[GWAMIT] GW@MIT Newsletter, July 10th, 2019
gwamit at mit.edu
Wed Jul 10 08:08:53 EDT 2019
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Events overview:
GW at MIT events:
1. GW at MIT Summer Reads & Listens
2. GW at MIT Bike Trip with Ice Cream (July 13th)
3. GW at MIT Lunch with UROPs (July 15th)
4. In Conversation: Navigating the "Two-Body Problem" (July 17th)
5. Cyclotron Road women in STEM webinar with GW at MIT (July 23rd)
Women-related events:
1. OEOP SEED Program Paid Positions (applications open now!)
2. McKinsey & Company APD Application Deadline (July 14th)
3. The Inside Scoop on Graduate Student Professional Development (July 22nd)
4. MASS AWIS Potluck Picnic in the Park (August 3rd)
5. 8th Annual U.S. C3E Poster Competition (deadline Sept. 1st)
Did you know...?
2019's Miss Virginia winner is a STEM graduate and performed a chemistry experiment as her talent. She received a B.S. in biochemistry with a minor in Chemistry from Virginia Tech and is working on a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Her platform issue is drug safety and abuse prevention. Read more about this amazing scientist here<https://www.southernthing.com/biochemist-crowned-2019-miss-virginia-after-performing-science-experiment-as-talent-2639016914.html?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1>.
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1. GW at MIT Summer Reads & Listens
This week's picks:
Podcast: Harvard Business Review's Women at Work<https://hbr.org/2018/01/podcast-women-at-work>, Season 2, Episodes 1&2
Article: "It's not you - It's STEM entrepreneurship culture<https://sisterstem.org/2019/03/21/stem-entrepreneurship-culture/>" by Erin Kelley
If you have a suggestion for a podcast or article, please contact us here<mailto:mfunkenb at mit.edu?subject=GWAMIT%20Summer%20Reads%20&%20Listens%20Suggestion>.
2. GW at MIT Bike Trip with Ice Cream
When: Saturday, July 13th at 4PM (rain date July 14th)
Where: meet at Alewife T station
Sign-up: here<http://signup.mit.edu/268764383>, limited to 10 people
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Join us for a bike trip along the Minuteman bike path. We will stop for ice cream on the way and cover the cost. The bike path is 20 miles round trip. We will ride together as a group and be back by 8 pm.
Bring your own bike, helmet, bike lights, and water.
3. GW at MIT Lunch with UROPs
When: Monday, July 15th 12-1pm
Where: Bush Room, 10-105
Signup: Email mbird at mit.edu<mailto:mbird at mit.edu> - only a few slots available so first-come first-served!
Join GWAMIT for a casual (free!) lunch with summer undergraduate women researchers and a few visiting high school students to talk about what life is like in graduate school, what you're researching, and to make connections. The students are primarily in the departments of Biology, BE, Chemistry, ChemE, Brain & Cog., MechE, and Physics so graduate students in these fields are preferred.
Email mbird at mit.edu<mailto:mbird at mit.edu> to signup - only a few slots are available so first-come first-served!
4. In Conversation: Navigating the "Two-Body Problem"
When: Wednesday, July 17th from 12.30-1.30 pm. Lunch will be served!
Location: 16-220
Sign-up: here<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/in-conversation-navigating-the-two-body-problem-tickets-64996979716>
Image from https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/academic-couples-see-upsides-two-body-problem/
Description: Join us for a discussion with Professor Julia Ortony and recent MIT post-doc (and soon-to-be-professor) Dr. Allison Noble on navigating the 'two-body problem'! The two-body problem is a common issue that couples face when they try to find jobs in the same geographic location. Often, it involves some sort of compromise- for example either in pay, or trying to make long-distance work. Sometimes, it disproportionately affects women more. Learn from our guests on how they successfully navigated this issue in their lives! The best part is that through this we get the perspectives of both a professor at MIT and of an MIT post-doc who very recently dealt with this situation herself. The discussion is sure to give you some ideas on how to navigate such a situation of your own, irrespective of which career path you plan on taking up. Gear up for some great discussion over good food! And come with lots of questions!
[Julia Ortony][photo]
Prof. Julia Ortony is the Finmeccanica Career Development Professor of Engineering in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT. Before joining the materials department at MIT, Prof. Ortony obtained her Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Prof. Songi Han's group at U.C. Santa Barbara and carried out postdoctoral research at Northwestern University. Prof. Ortony's research group studies molecular design and self-assembly for applications related to environmental sustainability and human health.
Allison Noble is currently a postdoctoral researcher in astrophysics at the MIT Kavli Institute. Her research is aimed at understanding the evolution of galaxies within the context of environment, focusing on the cosmic epoch of 7 billion years ago, when the Universe was only half its current age. In particular, she observes the dense regions of galaxy clusters and the most massive galaxies in the Universe. In August, Allison will be joining the School of Earth and Space Exploration as an Assistant Professor at Arizona State University.
5. Cyclotron Road women in STEM webinar with GW at MIT
When: July 23rd, 3PM
Registration: here<https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/588517637?status=success>
Deadline: July 18th
[Cyclotron Road]<https://www.cyclotronroad.org/>
Cyclotron Road works to bridge a gap in support for scientists and engineers seeking to directly commercialize, or translate, their research advances into products that serve society. It does this by providing fellows two years of funding that includes a living stipend as well as health benefits, travel funds, and $100,000 in research funds. Fellows also collaborate with leading researchers, have access to world-class research facilities, and receive intensive training and mentorship.
Analysis<https://www.awis.org/leadership-report/> by the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) shows that there is near gender parity among doctorates in the U.S.-women actually slightly outnumber men-and that women earn notably more master's degrees. Yet, women hold significantly fewer leadership positions in STEM occupations. We believe more women-led technology startups, rooted in science, could help turn this tide.
To learn more about the program and how to apply, register to join the GWAMIT webinar on July 23, at 3ET/12PT.<https://lbnl.zoom.us/j/588517637> Please register by Thursday, July 18th.
Cyclotron Road is also planning to hold a Boston recruitment event in late summer/early fall. Details TBD. Please contact MC O'Connor at mc[at]cyclotronroad[dot]org if you are interested or have suggestions for a speaker or co-event.
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6. OEOP SEED Program paid positions open
Apply: here<https://staffapp.mit.edu/>
[Program Staff Application]<https://staffapp.mit.edu/>
Saturday Teaching and Mentoring Jobs!
Interested in a rewarding teaching experience? The MIT Office of Engineering Outreach Programs (OEOP) is currently seeking passionate undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, or working professionals who are committed to empowering middle and high school students with the skills and confidence to become future scientists and engineers. The OEOP runs academic enrichment programs for talented students from underrepresented backgrounds. You can learn more at http://oeop.mit.edu/.
We are currently seeking candidates for Facilitator<https://staffapp.mit.edu/pm/resource/eyJoZnJlIjogOTQ2Njg4ODksICJ2cSI6IDExMDIxNH0/>, as well as Instructor<https://staffapp.mit.edu/pm/resource/eyJoZnJlIjogOTQ2Njg4ODksICJ2cSI6IDExMDIwOH0/> and Teaching Assistant<https://staffapp.mit.edu/pm/resource/eyJoZnJlIjogOTQ2Njg4ODksICJ2cSI6IDExMDIxN30/> roles for the following courses in our Saturday enrichment program, SEED:
* Academic Mentoring Seminar<https://staffapp.mit.edu/pm/resource/eyJoZnJlIjogOTQ2Njg4ODksICJ2cSI6IDExMDIxMX0/>
* Materials Science
* Civil Engineering
* Computer Science
* Electronics
* A new project course to focus on one of the following: Architecture, Data Visualization, Computational Biology, Environmental Engineering, or Genomics
The SEED Academy program works with middle and high school students from public schools in Boston, Cambridge, and Lawrence. All positions are paid. For more information and to apply, please visit https://staffapp.mit.edu<https://staffapp.mit.edu/>!
7. McKinsey & Company APD Application Deadline
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The application deadline for graduate students seeking opportunities in 2020 is approaching on July 14th! Please see McKinsey's career website<https://www.mckinsey.com/careers/home>, or postings for each specific role below:
* 2020 full-time Associate <https://www.mckinsey.com/careers/search-jobs/jobs/associate-0000> role: PhDs, postdocs, MDs, JDs, and master's degree* candidates who plan to complete their program between December 2019 and December 2020 (or 2021 for MDs only)
* 2020 Summer Associate<https://www.mckinsey.com/careers/search-jobs/jobs/associateintern-14918> intern role: JDs only who are graduating in 2021
* 2020 MD Fellow<https://www.mckinsey.com/careers/search-jobs/jobs/mdfellow-19597> role: Medical students who are entering their third year of school (2021 graduates)
* The application deadline for technical roles<https://www.mckinsey.com/solutions/careers> is October 7th.
8. The Inside Scoop on Graduate Student Professional Development
When: Monday, July 22nd from 1-3PM
Where: La Sala De Puerto Rico (W20-202)
Link: here<https://calendar.mit.edu/event/the_inside_scoop_on_graduate_student_professional_development#.XRoF-OhKhPZ>
Calling all MIT Graduate Students! Come eat ice cream, socialize with your friends and colleagues, and learn about student professional development at MIT. Get the inside scoop on how you can engage with offices across the Institute to develop skills for personal and professional success while at MIT, and beyond. Over 15 offices and programs from across campus will be available to share resources and answer your questions.
9. MASS AWIS Potluck Picnic in the Park
[Association for Women In Science Massachusetts Chapter]<http://www.massawis.org/>[http://www.massawis.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/colorful-colourful-cool-128598-300x200.jpg]
When: August 3rd, 12-4 PM
Registration: here<http://www.massawis.org/event/summersocial_aug2019/>
Association for Women in Science Massachusetts Chapter is holding a potluck! Enjoy the outdoors, games, good food, and good company. Bring a dish to share - if you wish - and bring friends and family!
10. 8th Annual U.S. C3E Poster Competition - Awarding & Recognizing Women in Clean Energy
Date: November 13-14th
Application deadline: September 1st, 2019
Application: here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDpXMBxOzUJDZQucHBPy0L6t9lcm-o6w2VImeF7rxsmxYd_w/viewform>
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Details: Female undergraduates, graduate and postdoctoral students pursuing research in the clean energy sector are invited to apply! Entrants will submit their research for an opportunity to present their work on November 13-14, 2019, at the 8th Annual U.S. C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.
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