[GWAMIT] Announcements - Week of October 31, 2016
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Oct 31 00:46:25 EDT 2016
Announcements - Week of October 31, 2016
GWAMIT Weekly Announcements
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<gwamit-exec at mit.edu>
October 31, 2016
*GW at MIT:*
1. Interdepartmental Outreach: Building Science Kits for Schools (Nov. 2)
2. Submit your questions to Dear Kate!
3. Events this November at the Cheney Room! (Nov. 3-16)
4. [MITWGS] DSL Wellness Fair (Nov. 4)
5. Accounting for Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste in the United States (Nov.
6. [MIT Museum] Girls Day (Nov. 5)
7. Building Waste Ventures in Emerging Markets: A Panel Discussion (Nov. 10)
8. Now Hiring: MSRP Program Assistants (Nov. 14)
9. 4th Annual MIT Hacking Arts Festival Tickets Now on Sale! (Nov. 19)
10. MIT Work-Life Center Fall 2016 Seminar Series (now – Dec.)
11. MIT CONNECT: Free one-on-one Lunches (now)
*Outside MIT:*
13. [MASS AWIS] How to Succeed as a Woman in Academia (Nov. 9)
14. RSVP for McKinsey Energy and Sustainability presentation (Nov. 21)
Dear GW at MIT Members,
We would like to thank everyone who came to our Leadership Conference last
week, and we hope you've heard what you need at the conferences!
Furthermore, we'd like to express our gratitudes to the conference planning
team for making all these happen.
There are lots of events going on this week, including an interdepartment
outreach program we collaborate with MIT Edgerton Center that build science
kits for schools. Check our newsletter to learn more.
Happy Halloween~~~
The GWAMIT Board
************ GW at MIT ************
*1. Interdepartmental Outreach: Building Science Kits for Schools*
*When:* Wednesday, November 2nd, 5:00PM – 8:00PM
*Where:* MIT Building 68-180/181
Food and beverages will be served. Bring ID 21+.
This event is held in partnership with MIT Edgerton Center.
For more information, contact toshiki at mit.edu.
*2. Submit your questions to Dear Kate!*
*Link:* link <https://goo.gl/vafAH6>
Looking for advice on work, life, or anything in between? Submit
your questions to the Dear Kate advice column, and we will pose
selected queries to our panel of experts, professional women from a variety
of fields who serve as mentors in the GWAMIT mentoring program. Anonymous
questions and responses will be featured on the GWAMIT blog.
Previous Dear Kate columns can be found here <https://goo.gl/s346Q6>.
************** MIT **************
*3. Events this November at the Cheney Room!*
*"Free to Pee" When:* Thursday, November 3rd, 5:00PM
*Where:* MIT Building 50-005
*Making your path: Dinner panel and discussion When:* Wednesday, November
9th, 7:00PM - 8:00PM
*A conversation with Janet Mock When:* Tuesday, November 15th, 5:30PM -
*Where:* MIT Building 32-123
*Graduate Women's Lunch When:* Wednesday, November 16th, 12:00PM - 1:00PM
(time changed)
*4. [MITWGS] DSL Wellness Fair *
*When: *Friday, November 4th, 2:00PM - 5:00PM
*Where:* Z-Center Lobby
Next Friday, November 4th from 2 - 5 pm MHH and DSL are hosting the
Wellness Fair in the Z-Center Lobby!
Put in on your calendar and come check out all the resources available to
you at MIT.
*5. Accounting for Non-Hazardous Industrial Waste in the United States*
*When:* Friday, November 4th, 12:00PM - 1:30PM
*Where:* MIT Building 4-231
*RSVP:* link
For more than 30 years, it has been thought that non-hazardous industrial
residuals and waste materials are generated in the US at a rate of nearly
seven billion metric tons per year -- staggering quantities, especially
when compared with the (mere) quarter of a billion tons of MSW generated
annually. In fact, this figure crumbles under even modest interrogation,
leaving behind a major data gap in the full accounting of material stocks
and flows that stymies the deployment of strategies for sustainable
development such as industrial symbiosis. This talk will present an
innovative method for the robust and reliable estimation of non-hazardous
industrial waste in the US and initial results from its application to
three industry sectors. It will also introduce the ongoing work to apply
the method to an additional 12 sectors and plans for use of the data in
evaluating potentials for environmentally beneficial reuse and recycling.
Jonathan Krones is a postdoctoral associate at the Center for Industrial
Ecology at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and a
visiting scholar in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at
MIT. He received his PhD in May 2016 from the MIT Engineering Systems
Division / Institute for Data, Systems, and Society.
This event is brought to you by the MIT Waste Alliance with sponsorship
from Graduate Student Life Grants (GSLG).
*6. [MIT Museum] Girls Day*
*When:* Saturday, November 5th
*Where:* MIT Museum | MIT Building N51 | 265 Massachusetts Avenue
*Secret Lives of Roboticists, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.*
First Floor
Hear from MIT students, recent alumni and professional engineers who will
share why they chose to study robotics, provide insights about their
current projects, and offer inspirational tidbits. Learn more about the
different ways they use robots in their work everyday. Finally, have you
ever rocked out with a robot? Stay to hear musical sounds with Ensemble
Francisca Vasconcelos, MIT undergraduate
Tobi Lanre-Amos, MIT Alum '16
Jennifer Millberg, Product Manager, iRobot
Christine Southworth and Evan Ziporyn, MIT graduates, Ensemble Robot
*Robot Build Challenge with the Community Charter School of Cambridge
Robotics Club, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.*
Bring a few friends to build and program in an exciting two-hour challenge
that will test your engineering skills. We will be programming with LEGO
Mindstorm kits in this hands-on exploration with help from the CCSC
Robotics Club. No experience or registration necessary. Robots sets and
laptops will be provided to groups of up to six people. Participation will
be limited to 10 teams.
*Naija Beta Documentary, 1 - 4 p.m.*
Second Floor
Follow a team of Nigerian and Nigerian-American MIT students as they head
home to teach technology through a competitive robotics camps in Lagos.
*Hands-on Activities, 12 - 4 p.m.*
Second Floor
Explore, program and tinker with engineers from the local area showcasing
the latest in robotics and coding.
Demonstrations and Activities:
Koch Institute
MIT Society of Women Engineers
Einstein's Workshop
Boston Dynamics
MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
Life Long Kindergarten Group
*7. Building Waste Ventures in Emerging Markets: A Panel Discussion*
*When:* Thursday, November 10th, 11:30AM
*Where:* MIT Building 32-144 | MIT Stata Center
*Info:* link
Lunch will be served!
Waste management is often an under-appreciated sector, yet entrepreneurial
opportunities abound, especially in emerging markets.
In the context of the new Inclusive Waste Management Prize this year, the
MIT Waste Alliance, together with Sloan Entrepreneurs for International
Development (SEID) and MIT IDEAS Global Challenge / D-Lab / PIA, will be
hosting a panel discussion featuring the following waste-sector
Bilikiss Adebiyi-Abiola from Wecylers (Nigeria)
Sidhant Pai from Protoprint (India)
Tom Osborn from GreenChar (Kenya)
Ben Wokorach from Fruiti-Cycle (Uganda)
If you have any specific questions, please feel free to submit them in
advance to trashiscash at mit.edu
This event is generously sponsored by the Graduate Student Life Grant and
the MIT Innovation Initiative.
*8. Now Hiring: MSRP Program Assistants*
*When:* Applications due by November 14th
*Info: *link
*Apply: *link
The Office of the Dean for Graduate Education has opened a call for Program
Assistants for the MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) and we invite you to
apply! All graduate students are eligible.
Program Assistants (PAs):
• Work as team and with the MSRP staff to provide mentorship outside of the
lab and facilitate a positive summer experience for undergraduate summer
research interns.
• Participate with a time commitment of 20 hours per week from June 4 to
August 6, 2017.
• Receive a $5,000 stipend for 10 weeks (9 week program +
training/meetings), paid weekly.
MSRP is a 9-week summer research experience for talented, underrepresented
minority and underserved undergraduate students from other institutions who
might benefit from spending a summer on MIT’s campus conducting research
and participating in academic, professional development, and community
building events and activities. You can find more information about the
program here <http://mit.edu/msrp>.
More information and the PA application can be found here
Questions can be sent to Gloria Anglón and Sasha Susman at msrp at mit.edu.
*9. 4th Annual MIT Hacking Arts Festival Tickets Now on Sale*
*When:* November 19th
*Where:* MIT Media Lab 6th Floor & MIT LIST Visual Arts Center
*Info: *link <http://hackingarts.com/#ha2016>
*Register:* link
Hacking Arts ignites entrepreneurship and innovation within the creative
arts. We bring together creative technologists, artists, innovators and
hackers at MIT to explore the future of the arts at our annual Conference,
Tech Expo and Hackathon.
Hacking Arts 2016 will mark the fourth annual festival held at the MIT
Media Lab, fostering community and celebrating innovation in the creative
industries: Design, Fashion, Film/Video, Gaming, Music, Performing Arts,
Virtual/Augmented Reality and Visual Arts.
Hacking Arts is organized by the MIT Sloan School of Management
Entertainment, Media & Sports Club in partnership with MIT's Center for
Art, Science, and Technology and the Martin Trust Center for MIT
If you have a passion for art and technology, if painting robots and
dancing lights and augmented reality theatre pieces get you pumped - you
need to be a part of this conversation. Early bird tickets are on sale now
for our conference igniting innovation in the creative arts. It will be a
day to remember of panels, performances, start-up presentations and a tech
expo with 30+ interactive prototypes to get hands on with motion capture,
Virtual and Augmented reality, wearables and more.
*10. MIT Work-Life Center Fall 2016 Seminar Series *
*When:* now - December
*Info: *link <http://hrweb.mit.edu/worklife/seminars>
*Register:* link <http://hrweb.mit.edu/worklife/seminars/>
We are pleased to announce the launch of the MIT Work-Life Center’s Fall
2016 Seminar Series. Our presenters, who are experts in their fields, will
share research-based strategies, tips, and information on more than 25
topics, including changing how you respond to stress; supporting your
child’s emotional and intellectual development; understanding the U.S.
college admissions process; navigating life as a young professional; and
learning how to help an aging family member.
All seminars are free of charge and open to the entire MIT community and
their families; however, registration is required.
We believe these seminars and workshops will help MIT community members
find better balance in their professional and personal lives. We appreciate
your help, as always, in communicating this information to the broader MIT
*11. MIT CONNECT: Free one-on-one Lunches *
*Sign up:* link <http://connected.mit.edu/>
Are you interested in having lunch with fellow MIT students, faculty, staff
and alumni this semester? MIT Connect is designed to create a more
connected campus by arranging for friendly, informal, platonic lunches
between individuals from all over campus, and all walks of life. We are
providing $10 in Tech Cash towards selected lunches for participating
************** Outside MIT **************
*When:* now
*Apply:* link <https://goo.gl/ZNR1O1>
- Play a sport once a week (soccer/kickball/football, etc.)
- Network once a month (Ex: founders/VCs/engineers on Rooftops!)
MBAs get half the endowment already, its time there was a tool created for
to STEM students!
We're granting free entry to our Launch event at Scholars-Downtown if 10 of
your members fill & identify their affiliation in our poll! We plan to go
live within 3 weeks and are starting with Harvard, MIT and Tufts.
*13. [MASS AWIS] How to Succeed as a Woman in Academia *
*When:* Wednesday, November 9th, 5:00pm – 8:00pm
*Where:* Boston Children's Hospital Auditorium, 1 Autumn St, Boston, MA
*Register:* link <http://mass-awis.org/woman-academia_nov2016/>
It is increasingly difficult to obtain a faculty position, and women are
still severely under-represented in STEM professorships. Come hear insight
and advice from a panel of female professors who are successfully
navigating the world of academics.
MASS AWIS members $5 ·
Non-members $10
BCH postdocs Free (with ID)
*14. RSVP for McKinsey Energy and Sustainability presentation*
*When:* Monday, November 21st, 11:45AM - 12:45PM
*Where:* MIT Building E62-276
*RSVP:* link
This event is open to current MIT students, faculty, and staff. Please use
your @mit.edu or @sloan.mit.edu address to sign up.
Please join McKinsey & Company’s Senior Partner Scott Nyquist for a
discussion on climate change, recent progress in policy and technology, and
implications for energy companies.
Scott Nyquist is a Senior Partner in the Houston Office and a leader in the
McKinsey Sustainability and Resource Productivity Network as well as a
leader in the McKinsey's Energy Practice. Scott is also on the McKinsey
Global Institute Council, which advises on MGI’s research on global
economic, business, and technology trends.
McKinsey’s Sustainability and Resource Productivity (SRP) network helps the
world’s leading institutions make sustainability and resource productivity
a core driver of economic performance. SRP’s mission is to be the best
place to work for people with ambition to make a positive and lasting
impact on both clients and environment.
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