[GWAMIT] Announcements
gwamit at mit.edu
Tue Oct 19 00:43:12 EDT 2010
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Enjoy the Week!
The GWAMIT Board
Visit us at: http://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
1. GWAMIT is Recruiting New Leaders!
2. Registration for the 2010 GWAMIT Leadership Conference is now open!
3. MIT $100K Elevator Pitch Contest registration is now open!
4. [Tue 10/19] $30,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize Info Session (12-1pm, 6-104)
5. [Wed 10/20] Basics of Manuscript Writing (3:00-4:30 pm, 35-225)
6. [Wed 10/20] Women in Mathematics (5:30-6:30 PM, 2-135)
7. [Fri 10/22] The Hijabi Monologues (7PM, Little Kresge)
8. [Fri 10/22] An Evening with Comedian Betsy Salkind, '86 (8 - 9 pm, 32-123)
9. [Fri 10/22 – Sun 10/24] MIT Alumni Leadership Conference
10. GENDER, SEXUALITY, AND URBAN SPACES: A graduate student conference at MIT - CALL FOR PAPERS!
Outside MIT:
11. [Th 10/21] Assertiveness Workshop, Strategies for Technical Women (5:30-9:00pm, Riverfront Office Park - One Main Street, Cambridge)
13. PhDNet: Online resource for graduate students
14. The Schlumberger Foundation Feloowship Deadline: November 30, 2010
15. Switzer Environmental Fellowship Program Deadline: January 15, 2011
1. GWAMIT is Recruiting New Leaders!
Open positions include Co-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Publicity Coordinator.
For descriptions of Officer responsibilities visit: http://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit/files/constitution.html#article2
For more information or to get involved, contact: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
2. Registration for the 2010 GWAMIT Leadership Conference is now open!
When: Monday, November 8 – Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Where: Various
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/thegwamitleadershipconference/
RSVP: http://bit.ly/dtfDE0
Keynote – “Innovation Leadership”
When: Monday, November 8, 4-6 pm (Seating open at 3:45 pm)
Where: Microsoft NERD, 1 Memorial Drive (Next to E60)
Speaker: Dr. Sophie Vandebroek, CTO of Xerox and President of the Xerox Innovation Group, with opening remarks by MIT President, Dr. Susan Hockfield.
Dr. Vandebroek will reveal her personal recipe for successful innovation, discuss specific issues women innovators face in the technology industry and offer suggestions on how to overcome them. Networking reception with refreshments and hors d’oeuvres from 5-6 pm.
Negotiation Seminar – “How to Get What You Want!”
When: Tuesday, November 9, 5-6:30 pm
Where: 56-114
Speaker: Dr. Deborah Kolb, author of "Her Place at the Table," and expert on gender issues in negotiation and leadership.
Learn the importance of negotiating and advocating for yourself. Learn how to ask for the mentors, support, resources, assignments, and promotions you want and deserve!
Assertive Communication Workshop
When: Wednesday, November 10, 10:30 am-12 pm
Where: 68-181
Speaker: Prof. Roberta Pittore, M.B.A.
RSVP Required: http://bit.ly/dtfDE0
Learn how to speak up and express your point of view in a way that gets heard! In this workshop, you will practice advocating for yourself and your work, and thus become more visible and able to seize opportunities. This interactive workshop will help you differentiate between passive and assertive communication, and give you techniques for dealing with aggressive people.
Dress for Success Workshop
When: Wednesday, November 10, 3-4:30 pm
Where: Star Room, 32D-463 (4th floor of the Dreyfoos Wing of the Stata Center
Speaker: Sheri Falk, designer, female entrepreneur, and owner of the BASIQUES store on Newbury St.
Are you looking to update your student wardrobe for your future career? Do you want to learn how to project a professional, yet fashionable, image that will be taken seriously? Sheri Falk will teach you how to look and feel confident. This workshop will show you how to maximize the combinations of a few great pieces, how to fit and flatter your frame, and how to transition from day to night. Participants will receive a 10% discount on a future purchase from the BASIQUES store.
Personal Leadership Evaluation Workshop
When: Wednesday, November 10, 6-8 pm (Dinner served at 5:30 pm)
Where: 6-104
Speakers: The MIT Leadership Evolution for Graduate Students (LEGS) Program
RSVP Required: http://bit.ly/dtfDE0
This workshop will help you better evaluate your personality traits and behavior in individual and group settings. The workshop is designed for both experienced and aspiring leaders. Participants will complete the DiSC self-assessment tool, followed by interpretation and discussion.
3. MIT $100K Elevator Pitch Contest registration is now open!
Register by Monday, Oct 18, 6pm @ register.mit100k.org
Have a winning business idea that will impress investors? Think you can deliver it in 60 seconds? The Elevator Pitch Contest is a great way to practice your pitch in front of a qualified panel of judges and get immediate feedback on your idea and presentation.
The Elevator Pitch Contest is an event where participants deliver a 60-second elevator pitch on a business idea without any materials (handouts, slides, etc.). Entrants will compete for up to $10,000 in prizes, and priceless feedback on the ideas will come from a distinguished panel of experts including other entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Contestants can enter to compete in one or more of the eligible six tracks: Emerging Markets, Energy, Life Sciences, Mobile, Products and Services, and Web/IT. To learn more or to register, visit www.mit100k.org
4. $30,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize Info Session
When: Tuesday, October 19, 12-1pm
Where: Chipman Room (6-104)
Contact: Maura Hume, Awards Program Assistant, mhume at mit.edu
Are you a problem solver, inventor or innovator? Are you interested in taking your work to the next level? Join us to learn more about the $30,000 Lemelson-MIT Student Prize!
Awarded annually to a graduate student or graduating senior, the Lemelson-MIT Student Prize offers monetary support and national media attention for your hard work. Don’t let your good ideas go unrecognized!
Free refreshments and ZING! pizza will be provided (www.zingpizza.com/). We look forward to seeing you there!
5. Basics of Manuscript Writing
When: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 3:00-4:30 pm
Where: Rm 35-225
Speaker: Dr. Sonal Jhaveri
Registration preferred: CareerBridge, https://www.myinterfase.com/mit/student/, go to "Workshops Career Fairs and Events", then "Workshops", then search by date.
Contact: Dr. Sonal Jhaveri at sonal at mit.edu or Marilyn Wilson, mcwilson at mit.edu
This workshop will cover the fundamentals of how to put together the different components of a research paper.
Sponsored by the Postdoc Advisory Council and Global Education and Career Development (GECD)
Bio: Dr. Jhaveri's early training was in Physics and Math (BS Physics, M.I.T. '70), after which she moved to graduate work in Psychology (MS, M.I.T., '72) and Neuroscience (PhD Anatomy, Harvard University). She is a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, a Lecturer for the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies at M.I.T., and Science Program Director in the Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Affairs Office at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Dr. Jhaveri has experience with free lance medical and science writing and editing. She currently teaches science communication to MIT undergraduates and graduate students, and oversees professional development training for postdoctoral fellows at MIT as well as Dana-Farber.
6. Women in Mathematics
When: Wednesday October 20th 5:30-6:30 PM
Where: 2-135
Speaker: Lalitha Venkataramanan (Schlumberger)
Moment Estimation of a Random Variable Using Mellin Transform
7. The Hijabi Monologues
When: October 22, 7PM
Where: Little Kresge
Website: http://hmatmit.wordpress.com/
"The Hijabi Monologues is about the power of storytelling. It is about creating a space for American Muslim women to share experiences; a space to breathe as they are; a space that does not claim to tell every story and speak for every voice. Through sharing stories, strangers touch and connect. Through stories, we are challenged. Through stories, we are humanized."
- Sahar Ullah (Hijabi Monologues Founder)
8. AMITA presents: An Evening with Comedian Betsy Salkind, '86
When: Friday, October 22, 8 - 9 pm
Where: 32-123
Register: https://alum.mit.edu/smarTrans/register-login.vm?eventID=46521&groupID=182
Contact: Julie Schwedock, schwedoc at alum.mit.edu
See what you can do with that MIT degree! You can become a famous comedienne. Join us for an evening of serious laughs with Betsy Salkind '86. Expect humor.
The Boston Globe said, "there are countless ways to make someone someone laugh, and Betsy Salkind knows most of them. Want sarcastic wit? Political humor? Or maybe just a good animal mime? Salkind can pull all that off and more.” Best known as 'Squirrel Lady,' Betsy has appeared on "Girls Night Out," "Last Comic Standing," and "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." She was a staffwriter for SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL and ROSEANNE, and is author of "More Than Once Upon A Time" and "Betsy's Sunday School Bible Classics (children's books for adults) as well as the blog "Ethel's Law."
Comedy from 8:00 to 9:00.
Join us afterwards for a gathering at the Cambridge Brewing Company at 9:15 (pay-your-own-way).
1 Kendall Square, Bldg 100
Cambridge, MA 02139
TO REGISTER: https://alum.mit.edu/smarTrans/register-login.vm?eventID=46521&groupID=182
$15 for AMITA and MIT COB members
$10 for current students
$20 for guests
$30 at the door!!! (So pre-pay and save)
9. MIT Alumni Leadership Conference
When: October 22-24
ALC is an inspiring weekend of institutional updates and leadership training and a great place to swap ideas with fellow alumni club/affinity group officers.
There are many reasons to come to the MIT Alumni Leadership Conference Oct. 22-24: the networking, the camaraderie, the insider's look at Institute initiatives, the celebration.
But one thing is certain. It won't be the same without you. You're an important member of the MIT volunteer community. If you haven't already registered, I invite you to sign up for a weekend that promises to be as inspiring as it is informative.
· You'll share ideas with other leaders and gain insight for your volunteer work.
· You'll meet students pursuing a range of interests.
· You'll talk to key administrators about many facets of Institute life and happenings.
· And you'll leave with renewed vigor to continue the important work you do for MIT.
Review the schedule, register, and plan for one of those rare, truly satisfying weekends that come from being around others who share your passion and your connection to MIT. Find it all at http://alum.mit.edu/alc.
10. GENDER, SEXUALITY, AND URBAN SPACES: A graduate student conference at MIT - CALL FOR PAPERS!
Conference Dates: March 11th and 12th, 2011
Urban spaces both produce and are produced by gender. The Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies conference, Gender, Sexuality and Urban Spaces, seeks to explore the reciprocity of these complex relationships. We are interested in how life (or living) in urban spaces mark as well as produce gendered and sexed bodies and how gender, class and race relations, performances and sexualities, in turn, make their marks on the urban spaces. By urban spaces, we mean the lived practices and representations through which a variety of spaces are constituted within and beyond the scope of the city. We invite submissions that examine the construction of gender and sexuality (in conjunction with race, class, & mobility) and urban spaces across a range of historical, cultural, national, fictional, and conceptual contexts.
From census surveys, subway maps, and zoning laws to post-apocalyptic narratives, the construction of sexualities, gender relations, performances, and gendered bodies in urban spaces has been robustly imagined, documented, and regulated. Keeping in mind the rich interdisciplinarity suggested by these approaches, this conference seeks to address the following questions:
• How have evolving conceptions of gender and sexuality altered the city in the past, present, and future?
• How has the city altered conceptions of gender / sexuality?
• How have understandings of gender / sexuality shaped the material and social / cultural spaces of the city?
• How do gender / sexuality impact access to urban spaces and why?
• How are conceptions of gender and sexuality reinforced, challenged, or subverted through gendered / sexed bodies and the urban spaces they inhabit?
Please submit 250-word abstracts for 15-minute individual presentations or a proposal for a complete panel of three papers with a 100-word panel abstract and paper abstracts of 150 words each. Submit proposals online or E-mail to gcws at mit.edu by December 2nd, 2010. All submissions should include 3-5 sentence biographical statements for all paper presenters, which include current research interests and institutional affiliation(s). Please note all AV needs you will have in an additional paragraph.
ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM: http://web.mit.edu/gcws/Grad_conference_2011/index_Grad_2011.html
Accepted participants will be notified via e-mail by January 7th, 2011.
******Outside MIT******
11. Assertiveness Workshop, Strategies for Technical Women
When: Thursday, October 21, 5:30-9:00pm
Where: Riverfront Office Park - One Main Street, Cambridge
(One Block from Kendall Square T Stop)
Sponsored by: Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology
PREREGISTRATION: (until 9pm Tues. Oct. 19th)
$95 Members? $125 Non-Members? $25 additional at the door
Special! $170 Membership/Registration Combo (save $40!)
Women are often advised to be more assertive. Research shows that men ask for more and they get more - in salaries, promotions, and visibility. But there can be a cost to women if they are perceived as too assertive or aggressive. What's a woman to do?
This workshop will share strategies and techniques for a set of behaviors called Assertiveness as Active Engagement. Topics include:
* Self-confidence: Believing it and projecting it
* Strategy: Analyzing, planning, and implementing assertive behaviors
* Techniques: Ten specific techniques to have in your toolkit including persuasion skills to market your ideas effectively
* Technical Culture: Key considerations specific to a technical environment
You will leave this workshop with an action plan to begin Assertiveness as
Active Engagement your next day at work!
MORE INFO & REGISTRATION: http://www.westorg.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=118242
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Joan Herbers, president of AWIS, Dr. Michele Cyr,
Dr. Susan Case, & Dr. Diana Bilimoria
Dartmouth College presents the first LEAD (Leadership, Equality, And Diversity) symposium this October 28-29th at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. The goal of this symposium is to provide an opportunity for students, postdoctoral fellows, employees, interns/residents, junior and senior faculty and community members to learn more about the current issues facing women in science and medicine. The symposium is free, and we encourage both men and women to attend.
The symposium will feature keynote speeches delivered by women from across the country, as well as career development and training workshops, Q&A, and breakout sessions with a variety of scientific professionals from Dartmouth, New England, and beyond.
Check out the website at http://www.dartmouth.edu/~leadsymposium10/ more information, including how to register for particular sessions, a finalized schedule, and specific locations for events.
Contact PhD/MD student Crissy Megli with any questions. Christina.J.Megli at dartmouth.edu
13. PhDNet is a new resource site to help graduate students get their theses on track, with monthly newsletters, biweekly Q&A columns, weekly blogs, a graduate school reference section as well as an online community. All the information is free, and based on the graduate school guidebook, “The Smart Way to Your PhD: 200 Secrets from 100 Graduates.” To browse our information center, visit www.phdnet.org, or email dora at phdnet.org with questions.
14. The Schlumberger Foundation Feloowship Deadline: November 30, 2010
The Schlumberger Foundation, a philanthropic initiative of Schlumberger Ltd., a global supplier of technology and information solutions to the oil and gas industry, administers the Faculty for the Future program to support women from developing and emerging economies around the world in pursuing academic careers in science and technology. The program awards fellowships to women to pursue Ph.D. or postdoctoral studies in the physical sciences and related disciplines at top universities abroad.
To be eligible, applicants must be preparing for Ph.D. or postdoctoral study in the physical sciences, engineering, and related disciplines. Awards in biological sciences are limited. Candidates should have applied to, have been admitted to, or be currently enrolled in a university abroad when submitting their Faculty for the Future grant request. Candidates must be able to demonstrate their commitment to teaching, active participation in faculty life, outreach designed to encourage young women into the sciences, and an excellent academic record.
Fellowship grants range from $25,000 to $50,000 per year and may be renewed through to completion of studies (subject to performance review).
The 2011 awards session will be open to applications from September 1 to November 30, 2010. Information is available at the Schlumberger Web site:
15. Switzer Environmental Fellowship Program Deadline: January 15, 2011
A program of the Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation, the Switzer Environmental Fellowship Program is designed to support highly talented graduate students in New England and California whose studies are directed toward improving environmental quality and who demonstrate the potential for leadership in their field.
The foundation seeks to select a diverse group of students from different schools, programs, disciplines, and career tracks in each fellowship class. The foundation broadly defines its interest in the environment and the means by which positive results can be achieved. Awards have been made to students pursuing environmental policy, economics, land and water conservation, public health, journalism, architecture, environmental justice, business, and law as well as the more traditional sciences of biology, chemistry, and engineering.
Applicants must be a citizen of the U.S.; be enrolled in an accredited graduate institution in California or New England (enrolled as a full-time student for the entire 2011-12 academic year); have strong academic qualifications; and have academic and career goals focused on environmental improvement. Master's-degree candidates must have completed at least one semester of course work to apply and be seeking the master's as a terminal degree. Applicants at the Ph.D. level must plan to have completed at least three years of doctoral work by July 1, 2011, or plan to have passed their qualifying exams by May 1, 2011.
Twenty fellowships are awarded each year - ten in California and ten in New England. The fellowship provides a one-year, $15,000 cash award for graduate study as well as networking and leadership support.
Visit the Switzer Foundation Web site for program guidelines and detailed eligibility information:
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