[GWAMIT] GW@MIT Newsletter, August 20th, 2019
gwamit at mit.edu
Tue Aug 20 09:02:17 EDT 2019
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Events overview:
GW at MIT events:
1. GW at MIT Summer Reads & Listens
2. GW at MIT Mentoring Committee Open Positions (apply now!)
3. Become a GW at MIT department rep (now!)
4. Save the date! Lam Research Networking Breakfast with GW at MIT (Oct. 11th)
Women-related events:
5. Gender Bending Fashion Exhibit at MFA (until Aug. 25th)
6. Break the Bias Habit: Creating Inclusion and Reducing Bias (Aug. 28th)
7. Westgate Book Club Interest Form
8. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Module Now Open
9. Women in Technology Mentoring Program (applications now open)
10. New GEL Grad Courses (registration open now!)
11. MIT Office of Minority Education’s Laureates & Leaders program (sign up today!)
12. 8th Annual U.S. C3E Poster Competition (deadline Sept. 1st)
13. Grad Resource Fair (September 3rd)
14. “Modernizing Saudi Arabia: The politics of gender” (Sep. 12th)
Did you know…?
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is featuring a photo project, One Day, I Will, by Vincent Tremeau. This photo project documents the hopes and dreams of young girls in humanitarian crises. Check out the powerful exhibit here<https://unocha.exposure.co/what-do-you-want-to-be-when-you-grow-upnbspone-day-i-will>.
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1. GW at MIT Summer Reads & Listens
This week’s picks:
Podcast: More Perfect: Sex Appeal<https://www.wnycstudios.org/story/more-perfect-sex-appeal> by Julia Longoria
Article: “The Radical Transformations of a Battered Women’s Shelter”<https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/08/19/the-radical-transformations-of-a-battered-womens-shelter> by Larissa MacFarquhar
Video: “Equality Can’t Wait, No Joke”<https://equalitycantwait.evoke.org/> from Evoke
This is the last newsletter of Summer 2019. We hope you have enjoyed our article & podcast suggestions!
2. GW at MIT Mentoring Committee Open Positions
We still have committee positions open for 2019-2020!
· Communications Liason - handles the GWAMIT mentoring gmail to send out information about mentoring groups, events, and answer questions about the program.
· Events Manager - handles ordering food for events and ordering the room set up. All events for next year have already been scheduled.
· Matching Manager - handles matching mentors to mentees at the end of September.
If you are interested, please email the GW at MIT Mentoring Committee<mailto:gwamitmentoring at gmail.com> with which role(s) you would be interested in and why you want to be a part of the GWAMIT mentoring committee.
3. Become a GWAMIT Department Rep!
Interested in building connections across MIT and helping with the personal and professional development of graduate women at MIT? Want to be involved with GWAMIT but don't have the time to be a full board member? The Department Rep position might be perfect for you!
Fill out this quick application now! https://forms.gle/2dQtTWvRaPpHnMBH9 The full description of the role is in the application. We need reps for most departments so we look forward to hearing from you!
Purposes of the role:
1) Keep your department updated about GW at MIT events and initiatives, and
2) Keep GWAMIT in touch with departmental needs and activities
Benefits of the role:
1) Opportunity to connect with women across campus
2) Be well-informed about GW at MIT events and initiatives and departments’ initiatives
3) Get funding for women-focused events in your department or between departments
- At least $50/department involved in the event!
- We can also help you book classrooms and event spaces on campus
· We would love to hear from anyone interested in becoming a department rep, but are especially in need of reps from: Civ & Env Eng, EECS, Biology, Econ, Sloan (EMBA is covered), Aero/Astro, HASTS, Humanities, Writing, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Linguistics and Philosophy, CMS, CSB, CCWE, ESD, IDSS, MAS.
Email the current GWAMIT Membership Chair, Molly, at mbird at mit.edu<mailto:mbird at mit.edu> if you have any questions!
4. Save the date! Lam Research Networking Breakfast with GW at MIT
Where: 12-0168
When: Oct 11th, 10-11 am
Keep an eye on this space for more information!
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5. Gender Bending Fashion at MFA
When: Until August 25th
Where: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Tickets: here<https://www.mfa.org/exhibitions/gender-bending-fashion>
[Detail of the Alessandro Trincone-designed dress, Annodami]
A century of style that dares to break the rules
From the runways to the streets, designers and wearers today are upending traditional ideas about men’s and women’s clothing. But those trends in American and European fashion are not new. This exhibition looks across a century of haute couture and ready-to-wear fashion that has challenged rigid, binary definitions of dress. It features more than 60 boundary-pushing designs, presenting the work of groundbreaking contemporary designers—including Rad Hourani, Jean Paul Gaultier, Alessandro Michele for Gucci, Palomo, and Rei Kawakubo—in the context of historical trends like the garçonne look of the 1920s and the peacock revolution of the 1960s.
“Gender Bending Fashion” examines a rich history of fashion disrupting, blurring, and redefining conventions and expectations around the relationship between gender and dress. At the same time, the garments on view can speak more broadly to societal shifts across the past century—including changing gender roles, increasing visibility of LGBTQIA+ communities, and the rise of social media as a powerful tool for self-expression. Throughout the exhibition, individual narratives emerge, touching on issues of gender identity and expression, sexuality, race, class, pop culture, activism, social justice, and more. “Gender Bending Fashion” features a digital album in two formats—a large-scale video and an interactive touchscreen—that highlights ten individuals from the Boston area whose perspectives reflect and expand on many of these themes.
Featuring pieces worn by actors, musicians, and influencers, including Marlene Dietrich, David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, and Young Thug, the multimedia presentation also incorporates paintings, photographs, music, and video. The works in the exhibition are drawn from the MFA’s collection as well as loans from museums, archives, private collections, and fashion houses.
6. Break the Bias Habit: Creating Inclusion and Reducing Bias
When: August 28th, 9AM-2:30PM
Where: Samberg Conference Center
Registration: here<https://mit.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eUPmfnyfOV6MSpL>
“MITeaches: Fostering Inclusion” is a series of workshops and activities that supports MIT faculty, instructors, and teaching assistants in teaching for equity and academic belonging.
To kick off this series, the TLL and ICEO have invited two researchers, Drs. Patricia Devine & Will Cox, who have developed the only experimentally-proven intervention to produce long-term changes in bias.
August 28, 2019 | 7th Floor, Samberg Conference Center | Doors open @ 9 am
Additional details are found here.<https://tll.mit.edu/programming/miteaches-fostering-inclusion#Keynote%20Workshop>
7. Westgate Book Club Interest Form
Interested in joining a book club this fall? Read on.
Westgate is going to be hosting a small book club for women. They'll be reading the latest book from Reese Witherspoon's Book Club entitled The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda (MIT alumnus). It's a work of fiction and a summer thriller.
Details can be found here<https://www.amazon.com/Last-House-Guest-Megan-Miranda/dp/1501165372>
At the moment, the plan would be to meet three times over the course of the fall semester for book discussions. The book club is open to all women-identified graduate women at MIT, and will be a collaboration with women at Westgate.
Fill out the following google form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfug5Qz7ZvgXWDiHhR-7hj0UFhLvlb-J04LOhoIOpEPnejQMA/viewform?usp=sf_link> if you're interested in joining and can commit to three meetings in the fall. This is just an interest form at the moment. We'll notify those who have responded at a later date.
8. Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Module Now Open!
The Office of the Vice Chancellor has partnered with the Division of Student Life to offer a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion online module for graduate students. The effort stems from the Black Students’ Union (BSU)<https://mit.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=88f983a0e3c2a43fb2a2eabd0&id=301e37d8fb&e=4aaa2578c0> and Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA) recommendations<https://mit.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=88f983a0e3c2a43fb2a2eabd0&id=d731dde014&e=4aaa2578c0> for a more inclusive MIT.
While the module is not required for continuing graduate students, we strongly encourage you to take it. The aim is to provide a shared understanding of terms and common issues, to teach you to identify unconscious bias, and to highlight helpful campus resources, affiliated offices, and programs.
Access to the course is now open via the MIT ATLAS Learning Center<https://mit.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=88f983a0e3c2a43fb2a2eabd0&id=466b4b349b&e=4aaa2578c0> using your Kerberos ID. The course will remain open through Friday, September 27.
Thank you for your active help in welcoming all to our healthy community!
9. Women in Technology Mentoring Program
Starting this fall: Women in IT (WIT) Mentoring Program
Sponsored by the Women in Technology Employee Resource Group<http://wit.mit.edu/>
This six-month pilot program will launch on October 2nd, 2019[cid:image014.jpg at 01D55735.F1BAEBE0]
Are you looking for an IT mentee?
As a mentee, you can be provided with an opportunity to socialize within the profession, receive guidance and feedback on a career path, allow for opportunities for meaningful involvement in professional activities/work, and develop extensive collaborative relationships.
Mentee Application Link: https://forms.gle/J4VjgWiMWAursk9Q9
Do you want to be an IT mentor?
As a mentor, you act as a resource for professional development and provide a supportive environment where your mentee can explore career aspirations and strategies.
Mentor Application Link: https://forms.gle/zUaYPyz7briJ3NTSA
For more information, send email to women_mentor at mit.edu<mailto:women_mentor at mit.edu>.
10. New GEL Grad Courses
"Leverage Your Graduate Degree to Change the World!”
Leadership education develops skills applicable across career paths, from leading research groups to leadership roles in companies. Enroll in one or more of the Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program (GEL)’s new graduate courses designed to help MIT graduate students learn and practice the skills needed to "make a positive difference" in their chosen careers. Grounded in research but experimental and engaging in delivery, these courses build and develop leadership skills for future engineers and technology professionals. (*PhD Candidates: Option to use leadership as your doctoral minor.) See attachment for more detailed course descriptions.
GEL Grad Courses for Fall 2019 (**Open to all grad students!):
· 6.S976 Engineering Leadership in the Age of Artificial Intelligence<http://gelp.mit.edu/gel-grad-ai>
Learn to lead, develop, and deploy AI systems in ways that deliver positive benefits to people and society
Units: G3-0-9
M/W 12:30-2pm, 4-231
Instructors: David Martinez (dmartinezwork at gmail.com<mailto:dmartinezwork at gmail.com>) & David Nino (dnino at mit.edu<mailto:dnino at mit.edu>)
· 6.S978 <https://gelp.mit.edu/gel-grad-negotiation> Negotiation & Influence Skills for Technical Leaders<https://gelp.mit.edu/gel-grad-negotiation>
Acquire the tools and knowledge to excel in future negotiations
Units: G2-0-4
T, 1-3pm, 66-144
Instructors: David Nino (dnino at mit.edu<mailto:dnino at mit.edu>), Takeo Kuwabara (takeok at mit.edu<mailto:takeok at mit.edu>), with Rachel Moore (rmmoore at mit.edu<mailto:rmmoore at mit.edu>)
· 6.928J Leading Creative Teams<https://gelp.mit.edu/grad>
Learn to mobilize and launch “real teams"
Units: G3-0-6
M/W, 2:30pm-4pm, 37-212
Instructor: David Nino (dnino at mit.edu<mailto:dnino at mit.edu>)
***For more information, please visit our website.<http://gelp.mit.edu/grad>
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11. MIT Office of Minority Education’s Laureates & Leaders
The MIT Office of Minority Education’s Laureates & Leaders (L&L)<https://ome.mit.edu/programs-services/laureates-and-leaders> program is looking for graduate students who are willing to serve as informal mentors to our students. L&L participants are all MIT undergraduates, mostly from underrepresented minority groups, who are interested in pursuing graduate school (PhD or MD/PhD in STEM) after their time at the Institute.
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with an undergraduate and help them informally navigate their path toward graduate school!
Important details about the Initiative:
Ø There is no formal time commitment. Laureates & Leaders staff can connect undergrads with you as they need, whether it’s to pick your brain about a field of study or to ask a question about the grad school application process.
o NOTE: Because this is “as-needed” there is a possibility you will not be contacted. We do not automatically pair you with a Laureates & Leaders student. Connections are made only at the request of the L&L student and there is no expectation for any contact to occur more than one time (unless agreed up by you and the student).
All courses are welcome. Laureates & Leaders participants typically major in Courses 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 18, and 20. We need mentors from Courses: 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 20.
Ø Laureates & Leaders can reimburse for small incidentals to help facilitate mentoring relationships, such as coffee, pastries, etc.
Ø You will be contacted each summer to confirm you would still like to participate. If we do not hear from you, your information will be removed from the database.
If you would like to add your information to our mentor database, please follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/llgradstudentmentor
Please direct any questions to laureatesleaders at mit.edu<mailto:laureatesleaders at mit.edu>.
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12. 8th Annual U.S. C3E Poster Competition – Awarding & Recognizing Women in Clean Energy
Date: November 13-14th
Application deadline: September 1st, 2019
Application: here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDpXMBxOzUJDZQucHBPy0L6t9lcm-o6w2VImeF7rxsmxYd_w/viewform>
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Details: Female undergraduates, graduate and postdoctoral students pursuing research in the clean energy sector are invited to apply! Entrants will submit their research for an opportunity to present their work on November 13-14, 2019, at the 8th Annual U.S. C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.
13. Grad Resource Fair
When: September 3rd, 1-3PM
Where: Johnson Ice Rink, First Floor
[Grad Resource Fair]
Come and meet representatives from many MIT offices, off-campus resources and student groups who have programs, events and activities for grad students. We will have resources for Learning English, Academics and Careers, Health and Wellness, Diversity and Inclusion, Extracurricular Activities, Spouses, Partners and Families, and Student Clubs.
14. “Modernizing Saudi Arabia: The politics of gender”
When: September 12th, 5-6:30PM
Where: 3-133
Dr. Hala Aldosari, Robert E. Wilhelm fellow at MIT Center for International Studies, former Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi Fellow
Dr. Hala Aldosari is a scholar-activist from Saudi Arabia, now based in the United States. Her PhD research, writings and research explore social determinants of women’s health, violence against women, legal restrictions and reforms of women’s rights and human rights across the Arab Gulf States. She is currently a fellow at MIT Center for International Studies. She serves as an advisory board member for Human Rights Watch for the Middle East and North Africa, the Gulf Center for Human Rights and “Every Woman” global initiative to prevent violence against women and girls. She has previously worked as a scientist, consultant for health administration in Saudi Arabia and a visiting scholar in different think tanks and universities. She is the recipient of several awards for her activism, the 2018 Alison Des Forge award from human rights watch and the 2016 Freedom award from Freedom House. She is also an op-ed writer and her writings were featured in prominent media outlets. In 2019, she became the inaugural fellow for the Washington Post Khashoggi fellowship.
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