[GWAMIT] GWAMIT Newsletter - Week of March 13, 2017
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Mar 13 14:18:36 EDT 2017
Correction: Our General Board Meeting tomorrow has been postponed because of the incoming snow. Keep an eye on this newsletter or on the Facebook event<https://www.facebook.com/events/664196893787307/> for the new date.
The Archer Roose Tasting & Discussion<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2Sx556vZU6sh-NvFGXg-ni8JW3EtyeRVRM1UqlFOnL99lMg/viewform?c=0&w=1> will still be happening tonight, hope to see you there!
Stay warm!
From: gwamit-bounces at mit.edu [mailto:gwamit-bounces at mit.edu] On Behalf Of GWAMIT
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2017 2:44 AM
To: gwamit
Subject: [GWAMIT] GWAMIT Newsletter - Week of March 13, 2017
GWAMIT Weekly Announcements
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March 13, 2017
GW at MIT:
1. Rescheduled: Archer Roose Tasting and Discussion with Founder Marian Leitner (Mar. 13)
2. Come to the GWAMIT Spring 2017 General Board Meeting! (Mar. 14)
3. Come to the our weekly Empowerment Conference meeting! (every Wed)
4. Apply to the next GWAMIT Executive Board 2017! (now)
5. Practice Mindfulness to Improve Well-Being and Resiliency (Mar. 14)
6. How to Optimize Your Professional Online Presence (Mar. 17)
7. Legatum Fellowship Deadline Approaching (Mar. 17)
8. ODGE Co-Sponsors FREE Screening - Hidden Figures (Mar. 17-19)
9. Women Take the Reel film festival: Power & Access (Mar. 17-24)
10. [Cheneyroom] March @ the Cheney Room! (Mar. 23)
11. Apply for a Funded Public Service Fellowship for Summer 2017 (Mar. 24)
12. MIT Sloan Africa Innovate Conference 2017 (Apr. 8)
Outside MIT:
13. [Catalyst Collaborative at MIT] Paradise: This is What A Scientist Looks Like (now)
14. MOTHER TONGUE: Pan-Asian Boston-Area Women Artists BHCC Art Gallery (Mar. 9 - Apr. 14)
15. ClearView Healthcare Partners - Consultant Position Openings (Mar. 19)
16. Women in Cambridge: A Night at the Theater (Mar. 21)
Dear GW at MIT Members,
We look forward to meeting each and every of you at the GWAMIT Spring 2017 General Board Meeting. And we welcome you to join us for a delightful night at our wine tasting and discussion event this week!
Our Empowerment Conference team is working hard for the planning of the conference. We would welcome everyone to our weekly meeting if you would like to help us!
Another important notice is we are starting to recruit for our executive board for the next school year. Please see the detailed info below!
The GWAMIT Board
*********** GW at MIT ***********
1. Rescheduled: Archer Roose Tasting and Discussion with Founder Marian Leitner
When: Monday, March 13th, 5:00PM - 6:30PM
Where: MIT Building W11-190 (main dining room)
Sign-up: link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe2Sx556vZU6sh-NvFGXg-ni8JW3EtyeRVRM1UqlFOnL99lMg/viewform?c=0&w=1>
Come socialize with graduate women across MIT and talk to entrepreneur and founder Marian Leitner about her experiences! Her newest company, Archer Roose, sells quality and eco-friendly boxed wine. We will get to experience her product while we learn about her journey.
**Remember to bring 21+ ID in order to sample the wine!
Light snacks and some non-alcoholic beverages will also be provided.
2. Come to the GWAMIT Spring 2016 General Board Meeting!
When: Tuesday, March 14th, 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Where: MIT Building 32-124
RSVP: link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGZn4RgttInVY0ih4Wy3URz5JTxnGhLBkGg_di7TRAgYeNcw/viewform#start=openform>
Please join us for the GWAMIT Spring 2017 General Board Meeting!
We welcome everyone to this meeting: members, departmental representatives, anyone wanting to know more about GWAMIT and discuss personal, professional as well as academic issues relevant to our community.
Food and drinks will be provided!
3. Come to the our weekly Empowerment Conference meeting!
When: Wednesdays, 11:00AM – 12:00PM
Where: MIT Building 56-180
Our Empowerment Conference team is meeting every week for the planning of the conference.
If you would like to get involved with us, this is definitely a great start.
4. Apply to the next GWAMIT Executive Board 2017!
When: now
Apply: link<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZcyeeUisIjh_4yDlKIcAjLnwKCIdaaZqTywA1nrwh49Nj9A/viewform?usp=sf_link>
Interested in being more involved in GWAMIT?
Have you attended or helped plan a past GWAMIT activity, and would you like to become a member of the Executive Board?
Would you like to be active in supporting graduate women and engaging with the Institute?
Apply now for a GWAMIT Executive Board position!
Before applying, please take a look at our website, and email gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu> to schedule a brief, 1:1 interview with a current Executive Board member.
************* MIT *************
5. Practice Mindfulness to Improve Well-Being and Resiliency
When: Tuesday, March 14th, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Where: MIT Building 76-156
Register: link<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/practice-mindfulness-to-improve-well-being-and-resiliency-registration-31296326154>
Presenter – Paul R. Fulton, Ed.D., M.S.; Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Mindfulness-Based Learning and Founding Member, Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy
This program introduces the basic principles and practices of mindfulness, a concentrated state of awareness that helps people see and respond to situations with greater clarity. Individuals who employ the techniques of mindfulness in their work are able to monitor moment-to-moment effectiveness, respond promptly and appropriately to difficulties as they arise, and remain open to new ideas and perspectives. Participants will be introduced to meditation practices that will teach them how to be more focused, creative, and resilient in all aspects of their lives.
6. How to Optimize Your Professional Online Presence
When: Friday, March 17th, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Where: MIT Building NE49-5000 (L-Lab) | 600 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139
Register: link<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-optimize-your-professional-online-presence-registration-31297358241?utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=order_confirmation_email&utm_term=eventname&ref=eemailordconf>
Presenter – Stephanie Leishman, B.A.; Founder, Apiarity
In this workshop, learn what it takes to really shine online. In this session, you will explore what makes a great professional website, how to improve your LinkedIn profile, and review what other social media platforms have to offer. This workshop will help you: improve what people see about you online; network for long-term career success; find a better job; and increase your industry-specific learning.
7. Legatum Fellowship Deadline Approaching
When: March 16th
Apply: link<http://legatum.mit.edu/resources/legatum-fellowships/?utm_source=Mailing+List+%26+Recruitment&utm_campaign=1173b36bd4-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2017_03_09&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1d72e60a1c-1173b36bd4-54953617&mc_cid=1173b36bd4&mc_eid=2c4e11ac4f>
The Legatum Fellowship is a competitive program designed to help aspiring entrepreneurs gain a world class education at MIT in order to launch and scale their ventures and maximize their likelihood of success as principled entrepreneurial leaders and agents for change who will transform society and improve global wellbeing. Every year, we select a cohort of approximately 20 highly-motivated student entrepreneurs to join our one-year Fellowship. During this time, Fellows receive funding to support their tuition, stipend, project development and travel.
This Fellowship is intensely action-oriented and suits students who are fully committed to becoming principled leaders, motivated to improve the lives of others through entrepreneurship.
8. ODGE Co-Sponsors FREE Screening - Hidden Figures[https://gallery.mailchimp.com/e2397380ea9467186e5aeb1b2/images/e74f4caf-b790-42f4-b2a7-dabce9df5111.jpg]
When & Where:
March 17, 2017 at 8:00 pm in 26-100
March 18, 2017 at 8:00 pm in 26-100
March 19, 2017 at 7:00 pm in 26-100
Info: link<http://lsc.mit.edu/schedule/current/desc-hiddenfigures.shtml>
FREE admission! Sponsored by MIT Libraries, the Office of the Dean for Graduate Education, the Office of Multicultural Programs and the Title IX Office.
Hidden Figures is the incredible untold story of Katherine G. Johnson (Taraji P. Henson), Dorothy Vaughan (Octavia Spencer) and Mary Jackson (Janelle Monáe)--brilliant African-American women working at NASA, who served as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history: the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit, a stunning achievement that restored the nation's confidence, turned around the Space Race, and galvanized the world. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.
The miracle lies in how the film gently touches on some of the most intractable social problems addressed by the civil rights movement, while maintaining an infectiously buoyant vibe - not to mention a bouncy soundtrack. -- Tirdad Derakhshani, Philadelphia Inquirer.
9. [MITWGS] Women Take the Reel film festival: Power & Access
Where & Where:
Fri March 17, Daughters of the Dust at Bartos Theatre
Fri March 24, Kate Bornstein is a Queer and Pleasant Danger in 6-120
Info: link<http://wgs.mit.edu/women-take-the-reel/>
This annual film festival is a collaborative effort among Women's and Gender Studies departments involved in the Graduate Consortium in Women's Studies (as well as select institutions/universities aligned with its mission) that features films directed by women and about issues relating to gender, race, sexuality, class and/or feminism.
The focus is on intellectual investigation of these issues as well as visibility for female directors, and so every film is accompanied by a Q&A and discussion with either the film director, producer, or a faculty member from the film screening's host institution host institution.
All films are free and open to the public.
All MIT screenings begin at 7:00pm with Otto’s Pizza served at 6:30pm.
10. [Cheneyroom] March @ the Cheney Room!
When: March 23rd
11. Apply for a Funded Public Service Fellowship for Summer 2017!
Deadline: Friday, March 24th at noon
Where: PKG Public Service Center (W20-549) Conference Room
Info: link<http://studentlife.mit.edu/pkgcenter/fellowships>
The Fellowships program supports MIT students working on capacity-building service projects. Students work with community-focused organizations including non-profits and social enterprises. These can include a student's own social enterprise.
What can you do? Follow your passion and benefit a community in need! You can create your own project, continue work on an enterprise you already started, or intern with a service organization.
We welcome a wide range of service projects and support work in the US and abroad.
Funding is primarily used for travel/living expenses.
Average summer funding is $4,700.
Proposal Workshops:
When: Thursday, March 16 from 12 –1pm
Friday, March 17 from 12:30 –1:30pm
Wednesday, March 22 from 11:30am –12:30pm
Where: PKG Public Service Center (W20-549) Conference Room
Questions? Contact Alison at hynd at mit.edu<mailto:hynd at mit.edu>
12. MIT Sloan Africa Innovate Conference 2017
When: Saturday, April 8th, 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM
Where: MIT Media Lab | 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Register: link<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mit-sloan-africa-innovate-conference-2017-tickets-32279109686>
The annual MIT Sloan Africa Innovate Conference is a unique forum that brings together the strengths of MIT and leading entrepreneurs and change-agents from across the African continent. The conference attracts over 400 business leaders, entrepreneurs, students, professors, and alumni, all with strong interests in Africa. The theme for this year's conference is “Africa Innovate Conference: Ideas to Impact” and discussions will focus on how to transform promising ideas into sustainable businesses in Africa.
Our closing keynote speaker this year will be Her Excellency Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, President of the Republic of Mauritius.
************* Outside MIT *************
13. [Catalyst Collaborative at MIT] Paradise: This is What A Scientist Looks Like
When: now
Form: link<https://www.centralsquaretheater.org/about/catalyst-collaborative-at-mit/scientist-looks-like/>
In April 2017, Central Square Theater is producing Paradise by Laura Maria Censabella, about a dynamic Yemeni-American high-school girl who discovers a passion for science. Her teacher helps her navigate dreams of becoming a research scientist in spite of the challenges of stereotypes – from both within and without her Muslim community – about women in science.
As part of Central Square Theater’s science-theater initiative, Catalyst Collaborative @ MIT, we are launching a campaign promoting Paradise, inspired by how the face of American science is changing, and to make vivid the achievements of female scientists, scientists of color, and young scientists.
Our goal is to find professionals and students – in any and all fields of science – to answer the questions below and send us a photo. We will post these on Central Square Theater’s social media, link you to a ticket discount code for Paradise, and thank you in our printed program.
Please use this form to tell us more about your achievements and aspirations – we are excited to hear from you!
This campaign continues the spirit and mission of the This Is What A Scientist Looks Like project developed by freelance science writer Allie Wilkinson to challenge the stereotypical perception of a scientist.
14. MOTHER TONGUE: Pan-Asian Boston-Area Women Artists BHCC Art Gallery
When: March 9 – April 14
Where: 250 New Rutherford Ave., Boston, MA 02129
Experience this multi-media group exhibit that explores the complex relationship between personal identity, storytelling and cultural expectation.
With special featured screenings of videos from the Media Literacy Course, Asian American Studies Program/UMass Boston
The Mary L. Fifield Art Gallery at Bunker Hill Community College is free and open to the public.
Gallery hours: M/W/F 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; T/Th 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
15. ClearView Healthcare Partners - Consultant Position Openings
Deadline: March 19, 11:59PM
Apply: link<http://www.clearviewhcp.com/careers/apply/current-openings>
ClearView Healthcare Partners is a premier life sciences consulting firm with offices in Boston and New York City serving clients in the biopharmaceutical, medical device, and diagnostics spaces. We provide world-class strategic decision-making support across a wide range of business issues. Our goal is to inform actionable recommendations that allow companies to achieve their business objectives.
ClearView represents a unique opportunity for professional growth and client impact. We are ranked #15 in Vault.com’s Consulting Fifty based on our commitment to training, professional development, and providing meaningful value for our clients.
At ClearView, you will encounter an entrepreneurial environment, interact with a dynamic group of colleagues, present to clients in critical business situations, and develop a deep understanding of the life sciences and biopharmaceutical industry. You will be mentored directly by ClearView partners and managers, who have a wealth of experience in life sciences consulting. In addition, you will be exposed to a wide variety of business issues ranging from new product planning and business development to product commercialization.
16. Women in Cambridge: A Night at the Theater
When: March 21st, 6:00PM
Where: Central Square Theater, 450 Mass Ave., Cambridge
Deciding what to do after you finish your advanced degree? Consider management consulting and For March, we are taking a trip to the Central Square Theater to mingle and meet the Directors! They have a beautiful and versatile space, as well as a wide range of productions, programs, and community involvement. Catherine Carr Kelly, Debra Wise, and Lee Gardner will be there to share their passion for the Central Square Theater with us. This is a can't miss!
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