[GWAMIT] Announcements 1/9/12
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Jan 9 11:24:47 EST 2012
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Want to help shape the future of GWAMIT? Applications are open for the
GWAMIT Executive Board for just another week! Apply by this Saturday,
January 14th. Details below and at apply.gwamit.org
Happy New Year! Enjoy IAP.
*The GWAMIT Board
*Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
1. Join the GWAMIT Executive Board (apply.gwamit.org Deadline Sat. Jan. 14)*
2. D.W. Weeks Lecture: Debunking Myths about Gender, Culture, and Math
Performance (Mon. Jan 9)
3. End Violence and WGS IAP non-book-club-book-club: Negotiating Femininity
+ Masculintiy (IAP Tuesdays, 7-9p)
4. Registration is open for Annual SWIM Conference, Innovating Through
Adversity (Feb. 10)
5. 16th European Career Fair at MIT (Sat, Jan. 21)
*Outside MIT:*
6. Outreach Volunteer Opportunity with the Technovation Challenge
(Application due Tues, Jan. 10)
7. SDE/GWIS (Graduate Women in Science) 2012 Fellowships (Deadline Jan 15)
8. Mass-AWIS Annual Holiday Party (Thurs, Jan 19, 6-9p)
To see more events beyond this week's digest visit
http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitcollaborators
=====================* *
*1. Join the GWAMIT Executive Board (apply.gwamit.org Deadline Jan. 14)**
What: *Applications to open soon
*Where:* apply.gwamit.org
*When:* Application deadline January 14, 2012
*Contact:* gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Help shape the future of Graduate Women at MIT! As you think about your
goals for 2012, keep in mind the open GWAMIT Exec positions. Apply to jointhe
GWAMIT Executive Board at apply.gwamit.org.
We are accepting applications for the following positions (descriptions at
the end of this email and at link above):
- Operations Chair
- Marketing Chair
- Events Chair
- Leadership Development Chair
- Membership Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
If you have questions about what to expect, please email gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Applications are due January 14th. apply.gwamit.org
Executive Board position descriptions:
*Operations Chair* - runs Executive Board and General Board Meetings;
oversees appointments of positions and continuity of positions on Executive
and General Board; runs GWAMIT social events for leadership (Exec, General
*Marketing Chair* - oversees branding through swag, publicity, website, and
member engagement and development; oversees Publicity Team.
*Events Chair *- oversees planning Committee Chairs and documentation
therein; oversees Collaborative Events Team.
*Leadership Development Chair* - responsible for all training and training
documentation for Executive Chairs, Committee Chairs (working with Events
Chair), and General Board (with Operations Chair), oversees interactions
and effectiveness between leadership team (Exec, General Board).
*Membership Chair* - oversees collection and analysis of membership
statistics, yearly surveys; oversees appointments of positions and
continuity of positions of Departmental Representatives; stands in for
Secretary when needed.
*Secretary* - sends weekly email digest and manages events calendar;
oversees maintenance of list servs and documentation; takes minutes at
Execand General Board meetings
*Treasurer* - keeps detailed records and reports of all expenses, income,
and budgets; allocates, monitors funding, and manages reimbursements
*2. D.W. Weeks Lecture: Debunking Myths about Gender, Culture, and Math
Performance (Mon. Jan 9)
**When: *Monday, January 9, 3:30-5:00pm
*Where:* 35-225
*Speaker:* Janet Mertz (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Abstract: Are boys really better at mathematics than girls? They sometimes
outperform girls on mathematics tests. Also, boys' mathematics scores
usually exhibit greater variance than girls' scores. But, are these
observed differences due to innate biological differences between the sexes
or to a variety of country-specific sociocultural factors? To answer these
questions, we analyzed data on mathematics performance of students from 86
countries throughout the world obtained from recent Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Studies (TIMSS), Programme in International Student
Assessments (PISA), and International Mathematical Olympiads (IMOs). We
found that gender gap and variance ratio are unrelated to a country's
wealth, major religion, or co-educational schooling. Rather, mathematics
performance of both boys and girls at the low, mean, high, and very high
levels strongly correlates with some measures of gender equity, especially
participation rate and salary of women in the paid labor force relative to
men. Thus, sociocultural factors appear to be primary determinants of
mathematics performance at all levels for both girls and boys, not
intrinsic biological differences between the sexes.
*3. End Violence and WGS IAP non-book-club-book-club: Negotiating
Femininity + Masculintiy (IAP Tuesdays, 7-9p)*
*When: *Tuesdays, 7-9pm (details below)
*Where: *5 -232
*Info:* web.mit.edu/end_violence/
Like book clubs? Hate the time commitment? This non-book-club-book-club is
easy and painless. N-bc-bc will meet one night a week during IAP and will
discuss topics related to different types of gender issues in today's
world. Each week a discussion will be sparked by two short articles, book
excerpts or movie clips. Food and drinks provided! View or download n-bc-bc
materials at web.mit.edu/end_violence/
Discussion topics:
Jan 10: "You are not going out dressed like that!": Dressing "Sexy"
Jan 17: "Oh, it was nothing!": Why taking credit is a gendered phenomenon
Jan 24: Gender, Language, + Power: The historical [R}evolution of words and
their meanings
Jan 31: "Can't you take a joke?": Humor, gender, and violence
*4 Registration is open for Annual SWIM Conference, Innovating Through
Adversity (Feb. 10, 2012)
When: Feb 10, 2012
Where: MIT Media Lab (E14)
Register at: http://www.sloanwomeninmanagement.com/conference/
*First 100 people to register will receive an exclusive invitation to the
screening of the film MISS REPRESENTATION on Feb 7, 2012 and a special
opportunity to meet the writer and director! Hurry! Don’t miss this
The theme of the 2012 MIT Sloan Women in Management Conference is
“innovating through adversity.” In addition to celebrating the successes of
women, the conference will pose hard-hitting questions about the systemic
gender inequalities that still exist in business today. Whose problem is
this to fix? Are these inequalities are own fault? Our speakers will
explore concrete ways in which women can overcome these inequalities. It’s
time to turn a critical eye on ourselves to figure out what we, as women,
can do on a macro level to eliminate the gender gap in business and
We look forward to seeing you on February 10, 2012 as we tackle
controversial topics through candid conversation in an intimate setting
conducive to genuine networking.
*5. 16th European Career Fair at MIT (Sat, Jan. 21) *
*When:* January 21, 2012
*Details:* www.euro-career.com
Want to work or study in Europe? Looking for a full-time job, internship or
university? Submit your resume today! <http://www.euro-career.com/>
Discover the many opportunities that international companies, academic
institutions and non-profit organizations from Europe have to offer at the
European Career Fair (ECF) at MIT.
January 21 - Exhibits and presentations by companies and academia;
Networking with employers and other candidates
January 22 - 23 - Interviews; Career development seminars; Networking
Largest career fair of its kind in the US with 130+ companies & 5000+
participants. Searchable database allows employers to view your resume,
and schedule interviews. Registration is free! Submit your resume today!
***********Outside MIT***********
*6. Outreach Volunteer Opportunity with the Technovation Challenge
(Application due Tues, Jan. 10) *
*Deadline:* Tuesday January 10th
*More info*: http://iridescentlearning.org/technovation-challenge/, Contact
Tahani at iridescentlearning.org
I would like to invite the members of GWAMIT to participate in a local high
school outreach opportunity! You may remember contacting you about the
Challenge <http://iridescentlearning.org/technovation-challenge/>. It is
the after school program that teacher high school girls how to develop
Andriod apps, write business plans and "pitch" their idea to a venture
capitalists for a chance to have their apps professionally developed and
featured on the Android Market.
We are seeking highly motivated, *computer science* students to be teaching
assistants and be the "technical experts" and support them while the girls
learn computer skills and entrepreneurial skills. They use App Inventor,
which is a blocks-based, visual programming language - similar to scratch.
You will have the opportunity to inspire young girls and be a role model!
The commitment includes:
1- Filling out an application <http://goo.gl/n6w8l> by January 10th.
2- Attend a local training at the end of January
3- Visit a high school site in your area once a week from Feb-Apr (approx
3-5pm) for ten weeks to support students as they learn programming and
create an app using App Inventor
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to your applications! Feel
free to send this to any CS students who may be interested, and don't
hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at
Tahani at iridescentlearning.org
7. SDE/GWIS (Graduate Women in Science) 2012 Fellowships (Deadline Jan 15)*
*Deadline: *Sunday, January 15, 2012
*More info*: http://www.gwis.org/programs.html#guidelines
The SDE/GWIS National Fellowships Program is proud to offer fellowships in
2012 to help increase knowledge in the fundamental sciences and to
encourage research careers in the sciences by women. Endowment funds,
mostly generated from bequests, provide the annual income that supports
scientific research done by SDE/GWIS award winners. For the 2011-2012
academic year, we distributed just under $60,000 in fellowship funds to ten
deserving women scientists.
Application instructions can be found at
This year’s application deadline is January 15, 2012 with awards being
announced on or before July 1, 2012 for funding in the 2012-2013 academic
year. The SDE/GWIS National Council will determine exact fellowship amounts
with the maximum allowable award being $10,000.
*8. Mass-AWIS Annual Holiday Party (Thurs, Jan 19, 6-9p)*
*When:* Thursday, January 19, 6-9pm
*Where: *Charlesmark Hotel and Lounge; 655 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116
*Cost*: Members and Guest of Members $25; Nonmembers $40
*Register: *http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=226651
Come celebrate the holidays with your local AWIS chapter!! Meet fellow AWIS
members and their guests at this festive event. Enjoy a buffet dinner, a
complimentary drink, play games, and win raffle prizes! You can also
participate in our silent auction for some great items!
Non-members welcome to join in the celebration. Executive board elections
will be held on the same night. Admission includes buffet dinner and one
beverage (soda/beer/wine)
*Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:
*Visit us: http://gwamit.org
Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit
GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents
Collaborator Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitcollaborators
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
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