[GWAMIT] Announcements - Week of 1/27/14
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Jan 27 13:32:29 EST 2014
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Register now for this year’s Sloan Women in Management Conference coming up next week. See further details below. If you have any events or announcements to share with the GWAMIT membership, please email us at gwamit-sec at mit.edu.
The GWAMIT Board
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
1. Structuring Your Scientific Papers (Wed. Jan. 29, 2-4pm)
2. How to Work a Career Fair (Thurs. Jan. 30, 3-4:30pm)
3. Sloan Women in Management Conference 2014 – “Challenge Accepted” (Sat. Feb. 8, 8am-4:30pm)
4. Your College Major-A Minor Life Choice (Tues. Feb. 11, 7:15pm)
Outside MIT:
5. Women in Technology, Now and Next (Mon. Jan. 27, 7-9pm)
6. [HGWISE] Coffee Hour with Prof. Jenny Hoffman (Tues. Jan. 28, 4-5pm)
7. [MASS-AWIS] Enriching Your Mentoring Relationships: A How-To Workshop for Mentees and Mentors (Mon. Feb. 3, 6:30-8:30pm)
To see more events beyond this week's digest visit http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
1. Structuring Your Scientific Papers (Wed. Jan. 29, 2-4pm)
When: Wednesday, January 29, 2-4pm
Where: 10-250
Contact: Marilyn Wilson, mcwilson at mit.edu
Papers are one of the few deliverables of the work of researchers. Well-designed, they efficiently allow each reader to learn only what he or she needs to. Poorly designed, by contrast, they confuse readers, fail to prompt decisions, or remain unread.
Based on Dr. Doumont's book “Trees, maps, and theorems,” about effective communication for rational minds, the lecture shows how to structure scientific papers, theses, and technical reports effectively at all levels to get the readers' attention, facilitate navigation, and, in this way, get the message across optimally. Sponsored by the Office of the Dean for Graduate Education, and Global Education & Career Development. Walk-ins welcome.
2. How to Work a Career Fair (Thurs. Jan. 30, 3-4:30pm)
When: Thursday, January 30, 3-4:30pm
Where: 4-237
Many students are overwhelmed when attempting to navigate a career fair with hundreds of employers. This workshop will provide tips and strategies on how be effective at the European Career Fair on February 1st.
You will learn what to do in preparation for the fair, what to do at the fair, and what to do after the fair. The fair is an excellent opportunity to connect with employers -- create a strategy that will help you in this competitive employment environment!
3. Sloan Women in Management Conference 2014 – “Challenge Accepted” (Sat. Feb. 8, 8am-4:30pm)
When: Saturday, February 8, 8am-4:30pm
Where: MIT Media Lab, 75 Amherst Street, Cambridge
Register: http://bit.ly/SWIM2014
More info: http://sloanwomeninmanagement2014conference.com/
At different points in our lives and careers, we are faced with opportunities, setbacks, and difficult choices. The 2014 SWIM Conference, entitled “Challenge Accepted”, is about facing these events head-on — whether you hope to start your own business or join the C-Suite.
We will hear from leaders across a variety of industries that have achieved success in often arduous environments. And many of us have our own challenges and opportunities on the horizon. This interactive forum will discuss how to approach each new opportunity and setback with confidence, forward-thinking, and trust in your abilities and networks.
4. Your College Major-A Minor Life Choice (Tues. Feb. 11, 7:15pm)
When: Tuesday, February 11, 7:15pm
Where: Green Room, McCormick Hall (W4)
RSVP: http://bit.ly/MinorLifeChoice
Interested in learning how a former process engineer at a chemical company became managing director at Goldman Sachs? Then come and listen to Kimberly Ritrievi talk about “Your College Major-A Minor Life Choice.” Buffet dinner will be served starting at 6:45 PM.
Kim Ritrievi got her PhD in ChemE and Masters in Management from MIT. She currently serves as President of The Ritrievi Group LLC, where Ms. Ritrievi has advised technology and chemical companies on financial strategies.
**********Outside MIT**********
5. Women in Technology, Now and Next (Mon. Jan. 27, 7-9pm)
When: Monday, January 27, 7-9pm
Where: KPMG 15th Floor, 1 Broadway, Cambridge
RSVP: http://bit.ly/RDVSketch
Don't miss Rough Draft Ventures Sketch, also know on the Twitterverse as #RDVSketch. We'll be gathering on Monday, January 27th to discuss the state of women in technology: Where we are, where we're going, what's working, what needs to evolve, and how we get to the next step. Specifically, we'll also discuss the resources available to women entrepreneurs in school.
Rough Draft Sketch is a monthly meetup, sponsored by Rough Draft Ventures, which pulls together university students from around the Boston area to discuss the pains and pleasures of starting and running technology startups. Each #RDVSketch features a panel of thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators from around the world, all interested in helping tomorrow's leaders soak up the knowledge needed to succeed in founding new, world-changing ventures.
6. [HGWISE] Coffee Hour with Prof. Jenny Hoffman (Tues. Jan. 28, 4-5pm)
When: Tuesday, January 28, 4-5pm
Where: Lyman Laboratory Room 330, Harvard University, Cambridge
RSVP: http://bit.ly/HGWISECoffee
Join us for an informal coffee hour with Professor Jenny Hoffman from the department of physics! Jenny earned her B.A. in Physics from Harvard and her Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. Jenny is interested in how electrons behave within exotic materials. Her research team at Harvard has designed and constructed three low-temperature scanning probe microscopes to visualize and manipulate this behavior directly. Materials of particular interest include high temperature superconductors, topological insulators, and strongly correlated vanadates, all of which present deep physics questions as well as potential for novel applications.
After returning to Harvard as a faculty member, Jenny has taught several undergraduate physics classes and won a number of teaching awards. She is also involved in science outreach: for example, she has taught cryogenics classes to K-5 students at Einstein’s Workshop, and mentored summer research projects for high school students. When Jenny is not doing science, she likes to run. Over the years, she and her husband Daniel have completed numerous ultra-marathons (including races as long as 100 miles). As a parent of three children, Jenny can also speak about maintaining work/family balance while pursuing a career in science.
7. [MASS-AWIS] Enriching Your Mentoring Relationships: A How-To Workshop for Mentees and Mentors (Mon. Feb. 3, 6:30-8:30pm)
When: Monday, February 3, 6:30-8:30pm
Where: Sackler Science Center, Clark University, Worcester
Register: http://bit.ly/MentoringRelationships
Contact: Elif Sikoglu, massawiswest at gmail.com
Mentoring is critical for career success but how do you find a mentor? How do you have a worthwhile mentoring relationship? This presentation will provide practical advice about finding, utilizing and being a mentor. Men and women welcome to attend.
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Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
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