[GWAMIT] Announcements - Week of 4/28/14
gwamit at mit.edu
Sun Apr 27 22:37:21 EDT 2014
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Happy Monday!
I hope you are enjoying this long week end. If you are interested in getting involved with GWAMIT, we are now accepting applications for the Fall Leadership Conference!
Please, find more information below.
If you have any events or announcements to share with the GWAMIT membership, please email us at gwamit-sec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-sec at mit.edu>.
The GWAMIT Board
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu>
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-sec at mit.edu>
Visit us: http://gwamit.org<http://gwamit.org/>
1. Apply to plan the GWAMIT Orientation Welcome Lunch or the Fall Leadership Conference (Deadline May 14th)
2. [Spouses&Partners] Volunteer @ MIT Spouses&Partners (April-May)
3. DreamIt Ventures: MIT Lunch & Learn Info Session (May 8th, 12:30-2pm)
Outside MIT:
4. Scientista: a Celebration of Women in Science (April-September)
5. [HGWISE] Online presence workshop / creating a personal webpage (May 1st, 4-5pm)
6. [GWIS] Nominations for Chapter Leadership (Deadline: May 1st)
7. [HGWISE] Second Anual Jocelyn Lecture: "Celebrating Diversity in the Biomedical Sciences" (May 5th, 12-4pm)
8. [MASS AWIS] Health, Fitness & Wellness Panel: Tips and Tricks for Health in a Busy Life (May 6th, 6-9pm)
9. DreamIt Ventures: WeWork South Station Informational Networking & Happy Hour (May 8th, 6-8pm)
10. [HGWISE] Panel Discussion and Reception: “The Biotech Boom: What We Can Learn From a Banner Year” (May 13th, 6-8pm)
11. [GWIS] Travel Grant applications (Deadline May 20th)
12. [HGWISE] Info Course on Teaching-Focused Careers in Higher Education (May 21st, 10m-1:30pm)
13. Volunteer with GWIS at the 2014 USA Science and Engineering Festival (June 26th-29th)
14. [GWIS] National Conference: Building Bridges: Practicing Science in the Modern Era (June 26th-29th)
15. DESERT LIFE: Field Studies of Art+Nature in the Southwest (August 9th-16th)
1. Apply to plan the GWAMIT Orientation Welcome Lunch or the Fall Leadership Conference
Application Deadline: Wednesday, May 14th
Apply: http://bit.ly/RZX7jl
Did you enjoy the Spring Empowerment Conference? Interested in getting more involved with GWAMIT? We are currently accepting applications for:
- 2 Co-Chairs of OWWL (Orientation Women's Welcome Lunch), held in August 2014
- 2 Co-Chairs of the Leadership Conference, held in October 2014
The application is available here http://bit.ly/RZX7jl
Please contact the GWAMIT Executive Board at gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu> if you have questions. We also encourage you to read more about previous leaders and events on our website: http://gwamit.org<http://gwamit.org/>
2. [Spouses&Partners] Volunteer @ MIT Spouses&Partners
When: April-May 2014
Help MIT Spouses&Partners to advertise their events! The position takes about 30 minutes per week and will mainly consists of putting fliers around campus.
If interested email Adrielle at stap at med.mit.edu<mailto:stap at med.mit.edu>.
3. DreamIt Ventures: MIT Lunch & Learn Info Session
When: Thursday, May 8th, 12:30-2pm
Where: E62-250, Sloan Business School
RSVP: http://dreamit.ticketleap.com/dreamitMIT/
DreamIt Ventures is a startup accelerator that invests in and works closely with exceptional teams to create high-growth potential businesses. They provide capital, coaching, a community of peers, a curriculum tailored to first-time founders, and connections that help these startups increase the likelihood of success. They do this through 3 or 4-month long programs in New York, Philadelphia, Austin and Baltimore.
One of their managing partners, Elliot Menschik, will be coming to the Boston area Thursday, May 8th and will be holding a "Lunch and Learn" info session and a networking happy hour. Elliot runs their healthcare arm and will speak to upcoming programs across all sectors as well as how their healthcare program builds on our standard program.
These programs run at all times of the year and applications can be found at www.dreamitventures.com/apply<http://www.dreamitventures.com/apply>.
Are you launching the next great tech company? DreamIt Ventures Managing Directors will be in Boston this May hosting a Lunch & Learn Series at MIT, as well as an *Informational Networking & Happy Hour* at WeWork South Station. Don't miss your opportunity to meet with our team and have your questions about DreamIt's programs and application process answered. http://bit.ly/1nYxBUg
**********Outside MIT**********
4. Scientista: a Celebration of Women in Science
When: ongoing April-September
Where: http://bit.ly/1igJJ3k
To celebrate the accomplishments of women in science and to inspire other women to follow in their footstep, the Scientista Foundation has partnered with Mettler Toledo and LabX Media to conduct a series of six interviews with influential North American scientists to highlight their achievements and contributions, and to ask them what advice they have for the next generation of scientific pioneers. The interviews are hosted by "I F★cking Love Science" founder Elise Andrew, and will air the second week of every month from April through September.
5. [HGWISE] Online presence workshop / creating a personal webpage
When: Thursday, May 1st, 4-5pm
Where: Ballard Room, 5th floor, Countway, Longwood, Harvard
RSVP: http://bit.ly/1tqtaqD
Want to create or improve your online presence?
Get introduced to various free and affordable resources available through Harvard and beyond that will allow you to make your own online profile, personal webpage, and more.
We will be emphasizing web builder tools that do not require any coding so no coding knowledge required! Feel free to bring your laptops.
RSVPs appreciated: http://bit.ly/1tqtaqD
6. [GWIS] Nominations for Chapter Leadership
Application deadline: Thursday, May 1st
Shape the future of GWIS; positions now available on the GWIS local chapter board. Nominate yourself or someone else by emailing name, affiliation, position the nomination is for, and a brief statement of interest/qualifications to: gwis at heimdall.org by May 1.
Open positions:
- President (1-yr term)
- Vice-President (1-yr term)
- Treasurer (2-yr term)
- Secretary (2-yr term)
- National Liaison (2-yr term)
- Public Relations (2-yr term)
- Membership (2-yr term)
7. [HGWISE] Second Anual Jocelyn Lecture: "Celebrating Diversity in the Biomedical Sciences"
When: Monday, May 5th, 12-4pm
Where: Longwood Campus
Join us for the second annual Jocelyn Spragg Lecture to celebrate diversity in biomedical sciences, given by Jill Bargonetti, Professor of Biological Science at Hunter College and Chair of the Molecular Cellular & Developmental Biology PhD program at CUNY Graduate School.
The event will feature from 12-1pm a discussion on "MDM2 and Mutant p53 Signaling in Breast Cancer" in the Cannon room, Building C, Longwood Campus. At 4pm there will be a Career Panel Discussion in TMEC 209. A reception to follow in the JBM Lounge, in the Vanderbilt Hall.
8. [MASS AWIS] Health, Fitness & Wellness Panel: Tips and Tricks for Health in a Busy Life
When: Tuesday, May 6th, 6-9pm
Where: Yellowstone Room, Broad Institute, 7 Cambridge Center, Cambridge
Register: http://bit.ly/1mqi6FZ
The event will include the following:
No excuses! How to fit your workout into any schedule, by Bethany Bracken, Ph.D. - Certified fitness instructor and scientist;
A moment of mindfulness, by Laura Carmen Arena, Ed.M., M.T.S. - Yoga and meditation teacher, contemplative writer and artist;
K-2 – the missing vitamin? Important for teeth, bones, and heart, by Rosalind Michahelles, D.Soc. - Certified holistic health counselor;
True or false? The stubborn myths of nutrition and fitness, by Beth Kaufman, Ph.D. - Member engagement director, YMCA of greater Boston
6-6:30 pm: Light dinner and networking
6:30-7:30 pm: Speaker presentations
7:30-8:30 pm: Panel discussion and questions
Register at http://bit.ly/1mqi6FZ. before April 29th for a chance to win a Starbucks gift-card,
MASS AWIS members and Broad Affiliates $10 · Non-members $20
9. DreamIt Ventures: WeWork South Station Informational Networking & Happy Hour
When: Thursday, May 8th, 6-8pm
Where: WeWork South Station, 175 Atlantic Avenue, Boston
RSVP: http://dreamit.ticketleap.com/dreamitBoston/
DreamIt Ventures is a startup accelerator that invests in and works closely with exceptional teams to create high-growth potential businesses. They provide capital, coaching, a community of peers, a curriculum tailored to first-time founders, and connections that help these startups increase the likelihood of success. They do this through 3 or 4-month long programs in New York, Philadelphia, Austin and Baltimore.
One of their managing partners, Elliot Menschik, will be coming to the Boston area Thursday, May 8th and will be holding a "Lunch and Learn" info session and a networking happy hour. Elliot runs their healthcare arm and will speak to upcoming programs across all sectors as well as how their healthcare program builds on our standard program.
These programs run at all times of the year and applications can be found at www.dreamitventures.com/apply<http://www.dreamitventures.com/apply>.
Are you launching the next great tech company? DreamIt Ventures Managing Directors will be in Boston this May hosting a Lunch & Learn Series at MIT, as well as an *Informational Networking & Happy Hour* at WeWork South Station. Don't miss your opportunity to meet with our team and have your questions about DreamIt's programs and application process answered. http://bit.ly/1nYxBUg
10. [HGWISE] Panel Discussion and Reception: “The Biotech Boom: What We Can Learn From a Banner Year”
When: Tuesday, May 13th, 6-8pm
Where: Armenise Room, Harvard Medical School, 200 Longwood Avenue, Longwood Medical Area, Harvard
Registration: http://bit.ly/1irBgvT
This event co-organized by the Harvard Biotech Club and Oxbridge Biotech Roundtable (OBR) will feature:
- Robert Langer, PhD - David H. Koch Institute Professor, MIT
- David Meeker, MD - CEO, Genzyme
- Greg Verdine, PhD - Founder & CEO, WarpDrive Bio
- Peter Abair - Director, Economic & Global Affairs, MassBio
- John Carroll - Editor, FierceBiotech
- 6pm - Registration
- 6:30pm - Introductions & Speaker
- 7pm - Panel Discussion
- 8pm - Networking Reception with food
Register for FREE at http://bit.ly/1irBgvT
11. [GWIS] Travel Grant applications
Application Deadline: Tuesday, May 20th
Travel grants of $300-500 will be awarded to academic scientists (undergraduate, graduate student, or postdoc at an institution in New England) for travel to a scientific conference where the awardee will be giving a presentation (oral or poster), between May 15, 2014 and May 30, 2015. Researchers in all fields of experimental and theoretical science (including the social sciences), mathematics, and engineering are eligible.
Please submit the following (as PDF, MS Word, or text format documents ONLY) by May 20, 2014, to the GWIS Alpha Omega email address sdegwisboston at gmail.com<mailto:sdegwisboston at gmail.com>: Name, mailing address, and email address; Name of the advisor who will submit the letter of recommendation; A description of the applicant's research geared toward a lay scientific audience (no more than 1 page); A copy of the abstract that has been or will be submitted for the conference, including the conference name, dates, and location; A brief statement describing how the conference will contribute to the applicant's professional development; A brief statement of financial need. In addition, the applicant’s faculty advisor should submit a letter of recommendation directly to sdegwisboston at gmail.com<mailto:sdegwisboston at gmail.com> with the name of the applicant stated at the beginning of the letter.
The award will be announced in June.
The applicant must be a member of GWIS at the time of application. The application for membership is available at http://www.gwis.org/.
12. [HGWISE] Info Course on Teaching-Focused Careers in Higher Education
When: Wednesday, May 21st, 10m-1:30pm
Where: Location TBA
Have you ever thought about pursuing a teaching focused career, but aren't sure about your options? If so, we're pleased to bring to your attention a new non-credit Info-course that will be offered later this spring, Teaching Focused Careers in Higher Education.
To learn more, please visit the following website: http://bit.ly/1hR9i7a or contact Emily Gleason emily_gleasson at hms.harvard.edu<mailto:emily_gleasson at hms.harvard.edu> or Jennifer Long Jennifer_long at hms.harvard.edu<mailto:Jennifer_long at hms.harvard.edu>.
13. Volunteer with GWIS at the 2014 USA Science and Engineering Festival
When: June 26th-29th
Where: Washington, DC.
Application deadline: Monday, April 21,
Info & Volunteering: http://bit.ly/1lr0Lv4
Inspire future generations of scientists and spread the word about GWIS to teachers and parents. GWIS is a sponsor of the 2014 USA Science and Engineering Festival to be held April 24-27, 2014 in Washington, DC. http://www.usasciencefestival.org/
Please consider volunteering to help with the GWIS experiment demonstration booth during the Festival. Volunteers will be performing DNA extractions; explaining how DNA works; and, importantly, serving as role models to future scientists and talking to teachers and parents about GWIS! The Festival takes place April 24-27, 2014. GWIS will have two side-by-side booths, and we'll need between 3-5 volunteers to man each booth (6-10 people total) at all times, including set-up and during festival hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. GWIS will be providing room and board in the form of hotel rooms and lodgings with Omicron members. Some travel expenses will also be covered.
If interested in learning more or volunteering, please visit http://bit.ly/1lr0Lv4.
14. [GWIS] National Conference: Building Bridges: Practicing Science in the Modern Era
When: June 26th-29th
Where: University of Minnesota, Southeast
Registration: http://bit.ly/1ny44Vm
Info: gwised at mac.com<mailto:gwised at mac.com>
The Xi Chapter is hosting the Annual Conference. the Keynote speaker will be Dr. Jorge Cham, the cartoonist of Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD), a popular newspaper and web comic strip and he will speak on the science gap.
The conference will be exploring various areas of 'soft skills' that are needed to become a great scientist, such as communication to the public and exploring new ways to teach biology, science in a political arena.
15. DESERT LIFE: Field Studies of Art+Nature in the Southwest
When: August 9th-16th
Deadline: July 21st
Info and registration: http://www.artbiocollaborative.com/desert-life
Discover the unique beauty of the desert in this one-of-a-kind artistic journey through white sand dunes, black lava rock, underground caverns, and mountain and landscapes of West Texas and New Mexico.
Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:
Visit us: http://gwamit.org<http://gwamit.org/>
Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com<http://gwamit.blogspot.com/>
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit
GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents
GWAMIT Interest Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu<mailto:gwamit-exec at mit.edu>
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