[GWAMIT] Announcements - Week of August 31, 2015
gwamit at mit.edu
Tue Sep 1 08:10:36 EDT 2015
[image: Inline images 2]
Dear GW at MIT Members,
The Fall semester is almost here! If you have new women in your
lab/department, be sure to let them know about GWAMIT's Orientation Women's
Welcome Lunch
and invite them along to our events!
We're also still looking for Fall Leadership Conference co-chairs, event
leads, and committee members. Email us (gwamit-exec at mit.edu) if you have
any questions, and feel free to pass this on to anyone you think would be
The GWAMIT Board
*Send your ideas to:* gwamit-exec at mit.edu
*Send your announcements to:* gwamit-sec at mit.edu
*Visit us:* http://gwamit.org
*======== IN BRIEF========*
*GW at MIT:*
1. Apply to Organize the Fall 2015 Leadership Conference (Now!)
2. [MITeri] Donate to Nepali Relief Fund
3. Graduate Community Fellows Positions OPEN for 2015-2016 (Now)
4. VPR Graduate Student Advisory Board (Aug. 21st - Sept 4th)
5. Zipcar Founder and CEO Robin Chase Talk (Sept. 14th)
*Outside MIT:*
6. Free LGBTQ-Related Hair and Makeup Consultations
7. Help Needed - 4GGL Voices and Choices Survey Data Analysis (Now!)
8. [MASS AWIS] Get Powerful: Influence Workshop (Sept. 9th)
9. Radcliffe Institute Women in Biotech Symposium (Sept. 18th)
10. Hacking Eating Tracking (Sept. 18-20th)
*====================FULL ANNOUNCEMENTS====================*
*********** GW at MIT ***********
*1. Apply to Organize the 2015 GWAMIT Leadership Conference*
*When*: Now!
*Application*: link <https://goo.gl/371XYR>
*Contact*: link <gwamit-exec at mit.edu>
GWAMIT is currently recruiting conference co-chairs, event leads, and
committee members for the annual Fall Leadership Conference to be held in
October 2015. This is a great opportunity to be a part of the 2015
organizing team!
There are many different ways you can get involved depending on your
interests and schedule:
- *2 Co-Chairs*: Conference Co-Chairs lead the committee members, set
the conference theme, and oversee all general planning of the conference.
- *Event Leads*: Each conference has 4-5 Event Leads who spearhead a
single event (either an invited speaker, a panel, or a workshop). Event
Leads are part of the conference committee.
- *Committee Members*: attend regular meetings, contribute to theme
brainstorming, logistics, publicity, and volunteer during events.
Please contact the GWAMIT Executive Board at gwamit-exec at mit.edu if you
have questions. We also encourage you to read more about previous leaders
and events on our website
*********** MIT ***********
*2. [MITeri] Donate to Nepali Relief Fund*
*Donate*: link
On April 25th, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Nepal. The death toll has
risen above 4000, and still many more are injured.
MITeri, a Nepali group on campus, has set up a relief fund for donations,
which will be sent to Help Nepal Network <http://www.helpnepal.net/>, a
non-profit organization involved in immediate disaster relief on ground.
Any donation amount will be highly appreciated.
*3. Graduate Community Fellows Positions OPEN for 2015-2016*
*When*: Now!
*Questions*: link <juliekuk at mit.edu>
*Apply*: link <http://odge.mit.edu/community/gcf/>
Several openings are still available in the Graduate Community Fellows
program in the Office of the Dean for Graduate Education!
Graduate Community Fellows are a cadre of graduate students who work on
projects and assignments that enhance MIT graduate community in unique
ways. Fellows receive partial stipend support for the length of their
appointment period. Each Fellow reports to a staff member either in the
Office of the Dean for Graduate Education or in a partner organization, and
focuses on a specific project.
Open positions are as follows:
- Institute Community and Equity Office
- Language Conversation Exchange
Join the fellows program for positions that are fun and rewarding! Please
see our web site for position descriptions and an application form (
http://odge.mit.edu/community/gcf/). * We are accepting applications now
and hope to fill all positions by mid-August.* Please contact Julie
Kukharenko (juliekuk at mit.edu) with any questions.
*4. VPR Graduate Student Advisory Board *
*When: *Biweekly on Fridays, 5:30 - 6:30 PM
*Where: *MIT Medical
*Email: *link <hank at MED.MIT.EDU>
VPR (Violence Prevention & Response
<https://medical.mit.edu/community/violence-prevention>) is currently
soliciting help for a small group of graduate students to sit on the
Violence Prevention and Response Graduate Advisory Board (VPR-GAB). The
commitment is a short 1 hour evening meeting every other week with an
invitation to stay on for monthly meetings in the future. Their purpose
will be to assist with VPR’s programming and outreach efforts within the
graduate community. We are looking for MIT grad students who would be
willing to share information about what being a grad student is like, give
feedback on ideas, and help tweak and/or plan various initiatives.
We are looking for 10-20 students. The participants will be gifted
generously for their time. Please let me know if you have any questions. If
you're interested, let Amanda know directly. Thank you again for your
continued support of VPR and all of our efforts!
Meeting Schedule:
- Sept 4th @ 5:30-6:30pm
**Meetings will be held in MIT medical and dinner will be provided.
Children are welcome.**
Contact info:
Amanda L. Hankins, MSW
Education & Prevention Specialist
Violence Prevention & Response, MIT Medical
E23-498, (617)258-6948
VPR 24-HOUR HOTLINE 617-253-2300
*5. Zipcar CEO and Founder Robin Chase Talk*
*When*: Monday, September 14, 6 - 7 PM
*Where*: Building 10-250 <http://whereis.mit.edu/go?=10>
*Info*: link
*Contact*: email <ahchan at alum.mit.edu>
Robin Chase, co-founder/ex-CEO of Zipcar and one of Time’s 100 Most
Influential People in the World, illuminates the potential of the
collaborative economy to address broader issues such as climate change and
income inequality, and proves the impact that this innovative force can
have on these most pressing economic and social issues of our time. Free
- 5:45 pm Registration
- 6:00 pm Talk and Q&A
- 7:00 pm Talk ends and book signing
- 7:30 pm Dinner with Robin (by lottery)
Followed by Intimate dinner with Robin at 7:30 PM; admission by lottery.
Contact: Alex Hamilton Chan ahchan at alum.mit.edu
*********** Outside MIT ***********
*6. Free LGBTQ-Related Hair and Makeup Consultations*
*When*: Contact to set up a time
*Where*: Hair by Christine and Co, 217 Highland Ave, Somerville
*Email*: link <christine at hairbychristineandco.com>
*Phone*: 617-776-6470
My name is Christine. I own my own hair salon located in Somerville. We are
an extremely LGBTQ friendly salon and I am looking to extend my hand and
services to help out the transgender community. There is still a lot of
judgement that the LGBTQ community is faced with and I want to make sure
that HAIR by Christine & co is always viewed as an absolutely NON
JUDGEMENT establishment. We just want people to walk in and be themselves
and leave a better version of themselves.
My heart has been deeply affected with all the stories and media
highlighting the transgender community and what the struggles are that they
go through on a daily basis. I feel compelled to help. I am offering FREE
makeup and hair consultations for those transitioning to help make them
feel beautiful and more confident on a daily basis. I have been working
with a client Michelle on her transition and it has been amazingly
rewarding for not only her but myself. I have always had such an open heart
for the LGBTQ community but now I feel like I have something to offer that
could really be great!
You can find me via email at christine at hairbychristineandco.com or by phone
at 617-543-3574. The salon phone number is 617-776-6470 and is located at
217 Highland Avenue, Somerville. It is minutes from the Davis Square red
line Train Station.
*7. Help Needed - 4GGL Voices and Choices Survey Data Analysis*
*When*: Now!
*Info*: link <http://4ggl.org/about/research-2/>
*Contact:* link <jin at 4ggl.org>
We wanted to hear voices, values and visions of today’s girls and young
women, worldwide. So in 2014, 4Girls Glocal Leadership (4GGL)
<http://4ggl.org> launched the first-ever global empowerment survey in 5
different languages!
We are currently tallying feedback we received during our survey to share
the results of our empowerment research! But we *need support* to analyze
this qualitative data as soon as possible. If you are interested, contact
Jin In (founder of 4GGL) at jin at 4ggl.org as soon as possible for more
specific information.
*8. [MASS AWIS] Get Powerful: Achieving Influence Workshop*
*When*: Wednesday, Sept. 9, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
*Where*: Harvard Medical School, Building C-Cannon Room (240 Longwood Ave,
*Register*: link <http://www.massawis.org/GetPowerful2015>
Want to be more effective at work and advance your career?Then you need to
understand and apply the concept of “power” in the workplace. Power is “the
capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the
course of events.” This fun and interactive workshop explores surprising
research findings, shares simple techniques to enhance your power and
teaches participants how to apply these techniques in all aspects of life.
Sean is a former Lecturer in Marketing at the Boston University Graduate
School of Management and Adjunct Professor of Marketing at Northeastern
University in Boston. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree (Political
Science) from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a Masters of
Business Administration Degree, with a concentration in Marketing, from
Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.
- 6:00-6:30 pm: Refreshments/Networking
- 6:30-7:30 pm: Seminar
- 7:30-8:00 pm: Networking
To register, visit: www.massawis.org/GetPowerful2015
First 8 HMS/HSDM Postdoc registrants free!
MASS AWIS & HMS/HSDM Postdocs $10 · Non-members$20
Register before Sept. 2nd for a chance to win a copy of “Black Hole Focus”!
*9. Radcliffe Institute Women in Biotech Symposium*
*When*: Friday, September 18, 1 - 5 PM
*Where*: Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University
*Register*: link <http://bit.ly/WiBHarvard>
Why are women underrepresented as leaders in the biotech industry?
It’s a perplexing issue which warrants examination and discussion. Bringing
together scientists, industry and venture capital leaders, and academics,
this symposium will explore the divide between the large number of women
who pursue advanced degrees in related scientific fields and their
representation in leadership positions in biotech firms. Speakers will also
share new research, experimentation, and promising models that may help
industry, universities, government, and private capital improve the current
system. Join us to gain a deeper understanding into this situation.
Register online and view the full schedule:
- *Alison Wood Brooks*, assistant professor of business administration,
Harvard Business School
- *Victoria A. Budson*, executive director, Women and Public Policy
Program, Harvard Kennedy School
- *Daniel Carpenter*, director of the social sciences program, Radcliffe
Institute; Allie S. Freed Professor of Government in the Faculty of Arts
and Sciences, Harvard University
- *Ann DeWitt*, senior director of investments, Sanofi-Genzyme
- *Deborah Dunsire*, president and chief executive offer, Forum
- *Robin Ely,* Diane Doerge Wilson Professor of Business Administration
and senior associate dean for Culture and Community, Harvard Business School
- *Monica C. Higgins*, Kathleen McCartney Professor in Education
Leadership, Harvard Graduate School of Education
- *Anula Jayasuriya*, cofounder, Evolvence India Life Science Fund and
India Life Science Fund II; founder, EXXclaim Capital
- *Janet Rich-Edwards*, codirector of the science program, Radcliffe
Institute; associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School; and
associate professor in the department of epidemiology at the Harvard T.H.
Chan School of Public Health
- *Laurel Smith-Doerr*, professor of sociology and director of the
Institute for Social Science Research, University of Massachusetts Amherst
The event is free and open to the public.
*10. Hacking Eating Tracking*
*When*: Friday - Sunday, September 18-20
*Where*: Harvard Northwest Building, Cambridge, MA
*Info*: link <http://www.hackingeatingtracking.org/get-involved/>
Eating behavior has a major influence on food intake, nutrition and overall
health, yet what we know and understand about it is still limited.
Importantly, most methods that we use nowadays to study how humans eat are
indirect and rely on self-report.
We want to bring together a group of creative scientists and hackers to
catalyze the development of new ideas and disruptive solutions that can
shape the future of the collection and application of quantified human
eating behavior data.
Hacking Eating Tracking will have an unusual format that can be defined as
an hybrid between a scientific symposium and a hackathon. Saturday and
Sunday morning there will be three discussion panels covering science,
technology and applications. The hackathon will run in parallel with these
panels. Sunday afternoon there will be a final pitch and demos of hackathon
teams and prizes. Aside from the program agenda there will be also be a
number of opportunities to socialize and exchange ideas.
We welcome participants from a variety of disciplines: science, technology,
arts and business, in particular active individuals who are passionate
about this topic and are willing to spend a weekend generating ideas,
connections, discussions and hackathon innovations. Learn how to get
involved here <http://www.hackingeatingtracking.org/get-involved/>.
*Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:*
*Visit us:* http://gwamit.org
*Blog:* http://gwamit.blogspot.com
*Twitter:* http://twitter.com/gwamitweb
*Facebook:* http://www.facebook.com/gwamit
*GWAMIT Calendar:* http://bit.ly/gwamitevents
*GWAMIT Interest Calendar:* http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
*Send your ideas to: *gwamit-exec at mit.edu
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