[GWAMIT] Announcements - Week of 12/30/13
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Dec 30 10:46:19 EST 2013
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Happy almost New Year! GWAMIT Executive Board applications are open until Sunday, January 5. See further details below to apply. If you have any events or announcements to share with the GWAMIT membership, please email us at gwamit-sec at mit.edu.
The GWAMIT Board
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
1. GWAMIT Executive Board Application 2014 (Applications due Sun. Jan. 5)
2. Apply to organize the 2014 GWAMIT Empowerment Conference!
3. 2014 MIT Energy Conference – Early Bird Registration (Register by Tues. Dec. 31)
4. Government and Policy Panel (Wed. Jan. 8, 1pm)
5. Aspiring Writer's Weekend at MIT Endicott House (Fri. Jan. 10 – Sun. Jan. 12)
Outside MIT:
6. New Skill, New Year! Taza and Taranta: Chocolate and Wine Pairing Class (Thurs. Jan. 9, 6:30-8:30pm)
7. Communicating Science Workshop (Mon. Jan. 13 – Tues. Jan. 14)
8. Winter Xcelerate (Thurs. Jan. 23 – Fri. Jan. 24)
To see more events beyond this week's digest visit http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
1. GWAMIT Executive Board Application 2014 (Applications due Sun. Jan. 5)
When: Applications due Sunday, January 5, 2014
Positions: http://bit.ly/GWAMITBoardStructure
Application: http://bit.ly/GWAMITExecApplication
Interested in being more involved in GWAMIT? Have you attended or helped plan a past GWAMIT activity, and would you like to become a member of the Executive Board? Apply now for a GWAMIT Executive Board position for the 2014 term, from January to December 2014!
Before applying, please review the responsibilities and requirements of each Executive Board position on the GWAMIT website (https://sites.google.com/site/gwamitweb//about/gwamit-board-structure) . Additionally, after submitting your application, please email gwamit-exec at mit.edu to schedule a brief, 1:1 interview with a current Executive Board member.
2. Apply to organize the 2014 GWAMIT Empowerment Conference!
Application: http://bit.ly/Empowerment2014Application
GWAMIT is currently recruiting conference co-chairs, event leads, and committee members for the annual Spring Empowerment Conference to be held in March 2014. This is a great opportunity to be a part of the 2014 organizing team!
There are many different ways you can get involved depending on your interests and schedule. Please contact the GWAMIT Executive Board at gwamit-exec at mit.edu if you have questions. We also encourage you to read more about previous leaders and events on our website: http://gwamit.org.
3. 2014 MIT Energy Conference – Early Bird Registration (Register by Tues. Dec. 31)
When: Register by Tuesday, December 31
Register: http://bit.ly/2014EnergyConf
More info: http://www.mitenergyclub.org/
Every year, the MIT Energy Conference draws over 1000 attendees to engage in critical discussion about key challenges defining the energy sector. Attendees hail from industry, academia, and policy. They provide an array of perspectives that foster rich dialogue amongst CEOs, entrepreneurs, investors, professors, researchers, regulators, students, and more.
Early Bird pricing ends December 31, so don't miss out! Please contact us directly for a discount on purchases of 6 tickets or more Tickets are required for BOTH Friday and Saturday panels. The Showcase is on Saturday and it is open to the public. A detailed conference schedule will be released by December 31, 2013.
4. Government and Policy Panel (Wed. Jan. 8, 1pm)
When: Wednesday, January 8, 1pm
Where: 68-181
More info: http://science.mit.edu/events/government-and-policy-panel
A scientist's skills need not be applied only to the lab and classroom. Come find out how scientists can employ their expertise in government and policy agencies, playing a role in shaping research infrastructure and public perception and understanding of science!
Panelists include: Amanda Arnold, MSc, Senior Policy Advisor, MIT Washington Office; Zofia Gajdos, PhD, Lecturer and Curriculum Fellow in Microbiology and Immunology, Harvard University; Ellie Graeden, PhD, Director of Strategic Systems Analysis, Gryphon Scientific; and David Healey, PhD candidate, Gore Lab, MIT Biology Department.
5. Aspiring Writer's Weekend at MIT Endicott House (Fri. Jan. 10 – Sun. Jan. 12)
When: Friday, January 10 – Sunday, January 12
Where: MIT Endicott House, Dedham
More info: http://www.mitendicotthouse.org/packages-themed-weekends.htm
Have you ever wanted to write? You can. Writing is a learned skill. Join Jane K. Cleland, author of the Josie Prescott Antiques Mysteries and a gifted teacher of writing, for this highly interactive working weekend. You'll find your unique writer's voice as you journey through six modules with thought-provoking and inspirational activities.
Whether you're a first time attendee or one of Jane's students, you'll participate in fresh exercises that target just the kind of writing you want to do, from memoirs, cookbooks, and other creative nonfiction to literary novels, children's literature, and genre fiction like mysteries and thrillers.
**********Outside MIT**********
6. New Skill, New Year! Taza and Taranta: Chocolate and Wine Pairing Class (Thurs. Jan. 9, 6:30-8:30pm)
When: Thursday, January 9, 6:30-8:30pm
Where: Taza Chocolate Factory Store, 561 Windsor Street, Somerville
Register: http://bit.ly/TazaTaranta
Chocolate and wine is a classic pairing with so many different options and Taza is excited to share some of our favorites! Join Taranta Restaurant's Beverage Director, Alex Galimberti, and Taza Chocolate's resident Wine Enthusiast, Josh Mamaclay, for an evening of enticing combinations to surprise even the most seasoned wine experts.
This tasting includes a flight of 6 wines that will demonstrate how to pair some of Taranta's sustainably-sourced wines with various organic, stone ground chocolates from Taza (and a sweet treat created especially for the occasion). To top off your evening, Josh will give you a brief tour of Taza's Somerville factory, a Taza goodie bag, and plenty of chocolate samples. Cheers!
7. Communicating Science Workshop (Mon. Jan. 13 – Tues. Jan. 14)
When: Monday, January 13 – Tuesday, January 14
Apply: http://comscicon.com/apply-attend-january-2014
More info: http://comscicon.com/january-2014-workshop
Harvard and MIT graduate students are invited to attend the Communicating Science (ComSciCon-local) workshop, sponsored by HILT and to be held at Harvard in January of 2014. The ComSciCon workshop series (http://comscicon.com/) is designed to empower graduate students to communicate the complex and technical concepts that arise in research in science, engineering, medicine, law and other fields to broad and diverse audiences, beyond fellow practitioners in the field.
The ComSciCon-local event will be held in two half-day sessions over the January term (http://www.gsas.harvard.edu/january), on the mornings of January 13th and 24th. There will be no cost or fee to graduate student attendees, but only a limited number of spots are available. For more information, please contact ComSciCon organizing committee co-chair Nathan Sanders (nsanders at fas.harvard.edu).
8. Winter Xcelerate (Thurs. Jan. 23 – Fri. Jan. 24)
When: Thursday, January 23 – Friday, January 24
Where: Harvard i-Lab, Boston
Register: http://bit.ly/WinterXcelerate
Harvard College Venture Partners, in collaboration with Hack Harvard, presents Winter Xcelerate, a two day crash course in entrepreneurship. Learn from experienced industry professionals about developing your own business, writing a business plan, and venture capital.
Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit
GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents
GWAMIT Interest Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
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