[GWAMIT] GW@MIT Newsletter, October 1st, 2019
gwamit at mit.edu
Tue Oct 1 09:22:03 EDT 2019
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Events overview:
GW at MIT events:
1. Lam Research Networking Breakfast with GW at MIT (Oct. 11th)
2. Fall 2019 GW at MIT General Board Meeting (Oct. 21st)
3. Join the NE GWiSE Board (now!)
Women-related events and opportunities:
4. Women in Engineering: P&G/Gillette Stories of Our Journey (Oct. 1st)
5. The MIT & Epstein Student Forum (Oct. 1st)
6. Faculty letter on MIT’s ties to Epstein
7. STEM IQ (Inclusive Intelligence): Leveraging Classroom and Campus Inclusion for Engagement, Collaboration, and Education (Oct. 3rd)
8. Stress Less, Feel Better at the Cheney Room (Oct. 4th)
9. WISE Summit at Northeastern University (Oct. 5th)
10. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Workshop (Oct. 8th)
11. Women in Data Science and Data Engineering Panel (Oct. 8th)
12. Infinite Careers: Natalya Bailey (Oct. 9th)
13. Apply for a funded public service fellowship with the MIT PKG center (deadline Oct. 16th)
14. Fund It Forward Student Video Challenge (until Oct. 21st)
15. Graduate Student Life Grants (until Oct. 21st)
16. Cyclotron Road Activate Fellowship (applications open Oct. 1st – 31st)
17. MIT Women’s League Breakfast Series with Vivienne Sze (Oct. 23rd)
Did you know…?
This year, Pixar released a short film called “Purl” about a new employee who has trouble fitting in to a company’s “bro-tastic” culture. Though cute and lighthearted, this short has powerful messages about creating an inclusive work environment. Watch it here<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6uuIHpFkuo>!
[See the source image]
Image credit: https://thedisneyblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/purl-pixar-short-1.jpg
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1. Lam Research Networking Breakfast with GW at MIT
Where: 12-0168 (Nano Lab)
When: Oct 11th, 10-11 am
RSVP: in Handshake<https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/334953> via QR code
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2. GW at MIT General Board Meeting (GBM)
When: Monday, Oct. 21st, 5:30-7:30PM
Where: 4-153
RSVP: here<https://forms.gle/gawABVmhLPgtSpsVA>
Join GWAMIT for our General Board Meeting! You'll get to hear more about GWAMIT, hear from MindHandHeart about their new Department Support Project, meet women across departments including our GWAMIT department reps, and get free dinner! RSVP at the link above.
3. Join the NE GWiSE Board!
Application: https://forms.gle/jMsREWRuDznjjHkj6
When: Now!
Website: www.negwise.wordpress.com<http://www.negwise.wordpress.com/>
Contact: mbird at mit.edu<mailto:mbird at mit.edu>
Interested in getting involved in a group of graduate women (who span 8 universities!) that advocates for improvements for grad women, networks across schools, and helps schools form GW at MIT-equivalent groups?
Join New England Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (NE GWiSE)! Our main events are an annual summer retreat focused on discussing the progress of the group and professional development and an advocacy event, "Spring to Action," focused on a specific topic (2018: Sexual Harassment, 2019: Mentorship, 2020: Diversity, Inclusion, & Intersectionality). Co-Chair (1), Media Director, Secretary, and Professional Development Chair positions are open. Womxn from underrepresented backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply.
Fill out our interest form above or contact mbird at mit.edu<mailto:mbird at mit.edu> if you're interested! We're recruiting for the next board now!
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4. Women in Engineering: P&G/Gillette Stories of Our Journey
When: October 1st, 4-5:30PM
Where: 36-156
RSVP: here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-in-engineering-pg-and-gillette-stories-of-our-journey-tickets-74150057819>
Come hear from engineering leaders from P&G and Gillette about their unique industry career paths. Panelists include: Jeff Allen, Global Engineering Program Manager; Karan Dyson, Global Grooming Process and Engineering Dir.; Chloe Henderson, Offline Methods Design & Delivery Engineer; Heather Reis, Senior Human Resources Manager; Roberta Rybicki, Online Instrumentation Engineering Manager; Crystal Sekerak, Global Grooming Process and Engineering Associate Dir.; and Kim Shore, Global Capital Systems Manager.
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5. MIT & Epstein Student Forum
When: Oct. 1st, 7-8:30PM
Where: 10-250
RSVP: via Engage<https://engage.mit.edu/event/4982479>
Discuss with MIT's senior administration how the issues that have surfaced in the past several weeks have impacted the student community
Share with President Reif, Chancellor Barnhart, and deans and department heads from across MIT what your thoughts are
Use this dedicated space for student voices
Remember to RSVP for the event through Engage
6. Faculty letter on MIT’s ties to Epstein
We are grateful for the leadership of MIT’s senior women faculty in writing this powerful letter<https://concernedatmit.weebly.com/?fbclid=IwAR2n3HLHRSScS-o0qumaJN0Ei5QEnY3959GZKKDvWJJqXBGZ03ICGEAItVI> to President Rafael Reif. They register a deep sense of disappointment at structures that enabled turning a blind eye to MIT’s relationship with Epstein, and draft a call to action for their redressal. You can express your support by signing the letter here<https://concernedatmit.weebly.com/?fbclid=IwAR2n3HLHRSScS-o0qumaJN0Ei5QEnY3959GZKKDvWJJqXBGZ03ICGEAItVI>.
7. STEM IQ (Inclusive Intelligence): Leveraging Classroom and Campus Inclusion for Engagement, Collaboration, and Education
When: October 3rd, 12-2PM
Where: W20-307 Mezzanine Lounge
Register: here<https://ome.mit.edu/calendar-events/discussion-dr-calvin-mackie>
Join us for a discussion with
Dr. Calvin Mackie, President and CEO, STEM NOLA
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Presentation will address the intentional, deliberate, and proactive acts that increase institutional inclusive intelligence by making people feel they “belong” and are “uniquely” valued. IQ is based on the idea that when inclusive behaviors are repeated and reinforced in an organization, thus becoming habits, the culture becomes increasingly inclusive and employees are engaged. Inclusive intelligence is built on the habits of being fair, open, cooperative, supportive, and empowering. If you do not intentionally, deliberately, and proactively include, you unintentionally exclude.
Refreshments will be served.
For more information about Dr. Mackie, click here<http://channelzro.com/about.htm>.
Co-sponsored by the Office of Minority Education, Institute Community and Equity Office, Office of Multicultural Programs, Human Resources, and MIT Libraries
8. Stress Less, Feel Better at the Cheney Room
When: Oct. 4th, 4-5PM
Where: The Margaret Cheney Room, 3-310
We are having a workshop on Friday, Oct 4, from 4-5 PM that will be facilitated by Zan Barry from MIT Medical, where you can learn to manage stress and practice techniques that can help enhance focus, relaxation and sleep quality.
Snacks and SWAG will be provided! See you there!
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9. WISE Summit at Northeastern University
When: Saturday, Oct. 5th
Where: Northeastern University
Register: here<https://www.northeastern.edu/wise/wise-summit-2/>
The Women’s Interdisciplinary Society of Entrepreneurship (WISE)<https://www.northeastern.edu/wise/> will be hosting their first ever summit! The theme is “Stronger Together,” as this event will bring together young women across the Boston community to explore entrepreneurship through an interdisciplinary lens. In addition to lightning talks and keynotes, the Summit will feature a series of workshops taught by industry leaders so attendees can explore a new skill.
For more information please contact northeasternwise at gmail.com<mailto:northeasternwise at gmail.com>
10. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Workshop
When: Tuesday, Oct. 8th, 12-1:30PM
Where: 1-132
RSVP: here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgi0vt5Owm3t37epNHK2K4qDqeYbbvGl5oTVfKI93-0Q4cgA/viewform>, limited to the first 30 people to sign up
Are you applying for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program?
Communication Fellows from the MIT Communication Lab (all of whom have firsthand experience applying to the NSF GRFP) are hosting a 1-hour workshop on effective application strategies.
The Fellows will discuss application details, provide examples of important information to include, and help you plan your own application. Immediately following the workshop, there will be an optional, 30-minute Q&A session for you to get any burning questions about the application process answered.
If you can’t make the workshop but would still like help from the Comm Lab in preparing your application, then we can still share materials with you. Also, check out online resources in the CommKit<https://mitcommlab.mit.edu/find-comm-labs/>, or find a Communication Lab in your discipline to schedule a one-on-one appointment with one of our Fellows.
11. Women in Data Science and Data Engineering Panel
When: Oct. 8th, 4:30-6PM
Where: 32-144
RSVP: here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-q3mI3LG40LPnJmiemnxOy-8nXGLZKeQIIY1c9USNJXVfxw/viewform>
Alumni Relations Subcommittee is putting together a panel on women in data science and engineering.
Five distinguished female data scientists and engineers with MIT grad degrees will speak about their experience working in the industries
Speakers include: Mariana Matus (PhD '18), Rebecca Kusko (BS '09), Marianne Menictas (Postdoc at Harvard University), Swetal Bhatt, and Morgan Taylor
The event is co-organized and hosted by Helena Zhang (PhD '19 Physics).
RSVP requested. Contact Richard Zhang (zrichard at mit.edu<mailto:zrichard at mit.edu>) for any questions
12. Infinite Careers: Natalya Bailey
When: Oct. 9th, 12-1:15PM
Where: 4-144
Register: here<https://app.joinhandshake.com/events/334953>
Infinite Careers is an alumni speaker series designed to expose students to a variety of career paths and the non-linearity of career decision making.
One such alumnus is Natalya Bailey, the Co-Founder and CEO of Accion Systems, which provides in-space propulsion engines for satellites/aircraft.
Natalya got her PhD in AeroAstro from MIT in 2014.
Registration requested to hear Natalya talk on October 9th at 12pm. Lunch will be provided.
Read Natalya's bio here: https://capd.mit.edu/alumni-profile-natalya-bailey<https://mit.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=cdee009ad27356d631e8ca5b8&id=16a1a74280&e=5622fce675>
13. Apply for a funded public service fellowship with the MIT PKG Center
Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 16th at noon
The Fellowships program supports MIT students (both undergrad and grad) working on capacity-building service projects. Students work with community-focused organizations, including non-profits and social enterprises. These can include a student's own social enterprise.
What can you do? Follow your passion and benefit a community in need! You can intern with a community-focused organization, create or continue your own project, or find project ideas through our website.
We welcome a wide range of service projects and support work in the U.S. and abroad.
Find out more details here<https://studentlife.mit.edu/pkgcenter/fellowships>
Come to a drop-in session to get feedback on your application: Fridays 11:30-1:00 (W20-549) Can't make these times? Email Ariana (aricarte at mit.edu<mailto:aricarte at mit.edu>).
Questions? Contact Alison (hynd at mit.edu<mailto:hynd at mit.edu>) or Ariana (aricarte at mit.edu<mailto:aricarte at mit.edu>)
14. Fund It Forward Student Video Challenge
The Fund It Forward Student Video Challenge<https://www.sciencecoalition.org/student-video-challenge/> is open now until Oct. 21!
Cash prizes ($500-$1000) will be awarded to the top three graduate and undergraduate student winners, with an additional people’s choice award for the finalists. (MIT is a member of The Science Coalition.)
Enter today! More details can be found on the website. https://www.sciencecoalition.org/student-video-challenge/
Participant questions can be directed to tsc at sciencecoalition.org<mailto:tsc at sciencecoalition.org>.
[The Science Coalition]
15. Graduate Student Life Grants
Funds to foster positive student faculty interactions! We fund numerous events/programs that enhance graduate experience at MIT.
Since 2002, the Graduate Student Life Grants program has been a successful request-for-proposal process that invites graduate students, spouses, faculty, and staff to submit creative ideas that kick-start community-building projects.
For the 2019-2020 academic year, the GSLG program invites only proposals for projects that foster positive student – faculty interactions at the research group, center, department, or inter-departmental level. Some possible examples include mentoring programs, communication workshops, and student-faculty networking events. Proposed ideas can be student-centered, faculty-centered, or student/faculty-centered.
More details and the application can be found here: https://oge.mit.edu/community/gslg/
The application deadline is Monday, October 21, 2019. Proposals will be reviewed by a selection panel; authors could be asked clarifying questions; funding decisions for approved proposals will be released in early December 2019.
Please contact us with any questions: gslg at mit.edu<mailto:gslg at mit.edu>
16. Cyclotron Road Activate Fellowship
Starting in the spring of 2020, Activate<https://www.activate.org/>, which has co-managed Cyclotron Road with Berkeley Labs since 2016, is expanding the Activate Fellowship to Boston. Activate will accept applications for both sites—Cyclotron Road and Activate Boston—from October 1 to October 31. See the press release here<https://www.activate.org/news/ilan-letter>.
Folks who want to know more should go over to the Activate website and check out the info on the fellowship<https://www.activate.org/fellowship> and on what is needed to apply<https://www.activate.org/apply>.
[cid:image016.jpg at 01D57839.A821E400] [Cyclotron Road]
17. Women’s League Breakfast Series with Vivienne Sze
When: Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, 8-9:30AM
Where: Emma Rogers Room, 10-340
RSVP: email wleague at mit.edu<mailto:wleague at mit.edu>
Cost: $12 pp
Twice–yearly women in the MIT community are invited to informal "breakfast talks." Known as the Breakfast Series, they are occasions when women faculty and administrators explore the role of women in the academy, sharing the pathways their professional lives have taken — the people and events that have influenced their direction.
Vivienne Sze our Fall speaker is an associate professor at MIT in the electrical engineering and computer science department. Her research interests include energy-aware signal processing algorithms, and low-power circuit and system design for portable multimedia applications. Prior to joining MIT, she was a member of technical staff in the R&D Center at Texas Instruments (TI), where she designed low-power algorithms and architectures for video coding.
She received the Jin-Au Kong Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Prize in electrical engineering at MIT in 2011. She is also a recipient of the 2017 CICC Outstanding Invited Paper award, the 2017 Qualcomm Faculty Award, the 2016 IEEE Micro Top Picks award and the 2016 Google Faculty Research Award.
Prof Sze is developing energy efficient hardware optimized for AI that will allow us to move intelligence computing from the Cloud to Edge devices.
Breakfast is served promptly at 8:00am. Cost is $12 per person. Please email wleague at mit.edu<mailto:wleague at mit.edu> to reserve, and to note any dietary restrictions.
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