[GWAMIT] GW@MIT Newsletter, September 17th, 2019
gwamit at mit.edu
Tue Sep 17 14:52:53 EDT 2019
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Events overview:
GW at MIT events:
1. Join GW at MIT’s planning committee for the Fall Empowerment Conference
2. Boston Women’s Film Festival with GW at MIT (Sept. 28th)
3. Save the date! Lam Research Networking Breakfast with GW at MIT (Oct. 11th)
4. Join the NE GWiSE Board (now!)
Women-related events and opportunities:
5. MAS.S76 Black Mobility and Safety in the US
6. MIT SWE 40th Anniversary Celebration (Sept. 19th)
7. “Can She Do It?” exhibit at the Massachusetts Historical Society (until Sept. 21st)
8. Join the MIT PKG Center for Community Conversations: Tech for Social Good (Sept. 24th)
9. Finding Inclusive Work Environments Panel (Sept. 25th)
10. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Module Now Open (until Sept. 27th)
11. SWE Tech Talk with United Technologies Research Center (Sept. 26th)
12. Women’s League Open House (Sept. 26th)
13. AAUW Start Smart Negotiation Workshop (Sept. 30th)
14. WISE Summit at Northeastern University (Oct. 5th)
15. Apply for a funded public service fellowship with the MIT PKG center (deadline Oct. 16th)
16. Fund It Forward Student Video Challenge (until Oct. 21st)
17. Graduate Student Life Grants (until Oct. 21st)
18. Cyclotron Road Activate Fellowship (applications open Oct. 1st – 31st)
19. MIT Women’s League Breakfast Series with Vivienne Sze (Oct. 23rd)
Did you know…?
“Crazy Rich Asians” female writer, Adele Lim, refused an offer to work on the movie’s sequel due to significant pay disparity with her male counterpart. The first “Crazy Rich Asians” movie received a lot of support<https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/04/26/an-all-asian-cast-and-no-martial-arts-why-the-crazy-rich-asians-movie-matters/> for having an all-Asian cast when it first came out and Lim was praised for ensuring the film’s authenticity. You can read more about her stand against the pay inequity here<https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2019/09/04/crazy-rich-asians-writer-says-she-is-leaving-because-pay-disparity-with-white-male-co-writer/?noredirect=on> and here<https://www.businessinsider.com/crazy-rich-asians-writer-leaves-sequel-says-due-to-pay-disparity-2019-9>.
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1. Join GW at MIT’s planning committee for the Fall Empowerment Conference
We are currently accepting sign ups<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSclYREMaQhOGHZy8XWPtQc_IbsdFAsu8Fx2lXj-nI9h0uG_HQ/viewform> to help plan our annual Empowerment Conference, to be held during Fall semester 2019:
*Co-Chairs: Conference Co-Chairs lead the committee members, set the conference theme, and oversee all general planning of the conference.
* Event Leads: Each conference has 4-5 Event Leads who each spearhead a single event (either an invited speaker, a panel, a workshop, etc.).
*Committee Members: attend regular meetings, contribute to theme brainstorming, logistics, publicity, and volunteer during events.
*Please note that the conference will be scheduled during the week of October 28--November 1
Please contact the GWAMIT Executive Board at gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu> if you have any questions. We also encourage you to read more about previous conferences and events on our website: https://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit/. We look forward to working with you!
2. Boston Women’s Film Festival with GW at MIT
When: Saturday, Sept. 28th, 12:30-3:30PM
Where: meet at Kendall T-stop at 12:30PM (movie from 1:00-2:45PM)
Sign-up: here<http://signup.mit.edu/829838720>, limited to 10 people, so sign-up soon!
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Movie tickets sponsored by GW at MIT!
We will watch the movie ‘Blowin’ Up’ by director Stephanie Wang-Breal. The movie zooms in on an experimental court in Queens that focuses on advocating for, rather than bringing to trial, women brought in on prostitution- and human trafficking-related charges, encouraging them to exit “the life.” The movie will be followed by a panel discussion! Join us for an empowering movie and post-movie discussion!
You can find the description and trailer of the movie here<https://www.bostonwomensfest.org/2019-film-festival/2019/9/28/blowin-up>.
3. Save the date! Lam Research Networking Breakfast with GW at MIT
Where: 12-0168
When: Oct 11th, 10-11 am
Keep an eye on this space for more information!
[See the source image]
4. Join the NE GWiSE Board!
Application: https://forms.gle/jMsREWRuDznjjHkj6
When: Now!
Website: www.negwise.wordpress.com<http://www.negwise.wordpress.com/>
Contact: mbird at mit.edu<mailto:mbird at mit.edu>
Interested in getting involved in a group of graduate women (who span 8 universities!) that advocates for improvements for grad women, networks across schools, and helps schools form GW at MIT-equivalent groups?
Join New England Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (NE GWiSE)! Our main events are an annual summer retreat focused on discussing the progress of the group and professional development and an advocacy event, "Spring to Action," focused on a specific topic (2018: Sexual Harassment, 2019: Mentorship, 2020: Diversity, Inclusion, & Intersectionality). Co-Chair (1), Media Director, Secretary, and Professional Development Chair positions are open. Womxn from underrepresented backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.
Fill out our interest form above or contact mbird at mit.edu<mailto:mbird at mit.edu> if you're interested! We're recruiting for the next board now!
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5. MAS.S76 Black Mobility and Safety in the U.S.
When: Thursdays 1–4 pm
This Fall semester the Poetic Justice group at MIT Media Lab will be offering a special topics course on Black Mobility and Safety in the U.S. on Thursdays 3–5 pm in E15-341.
In this two-part seminar and workshop, we’ll be exploring the various modes of being Black (physically, mentally, socio-economically, politically, etc), doing anything while Black (e.g. ‘driving while Black’) and racism through a series of words, images and sounds: readings (articles, books), screenings (films), listenings (songs, poetry readings), viewings (artworks, exhibitions, locally in-person and/or online), guest lectures, and discussions. Through workshops, students will develop multimedia from our discussions for print-on-demand zine using Are.na and custom plugins to automate page layouts. No art, design or technology skills needed.
Although this is a two-part course, the first part isn't required. This Fall, in part one, we'll explore Birthing while Black, Breathing while Black, Sleeping while Black, Walking while Black, Learning while Black. Then next Spring in part two we'll continue to Driving while Black, Voting while Black, Loving while Black, Dying while Black.
If you're interested in taking this course, please sign up: here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fZL3ETZvSfuWtnuHlHAba1MeZm3BQThAcIHdlE3_WUc/prefill>. Please share with anyone else who may be interested. In the meantime, you can see the work-in-progress syllabus here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/14fhTZY3rCjD2ACxT2q3OyKPOBbc3S82cVq_nlQkY2DA/edit?usp=sharing>. We held an informational session on Sept. 5 but students who did not attend can still register.
6. MIT SWE 40th Anniversary Celebration
When: Thursday, Sept. 19th, 7-9PM
Where: E15, Lower Atrium
RSVP: here<https://tinyurl.com/swestudent40> by September 18th
This year, in honor of our 40th Anniversary, MIT SWE will be holding a celebration for SWE students, alumni and our sponsors on September 19, 2019 from 7-9 pm at E15 Weisner Building (20 Ames Street, Cambridge, MA 02139), Lower Atrium.
Enjoy an evening of networking with our sponsors<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KOtB3Bl9UxfyjCtWFFhWTsg7uAIG-rb2kHl8DCMbuGM/edit?usp=sharing> and go down memory lane in our MIT SWEStory Corner.
Please RSVP<https://tinyurl.com/swestudent40?fbclid=IwAR2QBfiSDiqQhkpGM0-h5b9I_m79-MsYq4IlH6brem4Ik5zUCjPI7QhjavI> by September 18 to attend. Undergraduate and graduate students welcome!
Attire: Business/ Business Casual. Hors d'oeuvres will be served.
Questions? Contact swe-exec at mit.edu<mailto:swe-exec at mit.edu>
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7. “Can She Do It?” Exhibit at the Massachusetts Historical Society
[Can She Do It? cartoon]
Colorful political cartoons, engaging campaign materials, and visual propaganda illustrate the passion of those who argued for and against women’s suffrage.
Commemorating 100 years since Massachusetts ratified the 19th Amendment, this exhibition at the Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) explores the activism and debate around women’s suffrage in Massachusetts. Featuring dynamic imagery from the collection of the MHS, “Can She Do It?” Massachusetts Debates a Woman’s Right to Vote illustrates the passion on each side of the suffrage question. The exhibition is open at the MHS April 26 through September 21, 2019, Monday through Saturday, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Learn more here<https://www.thebostoncalendar.com/events/can-she-do-it-massachusetts-debates-a-woman-s-right-to-vote>.
8. Join the MIT PKG Center for Community Conversations: Tech for Social Good
Register through Eventbrite<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pkg-community-conversations-tech-for-social-good-tickets-65828345353>
When: Tuesday, September 24th, 6:00-8:00pm
Where: MIT Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street, R&D Commons (4th Floor)
* Meet local organizations exploring the ways that computational tech (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science, Virtual Reality, etc) can be used for the social good and restricting tech’s potential for contributing to inequality and injustice.
* Connect with MIT students, staff, and faculty who are interested in getting involved.
* Network for internships, jobs, and research opportunities.
Join us for good food and conversation in good company!
9. Finding Inclusive Work Environments Panel
When: Sept. 25th, 6-7:30
Where: 4-231
RSVP: here<https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/334940/share_preview> (food will be provided)
Evaluating a Company’s Commitment to Equity during the Job Search
Choosing the right opportunity is a big decision and evaluating an organization’s commitment to creating an inclusive culture is valuable. CAPD is collaborating with the MIT’s ICEO to offer a panel discussion helping MIT students to understand how they can determine whether a potential employer engages in inclusive workplace practices. Attendees will hear from MIT Alumni as well as ICEO Special Advisor, Alyce Johnson to learn how to explore an organization’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion during the job search and interview process.
Tarikh Campbell – Workplace Inclusion Program Manager, Microsoft NERD
MIT Alum, SB Chemical-Biological Engineering
Danielle DeLatte, PhD – Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Draper Lab
MIT Alum, SB Aerospace Engineering with Information Technology
Alyce Johnson – Special Advisor in the Provost Office
Questions? Contact Tavi Sookhoo, CAPD Career Development Specialist (tsookhoo at mit.edu<mailto:tsookhoo at mit.edu>)
10. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Module Now Open!
The Office of the Vice Chancellor has partnered with the Division of Student Life to offer a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion online module for graduate students. The effort stems from the Black Students’ Union (BSU)<https://mit.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=88f983a0e3c2a43fb2a2eabd0&id=301e37d8fb&e=4aaa2578c0> and Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) recommendations<https://mit.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=88f983a0e3c2a43fb2a2eabd0&id=d731dde014&e=4aaa2578c0> for a more inclusive MIT.
While the module is not required for continuing graduate students, we strongly encourage you to take it. The aim is to provide a shared understanding of terms and common issues, to teach you to identify unconscious bias, and to highlight helpful campus resources, affiliated offices, and programs.
Access to the course is now open via the MIT ATLAS Learning Center<https://mit.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=88f983a0e3c2a43fb2a2eabd0&id=466b4b349b&e=4aaa2578c0> using your Kerberos ID. The course will remain open through Friday, September 27.
Thank you for your active help in welcoming all to our healthy community!
11. SWE Tech Talk with United Technologies Research Center
When: Thursday, Sept. 26th, 12PM
Where: 2-143
RSVP: here<https://forms.gle/sZYLEBrDcgJNPcu78>
SWE will present an overview of UTRC’s Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Department research in the areas of Autonomy, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Computer Vision with applications in aerospace. We will also discuss employment and internship opportunities at PhD and MS levels in our locations in East Hartford CT, Berkeley CA, and Cork Ireland. UTRC employees conduct advanced research supporting our aerospace business units Pratt & Whitney (gas turbine engines) and Collins Aerospace (aerospace subsystems) in the areas of commercial aviation autonomy, unmanned systems, as well as product manufacturing and service. There will be lunch provided!!!
Questions? Contact joceshen at mit.edu<mailto:joceshen at mit.edu>
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12. Women’s League Open House
When: Thursday, Sept. 26th, 11:30AM-1PM
Where: 10-340 (Emma Rogers Room)
Register: here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-league-open-house-2019-tickets-66187441419>
Join us this fall as we kick off the semester with the Women’s League <https://wl.mit.edu/> Open House! A social event designed to bring together new members of the MIT community with Women’s League members and friends. This is a chance to get to know the League, find out about the programs, activities and volunteer opportunities we offer, and connect with friends. Longing for Book Discussion? Nifty with knitting and looking for a crafting group? Interested in lectures and tours? Looking for a way to give back? This is the place to come and learn all about what we have to offer.
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13. AAUW Start Smart Negotiation Workshop
When: Monday Sept. 30th, 12:30-2PM
Where: 4-261
Register: on Handshake<https://app.joinhandshake.com/login>
Don't leave money on the table! Attend an AAUW Start Smart Workshop to learn:
• About the wage gap, including its long-term consequences on your career
• How to identify and articulate your personal value
• How to develop an arsenal of persuasive responses and other negotiation strategies
• How to conduct objective market research to benchmark a target salary and benefits
This CAPD event is open to MIT undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and alumni. Registration requested via Careerbridge<https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/345761> (powered by Handshake).
14. WISE Summit at Northeastern University
When: Saturday, Oct. 5th
Where: Northeastern University
Register: here<https://www.northeastern.edu/wise/wise-summit-2/>
The Women’s Interdisciplinary Society of Entrepreneurship (WISE)<https://www.northeastern.edu/wise/> will be hosting their first ever summit! The theme is “Stronger Together,” as this event will bring together young women across the Boston community to explore entrepreneurship through an interdisciplinary lens. In addition to lightning talks and keynotes, the Summit will feature a series of workshops taught by industry leaders so attendees can explore a new skill.
For more information please contact northeasternwise at gmail.com<mailto:northeasternwise at gmail.com>
15. Apply for a funded public service fellowship with the MIT PKG Center
Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 16th at noon
The Fellowships program supports MIT students (both undergrad and grad) working on capacity-building service projects. Students work with community-focused organizations, including non-profits and social enterprises. These can include a student's own social enterprise.
What can you do? Follow your passion and benefit a community in need! You can intern with a community-focused organization, create or continue your own project, or find project ideas through our website.
We welcome a wide range of service projects and support work in the U.S. and abroad.
Find out more details here<https://studentlife.mit.edu/pkgcenter/fellowships>
Come to a drop-in session to get feedback on your application: Fridays 11:30-1:00 (W20-549) Can't make these times? Email Ariana (aricarte at mit.edu<mailto:aricarte at mit.edu>).
Questions? Contact Alison (hynd at mit.edu<mailto:hynd at mit.edu>) or Ariana (aricarte at mit.edu<mailto:aricarte at mit.edu>)
16. Fund It Forward Student Video Challenge
The Fund It Forward Student Video Challenge<https://www.sciencecoalition.org/student-video-challenge/> is open now until Oct. 21!
Cash prizes ($500-$1000) will be awarded to the top three graduate and undergraduate student winners, with an additional people’s choice award for the finalists. (MIT is a member of The Science Coalition.)
Enter today! More details can be found on the website. https://www.sciencecoalition.org/student-video-challenge/
Participant questions can be directed to tsc at sciencecoalition.org<mailto:tsc at sciencecoalition.org>.
[The Science Coalition]
17. Graduate Student Life Grants
Funds to foster positive student faculty interactions! We fund numerous events/programs that enhance graduate experience at MIT.
Since 2002, the Graduate Student Life Grants program has been a successful request-for-proposal process that invites graduate students, spouses, faculty, and staff to submit creative ideas that kick-start community-building projects.
For the 2019-2020 academic year, the GSLG program invites only proposals for projects that foster positive student – faculty interactions at the research group, center, department, or inter-departmental level. Some possible examples include mentoring programs, communication workshops, and student-faculty networking events. Proposed ideas can be student-centered, faculty-centered, or student/faculty-centered.
More details and the application can be found here: https://oge.mit.edu/community/gslg/
The application deadline is Monday, October 21, 2019. Proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel; authors could be asked clarifying questions; funding decisions for approved proposals will be released in early December 2019.
Please contact us with any questions: gslg at mit.edu<mailto:gslg at mit.edu>
18. Cyclotron Road Activate Fellowship
Starting in the spring of 2020, Activate<https://www.activate.org/>, which has co-managed Cyclotron Road with Berkeley Labs since 2016, is expanding the Activate Fellowship to Boston. Activate will accept applications for both sites—Cyclotron Road and Activate Boston—from October 1 to October 31. See the press release here<https://www.activate.org/news/ilan-letter>.
Folks who want to know more should go over to the Activate website and check out the info on the fellowship<https://www.activate.org/fellowship> and on what is needed to apply<https://www.activate.org/apply>.
[cid:image018.jpg at 01D56D67.91B1DEF0] [Cyclotron Road]
19. Women’s League Breakfast Series with Vivienne Sze
When: Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 8-9:30AM
Where: Emma Rogers Room, 10-340
RSVP: email wleague at mit.edu<mailto:wleague at mit.edu>
Cost: $12 pp
Twice–yearly women in the MIT community are invited to informal "breakfast talks." Known as the Breakfast Series, they are occasions when women faculty and administrators explore the role of women in the academy, sharing the pathways their professional lives have taken — the people and events that have influenced their direction.
Vivienne Sze our Fall speaker is an associate professor at MIT in the electrical engineering and computer science department. Her research interests include energy-aware signal processing algorithms, and low-power circuit and system design for portable multimedia applications. Prior to joining MIT, she was a member of technical staff in the R&D Center at Texas Instruments (TI), where she designed low-power algorithms and architectures for video coding.
She received the Jin-Au Kong Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Prize in electrical engineering at MIT in 2011. She is also a recipient of the 2017 CICC Outstanding Invited Paper award, the 2017 Qualcomm Faculty Award, the 2016 IEEE Micro Top Picks award and the 2016 Google Faculty Research Award.
Prof Sze is developing energy efficient hardware optimized for AI that will allow us to move intelligence computing from the Cloud to Edge devices.
Breakfast is served promptly at 8:00am. Cost is $12 per person. Please email wleague at mit.edu<mailto:wleague at mit.edu> to reserve, and to note any dietary restrictions.
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