[GWAMIT] GWAMIT Newsletter - March 28, 2018
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Wed Mar 28 16:21:15 EDT 2018
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GWAMIT Newsletter March 28, 2018
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Message From the Board
Dear GW at MIT Members,
*Join GW at MIT for our Spring 2018 Leadership Conference! *We have a variety
of free* events including our keynote Dr. Susan Hockfield, panels,
workshops, professional headshots* (discounted price!), and a Zumba class!
Free food at most of the events! Hope to see you there! Also, email
gwamit-exec at mit.edu if you're interested in volunteering during the
conference- there's extra swag as a reward. Schedule and detailed events
- The GW at MIT Board
Events In Brief
*GW at MIT:*
1. GWAMIT Spring Leadership Conference 2018: Overview
2. Keynote and Reception with Dr. Susan Hockfield (April 5)
3. Zumba Class! (April 3)
4. Entrepreneurship Panel (April 5)
5. Presenting your research at conferences and in job talks (April 5)
6. Strategies for negotiating your compensation package (April 5)
7. Charting Your Own Path: exploring career choices, finding opportunities,
and leading after graduate school (April 6)
8. The Gender/Race Imperative - A Series of Presentations and Workshops
moderated by Anita Hill (March 28)
9. Talk - Synthesizing a Career in Chemistry: From Research to Philanthropy
(April 12)
10. Higher Ed in the Era of #MeToo (April 20)
*Outside MIT:*
11. Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) Advanced Degree Women's Breakfast
(April 3)
12. Women of Color in the Academy Conference (April 27)
13. New England Future Faculty Workshop for Underrepresented Groups in STEM
(May 1)
Women in History Linda G. Alvarado
*Linda G. Alvarado (1950–)* has changed the “male only” image of
construction contractors across the United States and opened doors for
women to enter construction and non-traditional fields of endeavor.
Alvarado is founder and sole owner of Alvarado Construction, a commercial
general contractor and design/build firm in Denver, Colorado; President of
Palo Alto Inc., and co-owner of the Colorado Rockies Baseball Club. Her
parents mortgaged their small home and lent her $2,500 to start one of the
most successful construction firms in the country; starting with concrete
sidewalks to bus-stop shelters, schools, stadiums, hotels, and high-rise
buildings. In 1992 Alvarado made history as the first Latino (male or
female) owner of a Major League Baseball team, the Colorado Rockies.
*1. GWAMIT Spring Leadership Conference Overview!*
*When: *Tue, April 3-6, 2018
*Events listed below!*
*2. Keynote and Reception with Dr. Susan Hockfield*
*When: *Tue, April 5, 2018, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM EDT
*Where:* W20-307 (Student Center), MIT
*Register:* link
We are so excited about our *Keynote Speaker: Dr. Susan Hockfield!* Join us
for a fireside chat followed by open Q&A on Thursday, April 5th in the
student center. She will be discussing her path to taking on leadership
roles, her tenure as President of MIT, and advice for women related to
leadership and life skills.
5-6pm Fireside chat then open Q&A
6-7pm Dinner and dessert reception
*Dr. Susan Hockfield* served from 2004 to 2012 as the sixteenth president
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the first life scientist and
first woman in that role. She is now President Emerita, Professor of
Neuroscience and a member of the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer
Research. Read more
*3. GW at MIT: Zumba Class!*
*When: *Tue, April 3, 2018, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EDT
*Where:* MAC Court, 3rd floor, Z-Center MIT
*RSVP:* link
Join GW at MIT for a *free Zumba class *at the Z-center led by Sandra Kim!
Location: MAC Court on the 3rd floor of the Z-center, behind the squash
*4. Entrepreneurship Panel*
*When: *Thu, April 5, 2018, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM EDT
*Where:* 2-105
*RSVP:* link
*Breakfast will be served. *
Come hear about The Engine, whose mission is to help founders commercialize
their technologies, followed by a brief panel of female founders speaking
about their experience!
Breakfast served starting from 8:45am
9-9:20am Overview of The Engine by Ally Yost (featured speaker)
9:20-10am Panel moderated by Ally Yost (The Engine)
*Panelists: *
*Ally Yost* is an associate at The Engine with a background in mechanical
engineering and research and development. Most recently, Ally led R&D and
manufacturing at Accion Systems - an MIT spin out that creates
high-quality, affordable ion propulsion technologies for increased access
to space. Ally has an SM in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and a BS in
Mechanical Engineering from UNH.
*Dr. Nabiha Saklayen* is CEO and co-founder at Cellino Biotech, Inc, a cell
therapy company that is engineering cells using synthetic biology and
nanotechnology. Nabiha holds a PhD in physics from Harvard University.
*Susan Conover* is a co-founder of LuminDx, a company using deep learning
to classify skin diseases and improve patient experiences. Susan studied
mechanical engineering and worked as a management consultant at Oliver
Wyman before coming back to school to attend the System Design and
Management program at MIT.
Aceil Halaby is co-founder and COO of BloomerTech, a company transforming
ordinary clothing into medical-grade devices to personalize medicine for
the management of chronic diseases.
*5. Presenting your research at conferences and in job talks*
*When: *Thu, April 5, 2018, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
*Where:* 2-103
*RSVP:* link
*Light snacks and coffee included.*
A successful researcher should be able to communicate effectively—to fellow
researchers at conferences, to faculty members and students in job talks,
and perhaps even to the public at large. Communicating well in an academic
setting depends not only on following the basic rules that govern all good
communication (for example, tailoring the message to meet the needs of a
specific audience), but also on adhering to the particular norms of
academic genres.
Professor JoAnne Yates will lead an interactive workshop on presenting your
research at conferences and in job talks. Workshop participants will get a
chance to practice their skills and receive feedback.
*6. Strategies for negotiating your compensation package*
*When: *Thu, April 5, 2018, 12:45 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
*Where:* E25-117
*RSVP:* link
*Lunch will be served.*
MIT's David Niño and Caldwell Partner's John Strackhouse will lead this
hands-on workshop on how to get what you deserve in job-related
negotiations. Drawing on insights from gender research on negotiations, and
from decades of real life compensation negotiations, Niño and Strackhouse
will provide participants with practical strategies to enhance personal
confidence and effectiveness in challenging bargaining situations.
12:45pm Lunch
1-2:30pm Workshop
*7. Charting Your Own Path: exploring career choices, finding
opportunities, and leading after graduate school*
*When: *Fri, April 6, 2018, 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM EDT
*Where:* 2-103
*RSVP:* link
*Breakfast will be served.*
Tired of the usual ‘industry vs academia’ question? Still deciding what to
do after graduate school? Unsure about trying out a new field? Wondering
how to transition from a student to a leader in the ‘real world’?
Join us for a panel discussion about post-grad-school career paths, and
becoming a leader in your field(s) of choice. We will have an incredible
line-up of women to represent careers in academia, entrepreneurship,
consulting, patent law, and non-profits. Once graduate students like us,
they will share with us how graduate school helped them choose and excel in
their careers, what the career trajectory in their field is like, what it
is like to hold leadership positions as women, and to answer any questions
you may have!
*Krystyn Van Vliet: *Michael (1949) and Sonja Koerner Professor of Material
Science and Engineering and Biological Engineering, MIT; Associate Provost,
MIT; PhD - Material Science and Engineering, MIT
*Ann DeWitt: *COO, the Engine; Board Director, Women in the Enterprise of
Science and Technology; Life Science Council Member, Springboard
Enterprises; PhD - Chemical Engineering, MIT; MBA - Harvard Business School
*Annalisa Weigel: *Director, Fairmont Consulting Group; Senior Lecturer,
MIT; PhD - Technology, Management, and Policy, MIT; SM - Aerospace
Engineering, MIT; MA - Science, Technology, and Public Policy, George
Washington University
*Fang Xie: *Shareholder, Co-Lead of Biotech and Pharma Industry Group,
Greenberg Traurig, LLP; JD - International Law, Suffolk Law School; PhD -
Biology, MIT
*Joanna Brownstein: *Director, HR Analytics and Technology, Harvard Medical
School; Chair of Board of Directors, Addgene; Founder, Brownstein
Consulting, LLC; MBA - Sloan School of Management, MIT; MSW - Clinical
Social Work, Boston College
MIT Events
*8. THE GENDER/RACE IMPERATIVE — A Series of Presentations and Workshops
moderated by Anita Hill*
*When:* March 28, 2018, 1-3 PM
*Where:* 36-462 and 36-428
*Free and open to public*
*Navigating Careers in Engineering* – Discussions about academic and
industry careers and student mentoring with a focus on women in STEM.
*Hosted by:*
Muriel Medard - Cecil H. Green Professor in the Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science Department, Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT
Anita Hill - MIT Martin Luther King Fellow, University Professor of Law,
Public Policy and Women’s Studies, Heller Graduate School of Policy and
Management, Brandeis University
*Guest speakers:*
Andrea Goldsmith, the Stephen Harris professor in the School of Engineering
and a professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University
Leslie A. Kolodziejski, MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
*The Gender/Race Imperative* aims to revive awareness of the broad capacity
of Title IX, the crucial law mandating equal education opportunities for
women. We hope it will kick start inquiry to foster legal, policy, and
social reforms that enable success in schools and workplaces for girls and
women of all races and economic backgrounds. To engage and educate MIT and
the broader Boston area community on the role of Title IX in education,
particularly for STEM, MIT brings engineers and other scientists together
in conversation with lawyers and social scientists to develop
multidimensional strategies for promoting equity in STEM.
*9. Talk - Synthesizing a Career in Chemistry: From Research to
Philanthropy *
*When:* April 12th, 2018, 4 PM
*Where:* 32-141
*RSVP: *link <https://goo.gl/forms/QJbSCghyf2TeHt692>
Please join MIT BE and MBG for a talk titled, "Synthesizing a Career in
Chemistry: From Research to Philanthropy," by Paula Olsiewski, Program
Director at The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.
Paula J. Olsiewski, Ph.D. joined the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation as a
Program Director in 2000. Dr. Olsiewski created and directs the
Foundation’s programs in Microbiology of the Built Environment and
Chemistry of Indoor Environments. Dr. Olsiewski led Sloan’s Biosecurity
program until its conclusion in 2011 and the Synthetic Biology program
until it’s conclusion in 2014. She also oversees the Foundation's New York
City Initiatives program, including the Sloan Public Service Awards, and
the Sloan Awards for Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics.
*10. Higher Ed in the Era of #MeToo*
*When:* April 20, 1 PM - 5:30 PM
*Where:* 3-170
*RSVP: *link
*Facebook page*: link <https://www.facebook.com/events/1829574493789334/>
Join us for a free half day conference at MIT on how the recent #MeToo
movement has impacted higher education, specifically at the graduate level.
There will be a mix of panels and workshops to encourage dialogue and
learning between graduate students, faculty, activists, and other experts.
The #MeToo movement, started by Tarana Burke in 2006, has highlighted the
prevalence of sexual violence within all aspects of our society - from
Hollywood to college campuses. As more survivors share their experiences,
we need more creative ways to support, prevent, innovate, and collaborate
on this issue. Many marginalized communities have led the fight to end
sexual violence, yet history has put their work and experiences on the
margins. In order to truly focus on prevention and support, we must elevate
these communities and their leaders. The conference will be followed by a
cocktail reception to share what was learned and build upon the discussion!
Events Outside MIT
*11. Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) Advanced Degree Women's Breakfast*
*When: *Tuesday, April 3, 2018 9:00am-11:00am EST
*Where: *Fireside Room, Dudley House, Lehman Hall, Harvard University
Please join us for a breakfast with BCG women to learn more about BCG and
our Women at BCG network. This breakfast is open to women PhDs, JDs, MDs,
medical residents, and post-docs from Harvard and MIT.
*BCG Advanced Degree Women's Breakfast*
Fireside Room, Dudley House
Lehman Hall, Harvard University
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 9:00am-11:00am EST
Open to female MDs, JDs, PhDs, and Post-Docs
Register here <https://talent.bcg.com/Events?folderId=10019329>
You can also visit our dedicated MIT and Harvard websites regularly to view
our evolving list of events. Please contact our team at
ADCrecruiting at bcg.com with any questions.
*12. Women of Color in the Academy Conference*
*When:* April 27
*Website: *link <https://web.northeastern.edu/woc/>
We are excited to announce registration is open for the 2nd Annual
Boston-Wide Women of Color in the Academy Conference: Concrete Steps to
Career Success and Advancement! The conference will be in the Curry
Student Center at Northeastern University on Friday, April 27, 2018 from
8:30 am - 6:30 pm.
The overall conference goal is to facilitate a more diverse academy by
enhancing the timely career progression primarily of faculty, but also of
post-doctoral scholars and graduate students. Attendees will have the
opportunity to participate in a variety of interactive, hands-on workshops,
as well as to network with other women faculty of color throughout the
greater Boston region. Participant fees are $75 for faculty and $30 for PhD
students and post-doctoral scholars.
*13. New England Future Faculty Workshop for Underrepresented Groups in
*When:* July 10
*Registration Deadline: *May 1
*Website: *link
*Register: *link <https://provostweb.wufoo.com/forms/znmi2fr1kcci3x/>
We invite late-stage PhD students and postdoctoral scholars to participate
in the New England Future Faculty Workshop for Underrepresented Groups in
STEM Fields (NE-FFW) on the Northeastern University campus in Boston,
Massachusetts on July 10, 2018. The NE-FFW is designed specifically for
underrepresented minorities and women in STEM fields who are late-stage PhD
students and postdoctoral scholars and interested in an academic career.
The NE-FFW is focused on the academic job search. The format of the one-day
workshop includes faculty-led interactive discussions and peer-to-peer
interactions. Workshop topics include: Finding Your Institutional Fit,
Standing Out in the Interview, Reviewing CVs, Developing a Research
Statement, Negotiating the Job Offer, and more.
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Send your ideas to gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to gwamit-sec at mit.edu
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