[GWAMIT] Announcements 05/21/2012
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon May 21 10:34:22 EDT 2012
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Take the GWAMIT 2012 Membership Survey at http://bit.ly/gwamit_survey now
until May 31 to enter a raffle to win a $50 Amazon.com gift card! Every
10th survey respondent will also win a GWAMIT reusable tote.
Over the summer, the Digest will be released every other Monday. For more
frequent updates on events of interest to GWAMIT members, check out our
calendar at http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest.
Enjoy the week,
*The GWAMIT Board
*Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
1. Take the GWAMIT 2012 Membership Survey! (Survey open now until May 31st)
2. Join the GWAMIT Publicity Team (Positions open now!)
3. [MIT Museum] Visualizing Science: Through the Lens (Tues. May 22,
4. [ODGE] Apply to be a Graduate Community Fellow (Applications due Fri.
Jun. 1, 5pm)
5. Help strengthen advising and career services for Ph.D. students
(Volunteer to be interviewed in May)
*Outside MIT:*
6. [AWIS] Mentoring Matters - A Celebration of the MASS-AWIS Mentoring
Program (Wed. May 23, 6:30-9pm)
7. Massachusetts Life Sciences Innovation Day (Wed. May 30, 8am-7pm)
8. Women in Advanced Computing Summit (Tues. Jun. 12)
9. Check out the Galahads - VIP Invite (Closes Fri. Jun. 1)
10. Participate in Research on Engineering Ph.D. Education (Sign up now!)
To see more events beyond this week's digest visit
http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
*1. Take the GWAMIT 2012 Membership Survey! (Survey open now until May 31st)
*When:* Now until May 31
*Where:* http://bit.ly/gwamit_survey
*How Long:* About 10 minutes
*Win!* Enter the raffle to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Every 10th survey
respondent receives a GWAMIT tote.
The GWAMIT Executive Board invites you to take our first ever Membership
Survey. Your responses will help us shape GWAMIT initiatives, policies,
events and event content for the next year. We would love to know your
In taking the survey, you may enter to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! In
addition, every 10th survey respondent will recieve a GWAMIT tote (while
supplies last; must be able to pick up or have interdepartmental mailing
Thank you for your time and useful feedback,
The GWAMIT Executive Board
*2. Join the GWAMIT Publicity Team (Positions open now!)*
*For more information: *Contact* *Dianne Kamfonik (diannek at mit.edu) or Lan
Li (lanli at mit.edu)
GWAMIT is currently recruiting for a Publicity Team. If you are looking for
a way to contribute more to GWAMIT in a low-key and flexible way, this is a
great opportunity! Post on our blog or social media sites once per week.
Available positions include:
- Textual Social Media Chair
- Photo Social Media Chair
- Feminist/Activism Blogger
- Resource Highlights Blogger
- STEM News/Professional Development Blogger
*3. [MIT Museum] Visualizing Science: Through the Lens (Tues. May 22,
*When:* Tuesday, May 22, 5:30-7:30pm
*Where: *MIT Museum, 265 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge
How do images influence the way you think about science? With her camera,
her artist’s eye, and input from MIT scientists, photographer Berenice
Abbott brought the world of science into a new light. She developed new
photographic techniques such as "supersight", used in the photograph above
and continually worked to use photography as "a friendly interpreter
between science and the layman."
Join science photographer and MIT research scientist Felice
MIT Art History Professor Caroline
and molecular biologist (and 2012 Koch Institute Image Award winner)
Turner <http://mitmuseum.pmailus.com/pmailweb/ct?d=Vx3GEAAKAAEAAAQNAAYn-A> for
a lively discussion about the role of modern day photography in the
scientific landscape.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. for viewing the exhibition *Berenice Abbott,
Science and Photography: An Essential Unity*. Discussion will be moderated
by exhibition curator Gary Van Zante, and begins at 6:00 p.m.
*4. [ODGE] Apply to be a Graduate Community Fellow (Applications due Fri.
Jun. 1, 5pm)*
*When:* Deadline is June 1, 5pm
*Where: *http://odge.mit.edu/community/gcf/
*Questions:* Heather Konar <konar at mit.edu>
Help build the graduate community by serving as a Graduate Community Fellow
in the areas of Graduate Orientation or Graduate School Clinics! Graduate
Orientation Fellow serves from June 15 to October 15, while Graduate School
Clinic Fellow serves July 1 through May 31, 2013. Fellows are paid
$600/month for 10 hours of work/week.
*5. **Help strengthen advising and career services for Ph.D. students
(Volunteers to be interviewed in May)
**When:* Interviews are being scheduled in May
*Where:* On campus
*Contact:* STEMcareer at mit.edu to book a time that fits your schedule
- Are you PhD student in engineering at MIT?
- Have you completed your second year?
- Provide your perspective on the role of advisors and mentors
- Interviews last 1 to 1.5 hours
- Gift card of $25 to all participants
***********Outside MIT***********
*6. [AWIS] Mentoring Matters - A Celebration of the MASS-AWIS Mentoring
Program (Wed. May 23, 6:30-9pm)*
*When:* Wednesday, May 23, 6:30-9pm
*Where:* 46-3310
*RSVP: *http://www.acteva.com/go/mass-awis
Mentoring is fundamental to both our personal and career development –
mentoring matters! This celebration marks the end of the MASS AWIS
2011-2012 Mentoring Program. We also welcome those interested in
participating in future mentoring circles, either as a mentor or mentee.
Come hear our distinguished speaker, Dr. Joanne Kamens- Executive Director
of Addgene; Dr.Kamens has been actively involved in raising awareness for
women in science since 1998. She was the founding president of the
Massachusetts AWIS chapter and was instrumental in starting the MASS AWIS
Mentoring Circle program.
6:30-7:00pm: Registration, Networking, and Light Dinner
7:00-8:00pm: Recap of this year’s Mentoring Circles
8:00-8:30pm: Presentation by Dr. Joanne Kamens
8:30-9:00pm: Networking/Conclusion of the evening
*7. Massachusetts Life Sciences Innovation Day (Wed. May 30, 8am-7pm)*
*When:* Wednesday, May 30, 8am-7pm
*Where:* Harvard Club of Boston, 374 Commonwealth Ave, Boston
*Register:* On-line
*The 5th Massachusetts Life Sciences Innovation (MALSI) Day *is the biggest
day for life sciences startups and innovation in the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts. This is a high-energy, hands-on event which brings together
scientific leaders and business experts to mingle with innovators,
post-docs, professors, entrepreneurs, innovators, and venture capitalists.
*The Burden of proof:* As scientific breakthroughs progress from the moment
of discovery through development to the market, inventors and developers
have to show that the technology works - they have to "Prove It!"
Our conference this year will focus on how and when you have to prove your
technology and what investors, regulators and payors need to understand the
product's viability and efficacy. Panel sessions will address: what data
is required from the academic lab before the technology can be transferred
to a company; what sort of "Proof of Concept" data is needed prior to
pre-clinical work; what is required in the Clinic; and how new business
models are being proved out following changes in the market.
For program details: http://www.mattcenter.org/malsi-day-2012/home.html
*8. Women in Advanced Computing Summit (Tues. Jun. 12)*
*When:* June 12
*Where:* Sheraton Boston Hotel, 39 Dalton St, Boston
*Information: *https://www.usenix.org/conference/wiac12
Attendees will spend the day brainstorming ways to support women already in
the computing profession, enticing new ones into the workforce, and
analyzing success stories.
The Summit includes:
- Invited speakers: Leslie Lambert, Juniper; Emily Gladstone Cole, Cisco
Systems, Inc; Lisa Martinez, IBM; and Sabrina Farmer, Google Inc.
- Panel: "Strategies for a Successful Career in Computing"
- Workshop to develop concrete intents to change the shape of computing
- https://www.usenix.org/conference/wiac12/tech-schedule/workshop-program
Plus, don't miss the opportunity to mingle with colleagues and leading
experts in the combined Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) and at the other
evening social events, vendor BoFs, and receptions.
Because WiAC '12 is part of the USENIX Federated Conferences Week you can
create your own conference experience. Your daily registration gets you
into all the events happening that day: talks, workshops--you name it.
Plus, registration packages offer expanded discounts: the more days you
attend, the more you save! https://www.usenix.org/conference/fcw12
*9. Check out the Galahads - VIP Invite (Closes Fri. Jun. 1)*
Are you a kickass woman? Check out The Galahads: The Secret Society for
Kickass Women<https://dollcompany.infusionsoft.com/go/galahads/ericadhawan/>
with a mission to create successful women entrepreneurs through
mastermind, networking, adventure, and gaming. We are offering MIT women
entrepreneurs (or aspiring women entrepreneurs) a VIP invitation by signing
up here <https://dollcompany.infusionsoft.com/go/galahads/ericadhawan/> before
the June 1 launch and we will make sure you get in. If you are a kickass
woman who runs or aspires to run your own business, this is for you!
*10. Participate in Research on Engineering Ph.D. Education (Sign up now!)*
*When:* Interviews from May - August
*Questions:* ann.masterman at bc.edu
*Sign up: *https://bclynch.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_afL7oVsbvM6hse8
I am conducting a study as part of my dissertation research that compares
and contrasts the doctoral experiences and degree progress for women in
Engineering with those of women in Education, and I am writing to ask for
your participation as a female doctoral student pursuing an Engineering
doctoral degree at MIT. I am looking for women doctoral students enrolled
full-time in their second, third, fourth, or fifth year or beyond of
doctoral study in the School of Engineering at MIT. The nature of your
participation in this study would require 3 1-hour individual interviews
with me, and a 1-hour focus group with other Engineering women at MIT
facilitated by me.
Women who participate in my research study will be compensated *$75 in* *Gift
Cards *for the interviews *and a free lunch or dinner* while participating
in the focus group. The interviews and focus group are scheduled to take
place between May and August 2012 at MIT. With the exception of the first
interview which must be in-person, these interviews can be conducted using
video-conferencing (e.g. Skype) if you will not be on-campus at MIT during
these months.
Because women are underrepresented as doctoral students in male-dominated
fields such as Engineering, I am interested in learning more about your
unique doctoral student experiences as a woman studying Engineering, as
well as the supports and barriers you experience as you continue to pursue
your doctoral degree.
If you are interested in participating in this important project, please
click the link above to fill out a 6-question participant eligibility form.
Once you submit the form, I will be in touch with you shortly to provide
you with additional information about your participation in the study.
- Ann K. Masterman; Ph.D Candidate, Higher Education; Boston College Lynch
School of Education
*Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:
*Visit us: http://gwamit.org
Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit
GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents
GWAMIT Interest Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
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