[GWAMIT] Announcements - Week of 4/15/13
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Apr 15 10:37:45 EDT 2013
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Join us for sushi making with SWE on Saturday! See details below. If you
have any events or announcements to share with the GWAMIT membership,
please email us at gwamit-sec at mit.edu.
Happy Patriots’ Day / Marathon Monday!
*The GWAMIT Board
*Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
1. Sushi Making with SWE (Sat. Apr. 20, 6pm)
2. Bowling Social with HGWISE (Fri. Apr. 26, RSVP by Fri. Apr. 19)
*3. [SAAM] April Tabling (Tuesdays in April, 11am-1pm and 4:30-6:30pm)
4. Writing Center Workshop (Tuesdays in April and May, 4-4:50pm)
5. Tales from the Land of Entrepreneurship (Mon. Apr. 22, 6:30-9pm)
6. Legatum Lecture - Shahnaz Husain: Pioneer and Entrepreneur (Wed. Apr.
24, 5:30-6:30pm)
7. [SAAM] Movie Night: “Flirting with Danger” (Wed. Apr. 24, 7-9pm)
*Outside MIT:
*8. [HGWISE] Challenges They Faced: Professors talk about getting through
grad school (Tues. Apr. 16, 5:15-7:15pm)
9. [HGWISE] Cambridge Coffee Hour with Professor Jennifer Hochschild (Mon.
Apr. 22, 4:30-5:30pm)
10. Women in Science and Engineering Computer Science Bootcamp (June 24-25,
Register now)
To see more events beyond this week's digest visit
http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
*1. Sushi Making with SWE (Sat. Apr. 20, 6pm)
When:* Saturday, April 20, 6pm
*Where:* McCormick Country Kitchen, MIT Campus
*RSVP:* http://bit.ly/SushiMakingRSVP
Would you like to learn how to make sushi and get to know some of the
undergraduate members of Society of Women Engineers (SWE) in the process?
Then join us for Sushi Making with SWE on Saturday, April 20, in the
McCormick Hall (W4) Country Kitchen. RSVP now to secure your spot!
*2. Bowling Social with HGWISE (Fri. Apr. 26, RSVP by Fri. Apr. 19)
When:* Friday, April 26, 5:30-7pm
*Where:* Meet at the Outbound Kendall T Station, 5pm
*RSVP:* http://bit.ly/BowlingSocial
Want to relax and meet graduate women from Harvard and MIT? Join us for
free candlepin bowling at Sacco’s with HGWISE! No bowling expertise is
needed, and all grad students and post-docs are welcome. SEATS ARE LIMITED,
so please let us know if you plan to come! (RSVP by Apr. 19).
*3. [SAAM] April Tabling (Tuesdays 11am-1pm and 4:30-6:30pm)
When:* Tuesdays in April, 11am-1pm and 4:30-6:30pm
*Where:* Lobby 10 (11am-1pm), Z Center Johnson Lobby (4:30-6:30pm)
*Info:* http://whiteelephant.scripts.mit.edu/saam/tabling/
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Stop by the SAAM table in Lobby 10
for information, materials and friendly faces every Tuesday between 11am –
1pm or the Johnson Lobby of the Z Center from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm, every
Tuesday in April.
Drop by one of our tables to pick up information, talk to committee
representatives, see the Clothesline Project, pick up a Sexual Assault
Awareness Month event schedule, get a t-shirt, or send a friend a White
*4. Writing Center Workshop (Tuesdays in April and May, 4-4:50pm)
When:* Tuesday, April 9, 23, and 30; May 7, 14, and 21
*Where:* 12-134
*Register:* http://bit.ly/WritingCenterWorkshop
Writing your proposal? Planning your dissertation? Completing your
dissertation? You don't need to go it alone! This writers' group will help
you manage your time and stress as you write your proposal, plan and
outline your dissertation, and complete it and journal articles. The group
will discuss ways to work more effectively, prioritize, and use resources
available at MIT. Check in on weekly goals, hear others' experiences, and
Cookies, tea, and hot water provided; Keurig coffee available for $.50.
Bring your mug and favorite tea if you wish. Sponsored by the MIT Writing
and Communication Center.
5. [AMITA] Tales from the Land of Entrepreneurship (Mon. Apr. 22, 6:30-9pm)
When:* Monday, April 22, 6:30-9pm
*Where:* E51-335
*Register:* http://bit.ly/AmitaEntrepreneurship
AMITA will be hosting a panel discussion on April 22, 6:30pm - 9:00pm at
MIT in E51-335. The speakers will be women entrepreneurs from the MIT
community who have taken a company public, have helped found a company with
annual revenue of at least $500,000, or who have achieved a comparable
level of success.
We'll hear their stories about the routes they took to achieve their goals
and what they learned along the way. More details about our panelists are
available here: http://bit.ly/AmitaEntrepreneurInfo. This event is
sponsored by Goodwin Procter LLP.
*6. Legatum Lecture - Shahnaz Husain: Pioneer and Entrepreneur (Wed. Apr.
24, 5:30-6:30pm)
When:* Wednesday, April 24, 5:30-6:30pm
*Where:* E62-223
*Info:* http://legatum.mit.edu/content/1281
Shahnaz Husain's revolutionary business model and marketing approach is
well-known throughout Asia. On April 24th, Shahnaz Husain will be at MIT to
share the experiences and views of a female entrepreneur who has seen the
growth of entrepreneurship in India, the increased role of female
entrepreneurs, and the changing opportunities for people living at the
bottom of the pyramid.
While creating commercial success, Ms. Husain faced and overcame obstacles
commonly encountered by female entrepreneurs working in low-income
countries - experiences that provide her with a wealth of advice for female
entrepreneurs. And in creating her business model, Ms. Husain offered
employment opportunities to thousands of women who, for the first time,
experienced the benefits of earning a wage. The empowerment of these women
demonstrates the broad-based and positive impact of innovative
*7. [SAAM] Movie Night: “Flirting with Danger” (Wed. Apr. 24, 7-9pm)
When:* Wednesday, April 24, 7-9pm
*Where:* 3-133
*Info:* http://whiteelephant.scripts.mit.edu/saam/big-movie-night/
Social and developmental psychologist and author Lynn Phillips explores the
line between consent and coercion in this thought-provoking look at popular
culture and the ways real girls and women navigate their heterosexual
relationships and hookups.
Featuring dramatizations of interviews that Phillips conducted with
hundreds of young women, the film examines how the wider culture’s
frequently contradictory messages about pleasure, danger, agency, and
victimization enter into women’s most intimate relationships with men. The
result is a refreshingly candid, and nuanced, look at how young women are
forced to grapple with deeply ambivalent cultural attitudes about female
***********Outside MIT**********
*8. [HGWISE] Challenges They Faced: Professors talk about getting through
grad school (Tues. Apr. 16, 5:15-7:15pm)
When:* Tuesday, April 16, 5:15-7:15pm
*Where:* Dudley House Common Room, Harvard University, Cambridge
Graduate school comes with a difficult array of setbacks and hurdles:
issues with your advisor, getting scooped, applying for funding. This event
brings together current graduate students with professors who faced similar
challenges, but got through them and thrived.
We’ll start with a short panel introducing our panelists and discussing
some of the problems they encountered in graduate school and the lessons
they learned. Over dinner, we will break into small groups led by our
panelists, who are all happy to share their experiences with you.
*9. [HGWISE] Cambridge Coffee Hour with Professor Jennifer Hochschild (Mon.
Apr. 22, 4:30-5:30pm)
When:* Monday, April 22, 4:30-5:30pm
*Where:* CGIS-South Room 354, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge
*RSVP:* http://bit.ly/Hochschild
Please join us for a Coffee Hour with Jennifer Hochschild, Professor of
Government at Harvard University, Professor of African and African American
Studies, and Harvard College Professor. Hochschild currently conducts
research on the politics and ideology of genomic science, immigrant
political incorporation, and citizens’ use of factual information in
political decision-making. She has also served as a consultant or expert
witness in several school desegregation cases, most importantly Yonkers
Board of Education v. New York State.
At the Coffee Hour, Professor Hochschild will discuss her career pathway,
career choices, issues specific to being a woman in social science,
work/life balance, or anything else you want to ask. RSVP appreciated (but
not required). Coffee and pastries will be served.
*10. Women in Science and Engineering Computer Science Bootcamp (June
24-25, Register now)
When:* Monday, June 24 – Tuesday, June 25
*Where: *Microsoft Research, 1 Cambridge Center, Cambridge
*Register:* http://software-carpentry.org/bootcamps/2013-06-wise.html
Our goal is to help scientists and engineers become more productive by
teaching them basic computing skills like program design, version control,
testing, and task automation. In this two-day boot camp, short tutorials
will alternate with hands-on practical exercises. Participants will be
encouraged both to help one another, and to apply what they have learned to
their own research problems during and between sessions. There will be
online follow up sessions for 6 to 8 weeks extending the material from the
boot camp.
This boot camp is open to female graduate students, post-docs, faculty
members, staff scientists, or their equivalent in science, engineering,
medicine, or a related field in academia, industry, or the public and
non-profit sectors. Participants should have some prior experience with
basic programming.
Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit
GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents
GWAMIT Interest Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
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