[GWAMIT] Announcements 4/16/2012
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Apr 16 10:34:08 EDT 2012
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Happy Marathon Monday! Be sure to check out our new blog
post<http://gwamit.blogspot.com/>on the 2012 Spring Empowerment
Conference during your day off!
Enjoy the week,
*The GWAMIT Board
*Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
Visit us: http://gwamit.org
1. Join the Activities Board for the Office of Multicultural Programs
(Applications due Apr. 17)
2. Nominate for the Student Leader Awards (Nominations due Apr. 20)
3. MIT WGS Screening of "Gun Hill Road" (Fri. Apr. 20, 7pm)
4. Engaging the Bystander: Attitudes About Sexual Assault in the Media and
on Campus (Sun. Apr. 22, 7-8pm)
5. Volunteer for Keys to EmpoweringYouth! (Sat. Apr. 28, 10am-4pm)
6. Panel on Academic Publishing for Graduate Women (Thu. May 10,
*Outside MIT:*
7. Virtual Engineering Career Fair (Thurs. Apr. 19, 1-5pm)
8. [HGWISE] Negotiating for Women (Mon. Apr. 23, 4-6pm)
9. [AWIS] Careers in Science (Tues. Apr. 24, 6-8:30pm)
10. [Museum of Science] Inspiring Minds: Meet Women in Science (Apr. 26-28)
11. Volunteer at the 4th Annual "SET (Science, Engineering, Technology) in
the City" (Sat. Apr. 28, 10:30am-1pm)
To see more events beyond this week's digest visit
http://bit.ly/gwamitevents and http://bit.ly/gwamitinterest
*1. Join the Activities Board for the Office of Multicultural Programs
(Applications due Apr. 17)*
*Applications due:* April 17
*Apply: *studentlife.mit.edu/omp/programming-board
Applications are currently being accepted for the Office of Multicultural
Programs Activities Board! The OMP Activities Board is comprised of eight
student leaders from diverse backgrounds that represent a cross-section of
the MIT campus community. Students meet monthly to create large scale
institute-wide, educational and social programs that highlight and
celebrate the diversity of MIT!
*2. Nominate for the Student Leader Awards (Nominations due Apr. 20)*
*Nominations due:* April 20
*Nominate: * studentlife.mit.edu/sao/sla
Nominations are now being accepted for the 10th annual Student Leader
Awards – we accept nominations from staff, faculty, students, coaches, and
alumni. These awards recognize individual student leaders as well as
student organizations, living groups, dorms, and teams. All student group
recipients will receive SLA Funding Grants.
Nominations are open until Wednesday, April 20th at 5pm and can be found:
studentlife.mit.edu/sao/sla. Have questions? Please contact*
sla-info at mit.edu*.
Recipients will be celebrated during the Student Leader Awards celebration
on Friday, May 13th from 1pm to 3pm in Walker Memorial, Morss Hall. Mark
your calendars now!
*3. MIT WGS Screening of "Gun Hill Road" (Fri. Apr. 20, 7pm)*
*When:* Friday, April 20, 7pm
*Where:* 6-120
After three years in prison, Enrique returns home to the Bronx to find the
world he knew has changed. His wife, Angela, struggles to hide an emotional
affair, and his teenage son, Michael, explores a sexual transformation well
beyond Enrique's grasp and understanding.
Unable to accept his child, Enrique clings to his masculine ideals while
Angela attempts to hold the family together by protecting Michael. Still
under the watchful eye of his parole officer, Enrique must become the
father he needs to be or, once again, risk losing his family and freedom.
Can a father's fierce love for his family overcome his street-hardened
ideas about manhood and end the vicious cycle controlling his life?
Writer/director Rashaad Ernesto Green's first feature film is an intricate
portrait of a family divided told with sensitivity, gentle humor, and a
deep understanding of the environment that shapes its people.
Q&A with director Rashaad Green to follow. Cosponsored by: LBGT at mit,
Student Activities Office/ Office of Multicultural Programs, Office of
Minority Education (OME), La Casa and the Gender Fluidity Group
*4. Engaging the Bystander: Attitudes About Sexual Assault in the Media and
on Campus (Sun. Apr. 22, 7-8pm)
When:* Sunday, April 22, 7-8pm
*Where:* Sidney Pacific Graduate Residence, Seminar Room
*Contact:* sunnyvb at mit.edu
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Join peer counselors and MIT
Violence Prevention and Response for dinner and discussion! We’ll be
talking about sexual assault portrayal in the media, and how this shapes
popular beliefs about this issue. We will show a brief collection of clips
from popular culture, discuss them, and decipher how they represent
societal beliefs about sexual assault.
Dinner is provided - please bring your own dishware!
5. Volunteer for Keys to EmpoweringYouth! (Sat. Apr. 28, 10am-4pm)*
*When:* Saturday, April 28, 10am-4pm
*Where: *MIT Campus
*Volunteer:* keyscoordinators at mit.edu
KEYs is an outreach program for middle school girls, and we need your help!
Volunteer with us on Saturday April 28th, for the morning or afternoon
(anytime 10am to 4pm). See a cool lab tour, help with engineering
challenges, and help get middle schoolers interested in science. We promise
to feed you well!
*6. Panel on Academic Publishing for Graduate Women (Thu. May 10,
When: *Thursday, May 10, 5:30-7:30pm
*Where:* Koch Institute Auditorium, 76-156
*Register:* signup.mit.edu/gradwomenpublish
The Office for the Dean of Graduate Education is pleased to announce the
Panel on Academic Publishing for Graduate Women. Join us for a lively
discussion and dinner! Our panel consists of four amazing women - Prof.
Sangeeta Bhatia (John J. and Dorthy Wilson Professor of Health Sciences and
Technology & Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT), Dr.
Andrea Dupree (Senior Astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics and Past-President of the American Astronomical Society),
Prof. Paula Hammond (David H. Koch Professor of Engineering at MIT and an
Associate Editor at ACS Nano), and an editor from Cell Press.
This event is free, but space is limited! Please register by May 3, 2012 at
signup.mit.edu/gradwomenpublish (MIT certificates required). We will begin
serving dinner at 5:30 pm with the panel discussion starting at 6:00 pm.
***********Outside MIT***********
*7. Virtual Engineering Career Fair (Thurs. Apr. 19, 1-5pm)
When: *Thursday, April 19, 1-5pm
*Where: *http://www.engcareerfair.com/
On April 19th, we are hosting a nationwide virtual career fair for
engineers, and I am emailing today to ask you all to help us in spreading
the word amongst your respective students and alumni. If you are receiving
this email, you are one of only 30 schools who we are inviting to
participate, and we have a great lineup of employers ready and eager to
meet with your students/alumni. Employers such as Amazon, Facebook, Google,
Boeing, Honda, Texas Instruments, Intuit, TRW, Math Works, and more will
have a virtual booth.****
** **
This event will be unlike any other “virtual” career fair you may have
participated in before. Each employer has a fully customized booth with
live chat, links to their website, career page, social media integration,
and more. Students will be able to; build a profile, visit employer booths,
view/apply for jobs all over the country, and chat with peers in the
networking lounge. This is a free service, and they can simply register at
www.engcareerfair.com We will also be giving away an IPad3 to one lucky
attendee. Space is limited to 1,500 attendees.
*8. [HGWISE] Negotiating for Women (Mon. Apr. 23, 4-6pm)*
*When:* Monday, April 23, 4-6pm
*Where:* Modell Immunology Center, Fred S. Lecture Hall, Room 100A, Harvard
Can you still negotiate in a tough economic market? Yes! Learn the top five
tips women should always use when negotiating! Evaluating offers, comparing
salary packages, and determining whether and how to negotiate is often the
most stressful part of the job search for graduate students. Lack of
contract related negotiation experience, unfamiliarity with the
expectations and assumptions, and the commitment inherent in accepting an
offer, all present an imposing situation. In this workshop, we will discuss
what you should look for in a compensation package and how to negotiate
with confidence.
Co-sponsored by HGWISE and OCS.
*9. [AWIS] Careers in Science (Tues. Apr. 24, 6-8:30pm)*
*When:* Tuesday, April 24, 6-8:30pm
*Where:* 43 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA, 3rd Floor Atrium
*Registration:* http://www.acteva.com/go/mass-awis
MASS AWIS, in conjunction with the Cambridge Science Festival, is hosting a
Careers in Science Event for undergrad, grad, postdoc and early career
level men and women within the scientific community. This event will be
done in a speed networking fashion: 10-15 experienced individuals
representing diverse scientific careers will give insight into their chosen
profession. Attendees will go to tables with careers they would like to
learn more about. Career areas including: Consulting, Patent Law, Research
& Development, Technology Transfer, Consulting, Publishing/Medical Writing,
Academia, Business Development, Competitive Intelligence, Technical Support
Specialist, Teaching, Medical Science Liaison, Human Resources.
6:00-6:30 pm: Registration, Networking and Snacks
6:30-7:00 pm: Introduction of Evening
7:00-8:15 pm: Speed Networking (five 15 min sessions)
8:15-8:30 pm: Networking and Desserts
*10. [Museum of Science] Inspiring Minds: Meet Women in Science (Apr. 26-28)
*When:* April 26-28, 2012
*Where:* Museum of Science, Current Science and Technology Center, Blue
Wing Level 1
*Admission:* Free with MIT Student ID
Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm
Historical perspective on women scientists ….
We will hear from women who study women’s contribution to science. Sara
Richardson from the History of Science, Harvard will describe contributions
of women scientists throughout history. How does a woman’s unique
perspective and different approach change the direction and kinds of
advances made in science? Anne Harrington from Harvard University will
also be speaking. Other presenters will speak about a woman scientist who
personally inspired them.
Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm
Women Innovators today …
We will hear from women using new technologies and innovations in their
careers. Our keynote speaker is Angela Belcher, the W.M. Keck Professor of
Energy at MIT. Dr. Belcher does innovative research that address many
pressing problems we face today…how to make safe, non-hazardous batteries
that are more energy dense than those currently on the market? How can we
engineer viruses and bacteria to capture excess CO2 and convert it into
building materials? Can we use self-assembly viruses that have been
genetically engineered to provide a safe, cheap alternative for
photovoltaic technology? We will hear from other inspiring women, in
different careers who are taking on the challenges of science and
technology today. The day will also include a panel discussion group.
Saturday 10:00am - 1:00pm
Networking for the future …
Visitors will have the opportunity to meet and network with women
scientists, entrepreneurs, and corporate researchers, and hear about their
varied work. Learn how YOU can get involved in exciting careers in science
and technology!
Discover new fields of interest, internship and job opportunities. Bring
your resume, get feedback, and make connections to many of our cutting edge
Inspiring minds: Meet Women in Science!
*11. Volunteer at the 4th Annual "SET (Science, Engineering, Technology) in
the City" (Sat. Apr. 28, 10:30am-1pm)*
*When:* Saturday, April 28, 10:30am-1pm
*Where:* Harvard University
*Registration:* http://www.bu.edu/lernet/setinthecity/
The 4th annual "SET (Science, Engineering, Technology) in the City - A Day
of Career Exploration for High School Girls" will take place on Saturday,
April 28th, 2012. Approximately 200 high school girls will be coming to the
BU Photonics Center that day for talks and a Science Information Bazaar
before traveling to other venues for lunch and activities, and finally to
the Museum of Science where the program will end with an OMNI show.
** **
I hope you'll consider volunteering at the event. We need help for the
following –****
1. A group of women graduate students to lead a 1-hour hands-on activity
at Harvard from 1-2 pm. We have several activities but need activity
leaders who can do a short presentation and lead the hands-on activities.
Contact hollar at seas.harvard.edu if you are interested.
2. Host a table at the Science Information Bazaar that will take place
from 10:30-11:30 AM in the Photonics Center at Boston University. Tables
will be set up in the first and second floor rotunda areas and we invite
you to bring in some demo, exhibit, poster or computer application to share
with the girls. In past years, volunteers have made "elephant toothpaste"
and bottle rockets with the students, brought in sea urchins, Van der Graaf
generators and ultrasound machines. Other tables have offered students the
opportunities to explore cool nano materials and experiment with Snap
Circuits or Mobius bands. This is a wonderful opportunity to interact with
girls in high school and share your enthusiasm for what you do.
3. Have lunch at Harvard with the girls from noon – 1 pm.****
This event is sponsored by the Boston Area Girls STEM Collaborative,
which includes
representatives from the following organizations and institutions: Boston
University, Emmanuel College, Girls Scouts of Eastern MA, Harvard
University, Boston Museum of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Northeastern University, Science Club for Girls, Simmons College, TechBoston,
UMass Boston, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and WGBH.
** **
For more information about the program and to register as a volunteer,
please visit our website: http://www.bu.edu/lernet/setinthecity/
** **
If you have any questions about the event, feel free to contact us at
SETintheCity at gmail.com
*Join GWAMIT on the web to get the latest updates:
*Visit us: http://gwamit.org
Blog: http://gwamit.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwamitweb
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gwamit
GWAMIT Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitevents
Collaborator Calendar: http://bit.ly/gwamitcollaborators
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
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