[GWAMIT] Ready for the Challenge? Take on the Happiness Challenge at MIT!
gwamit at mit.edu
Fri Feb 14 15:34:28 EST 2014
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The 2014 Happiness Challenge
8 Lifestyle Challenges for Greater Fundamental Happiness
Here's the deal: There are things we can all do to make our lives healthier and happier. Exercising, sleeping, thinking positively - it's nothing we haven't heard of before. But it's so easy to leave these ideas on the back burner. That's why the MIT Undergraduate Association is excited to host the Happiness Challenge open to all of MIT - graduate students, undergraduate students, staff, and faculty! Grab a friend and try each challenge for one week. Chances are, it'll make you feel awesome!
Sign up now!<http://thehappinesschallenge.org/>
[MIT Undergraduate Association]<http://ua.mit.edu/people/committees/#student-support-wellness>
1. Sign up here<http://thehappinesschallenge.org/mit.html> by Saturday, February 15.
2. Receive a curated challenge in your inbox each week.
3. Try out the challenge for a week.
4. Check in at the week's end on our website.
5. Get a chance to win a weekly prize - gift cards, massages, and the like!
6. Champions who complete all 8 weeks get a prize at the end of the term.
What are challenges like?
Each challenge narrows in on one happy habit, like sleeping, eating well, or altruism. The mission is to take each habit and apply it to your life for one week.
What are the perks?
With research behind all of our challenges, you'll learn more about why certain habits are good for you! We'll also have a bunch of events and prizes to keep you all motivated, chipper, and well-fed throughout the semester.
Who else is doing this?
While this is the first year MIT's hosting the Challenge, we'll be joined by Harvard, Yale, UCLA, and Wellesley, too!
Have more questions? Email ua-wellness at mit.edu<mailto:ua-wellness at mit.edu> or check out the Challenge's FAQ<http://thehappinesschallenge.org/faq.html>!
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