering for one or all of our workshops, please email Lisa Stagnone at lstag at mit.edu<mailto:lstag at mit.edu>
1. Spring 2021 LEAPS Courses
Registration is now open for the Spring 2021 LEAPS courses on Navigating science career journeys with LEAdership and Professional Strategies & Skills Training (8.S396 & 8.S397; listed as “Special Subject: Physics” — long story, weird name, but it’s LEAPS!). These are two half-semester courses to ease participation amidst everyone’s busy research life and various responsibilities. The two parts can be taken separately or together. We strongly recommend taking both parts, though, for participants to receive the full training and to make best use of this unique opportunity! Part I starts on Tuesday Feb 16, 9:30am.
8.S396 for Part I — Sharpen Your Professional Strategies & Skills (from Feb 16 to Apr 1, 2021)
8.S397 for Part II — Developing Your Leadership Competencies (from Apr 6 to May 20, 2021)
Open to all Graduate Students and Postdocs at MIT, particularly for School of Science members. The course will be co-facilitated by groups of selected postdocs who are learning to teach this course. More information can be found on our website https://physics.mit.edu/mitleaps/. Interested folks can connect with us via mitleaps at gmail.com<mailto:mitleaps at gmail.com>. Women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to register for these courses.
1. CS jobs in MIT Digital Humanities Lab for Graduate / MEng Students
Grad Assistant in Digital Humanities @ MIT: The Graduate Assistant will work directly with the program's Technical Director to mentor the DH lab’s UROPs and assist them in implementing the work of the lab. They will also help lab staff to support the new Affiliated Faculty-UROP Program by holding office hours to consult on digital humanities projects happening across the School. Learn More: www.tinyurl.com/mitdhgrad<http://www.tinyurl.com/mitdhgrad>
Visiting Research Associate in Digital Humanities @ MIT: Seeking early-career software developer to work directly with the DH lab’s Technical Director to support our faculty and student research programs. Work collaboratively on project design and management, assist in the training and supervision of the lab’s undergraduate research cohort, and contribute directly to the codebase of lab projects. This position is ideally suited for a candidate with strong technical skills who seeks to apply them to humanistic inquiry. Learn More: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/18025
1. AI Teaching and Curriculum Internship at Inspirit AI: Summer 2021
At Inspirit<https://www.inspiritai.com/> AI<https://www.inspiritai.com/>, we’ve taught the fundamentals of artificial intelligence to 1200+ curious high-school students worldwide. Through the AI Scholars Live<https://www.inspiritai.com/liveonline> Online<https://www.inspiritai.com/liveonline> program, students learn about the technical and social challenges of AI, build machine learning models in Python, and complete projects<https://www.inspiritai.com/project> applying AI to social good, from assessing bias in the social justice system to identifying the origins of COVID-19. We’re excited for our biggest program yet in Summer 2021!
We’re seeking students or recent alumni with AI/ML experience to join our instructional team this summer. As a teaching and curriculum intern, you’ll:
Teach AI to high-school students worldwide, mentoring small groups.
Help develop and improve our curriculum<https://www.inspiritai.com/liveonline>: for example, creating new machine learning projects or presentations about your research.
Build your skills in AI, teaching, and curriculum development.
Join the Inspirit team<https://www.inspiritai.com/team> of passionate instructors from Stanford, MIT, and more.
Receive training on teaching our curriculum and competitive compensation based on your background and experience.
Work remotely, 15-40 hours per week.
We’re looking for:
AI experience: At least one AI/ML course (like Stanford CS229/CS230 or MIT 6.036) and some AI experience in research or industry, or equivalent.
Teaching skills: experience teaching or tutoring. Bonus: experience working with teenagers, teaching CS, creating curriculum, and/or teaching remotely.
Availability on weekends May 8 - Aug. 15 or weekdays June 7 - Aug. 13 (with some flexibility). Multiple time<https://www.inspiritai.com/liveonline> slots<https://www.inspiritai.com/liveonline> are available.
Enthusiasm for mentoring high school students across the globe and joining the Inspirit community!
If interested, please fill out this<https://forms.gle/vSCNKYq9ZxAworXZ8> brief form<https://forms.gle/vSCNKYq9ZxAworXZ8>, and feel free to email adeesh at stanford.edu<mailto:adeesh at stanford.edu> and daniela.inspiritai at gmail.com<mailto:daniela.inspiritai at gmail.com> with any questions. Looking forward to hearing from you!
1. "Amplify Your Technical Education to Build a Better World!”
Leadership education develops skills applicable across career paths, from leading research labs to leading project teams in engineering. Enroll in one or both of our Graduate Engineering Leadership Courses for Spring 2021, which qualify towards our Certificate in Technical Leadership.<https://gelp.mit.edu/grad-students/graduate-certificate-technical-leadership-interim-requirements> This certificate is designed to provide important skills that MIT graduate students can draw from to "make a positive difference" in their chosen careers. Grounded in research but experimental and engaging in delivery, these highly valued classes will provide enduring benefits for our graduate students – and future coworkers. *PhD candidates can also explore the option of using these class to satisfy the requirements for your doctoral minor.
Graduate Engineering Leadership Courses for Spring 2021 (**Open to all grad students!):
6.928J Leading Creative Teams<http://gelp.mit.edu/grad-creative-teams>
It takes a team to deliver impactful technical achievements and this class equips students with foundational skills for leading problem-solving teams and one’s own professional development.
M/W, 2:30-4pm EDT | Virtual | Units: G3-0-6
Instructor: David Nino (dnino at mit.edu<mailto:dnino at mit.edu>)
6.S979 Multi-Stakeholder Negotiation for Technical Experts<https://gelp.mit.edu/6s979-multi-stakeholder-negotiation-technical-experts>
Expand your natural tendencies and learn experientially both the theory and practice of interpersonal negotiation, influence and overcoming difficult relationship situations.
T, 2-4pm EDT | Virtual | Units: G2-0-4 |
Instructors: Samuel (“Mooly”) Dinnar (sdinnar at mit.edu<mailto:sdinnar at mit.edu>)
***For more information, visit our website. <https://gelp.mit.edu/grad>
*If you are interested in earning our certificate, please email Lisa Stagnone (lstag at mit.edu<mailto:lstag at mit.edu>) and David Niño (dnino at mit.edu<mailto:dnino at mit.edu>)
1. Become a gwaMIT department rep!
gwaMIT is accepting applications for the position of department representatives! As a gwaMIT department rep, you'll build connections across MIT and help in the personal & professional development of graduate womxn. It is also a powerful means to bring about department-level change and strive towards a more equitable and inclusive MIT. The position lasts for one year, with an option for renewal. Read more about the role and responsibilities here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BepM4QWy2tUO7ju1dkIOt69lb9wJb_DIs9Us_ljVqUA/edit>. Fill out the short application form here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxO1KrUGe7rS_tvZsAW8jOOMFNBnv5BdAi4ssn1svoKUqV9w/viewform>. Womxn who are members of underrepresented and minoritized groups are encouraged to apply. The departments with openings are: Sloan, ChemE, Arch, PolSci, HASTS, Humanities, Writing, NSE, CCWCE, CMS, CSB, MAS, CRE, CCE, CTL, EECS. If the position is currently filled, but you are still interested in being involved with gwaMIT, email us to let us know! We have multiple avenues for engagement in gwaMIT's activities and initiatives.
“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.”
-Serena Williams
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