[GWAMIT] Announcements
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon May 10 11:59:11 EDT 2010
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Enjoy the Week!
The GWAMIT Board
Visit us at: http://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
1. Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies Organizing Committees
2. Apply to attend Workshop on Communicating Science & Engineering
with Chris Mooney
3. GECDC Final Walk-In Hours For Spring Semester – May 12th
This Week’s Events:
4. [Mon 5/10] Panel: Women in Careers in Energy (5:30 – 7, 6-120)
5. [Mon 5/10] Women in Mathematics Lecture Series: Marina Meila (5:30
– 6:30, 2-139)
6. [Tue 5/11] LEGS - Communicate to Motivate (12 – 1:30, W20-407)
7. [Tue 5/11] Femmes on Feminism: Contemporary Practice in the 21st
Century (6 -7:30)
8. [Wed 5/12] Putting Your Degree to Work: Career Strategies for PhDs
and Postdocs (3:30 – 5, 26-100)
9. [Wed 5/12] West Panel: "Obtaining Money: Pitching VSC, Angels and
Bosses" (6 – 9 pm, Waltham)
10. [Wed 5/12] Women in Biotech Series: R&D and Marketing: Friends or
Foes? (6:30 – 9, 10-105)
11. [Thur 5/13] Celebration of Graduate Women: Women's Networking
Event (5 – 8 pm, Lobby 10)
1. Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies Organizing Committees
We are currently seeking a group of engaged graduate students to
organize a graduate student conference on a topic related to Women's
and Gender Studies.
6-10 students from a variety of disciplines and from all GCWS member
institutions will have the opportunity to collaboratively develop an
academic conference to feature graduate student work in Women's and
Gender Studies. Pending availability and interest, we will have a
preliminary meeting the first week of June and continue the planning
and implementation in late August/September to bring the conference to
fruition in Spring 2011.
The conference is a student-generated, collaborative initiative. The
organizing committee, with the advice and assistance of the GCWS
Coordinator, will:
- Set the conference theme;
- Draft the conference abstract and call for papers;
- Develop the conference schedule, including selecting keynote
speakers, setting events, and planning panels and workshops;
- Review paper submissions;
- Enjoy a sense of community created among peers from different
institutions and disciplines, making personal and professional
contacts while creating an engaging public event to showcase stellar
student work!
If you are interested in finding out more about the conference
organizing experience, or would like to participate, please contact arsutton at mit.edu
by Friday, May 21st, at 5 PM.
For those interested in joining the committee, send the following:
Department and Discipline:
Degree program:
Research interests (2 sentences):
Will you be in Boston between now and September 1st and available to
meet? (Yes or No and specify availability):
Do you have past event organizing experience? What kind?
Information about past conferences can be found at the GCWS web site.
2. Apply to attend Workshop on Communicating Science & Engineering
with Chris Mooney
These days, amid ongoing media controversies over climate change, the
teaching of evolution, the safety of vaccines, and many other
scientific topics, researchers are increasingly asking themselves
questions like these: Should I be doing more to communicate about my
work to the public? And if so, how should I go about preparing for
media encounters—and what should I be ready to say? This workshop
will help. The workshop will be held May 24, 2010-9am-1pm. Lunch will
be provided. Location TBA.
Due to the heavy interest in this workshop, we will be accepting
participants on an application basis. Please email your name,
institution, year, program, and a brief paragraph explaining why your
interested in this workshop to mooneyworkshop at gmail.com. Applications
are due May 14. We will notify all applicants of their status no later
than May 17.
3. GECDC Final Walk-In Hours For Spring Semester
GECDC walk-ins will conclude for the Spring 2010 semester on Wednesday
May 12th 2-4pm.
People in need of document critiques are encouraged to schedule
appointments using our online scheduling system, Clickbook which is
available within Careerbridge. Other appointments can be scheduled by
calling our front desk at 617-253-4733.
Thanks and have a great summer!
4. MIT Energy Club and New England Women In Energy & Environment
(NEWIEE) Co-Hosted Panel: Women in Careers in Energy
When: Monday, May 10, 5:30 – 7 pm
Where: 6-120
Contact: energyclub at mit.edu
Join the MIT Energy Club and NEWIEE for a lively panel discussion
where women who have built careers in the energy industry will offer
varying perspectives. The panel discussion will be followed by a Q&A
period and networking.
- Jacqueline Ashmore, Ph.D., Consul, Head of Science and Innovation /
British Consulate-General Boston
- Marybeth Campbell, Workforce Development Program Director /
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
- Emily A. Neill, Vice President of Sales / Constellation NewEnergy
5. Women in Mathematics Lecture Series: Marina Meila
When: Monday, May 10, 5:30 – 6:30 pm
Where: 2-139
Marina Meila (University of Washington)
Title: Statistics and Computing with Permutations
Pizza following the talk.
For an abstract, please visit: http://math.mit.edu/conferences/wim
This is a series of generally accessible talks (starting from advanced
undergraduates) by female research visitors to MIT's Mathematics
6. Leadership Evolution for Graduate Students - Communicate to Motivate
When: Tuesday, May 11, 12-1:30pm
Where: W20-407
Contact: Paul Spangle at pspangle at mit.edu.
This session will provide valuable skills that you can use to motivate
the members of your organization. We will discuss intentional
approaches to constructing group buy-in and cohesiveness, drawing on
positive and negative examples of group experiences from this past
year. We will talk about preparing for meetings, roles individuals
play within a group, and the art of asking questions to generate
inclusive processes.
7. Femmes on Feminism: Contemporary Practice in the 21st Century
When: Tuesday, May 11, 6 – 7:30 pm
Where: Location will be e-mailed to RSVPs
RSVP: rya_cb at mit.edu
A panel discussion of the role and relevance of feminism in
contemporary artistic, academic, and spatial practice.
Panelists: Amanda Moore (ACT), Sarah Nusser (DUSP), and Jess Wheelock
Moderated by: Ute Meta Bauer
For MIT graduation students only. Dinner will be provided.
8. Putting Your Degree to Work: Practical Career Strategies for PhDs
and Postdocs
When: Wednesday, May 12, 3:30 – 5 pm
Where: 26-100
Contact: mcwilson at mit.edu
Featuring: Peter Fiske, PhD, Scientist, entrepreneur, author, lecturer
Many career avenues are open to young scientists and engineers. What
are those options? How do you pursue them? How do you transition
from grad school or postdoctoral work to that next bold step in your
career? Among the topics Dr. Fiske will discuss:
- Employment trends and opportunities for PhDs
- Effective career planning and job hunting
- Your sought-after skills and experience
- Presenting yourself well: CV, resume and cover letter
Peter Fiske is President and CEO of PAX Mixer, Inc. He is a nationally-
recognized lecturer on the subject of leadership and career
development for young scientists and engineers, and the author of Put
Your Science to Work: The Take-Charge Career Guide for Scientists.
Prior to PAX Mixer, Fiske was co-founder and VP for Business
Development and Sales at RAPT Industries, and led a research team at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He also served a one year term
as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Special Projects.
Fiske holds a Ph.D. in Geological and Environmental Sciences from
Stanford University and an MBA from U.C. Berkeley. In addition to two
books, Fiske is author of numerous technical articles, and writes the
on-line column Opportunities for the AAAS. He co-writes the blog
Engineering Scientists.
Open to: MIT PhDs & Postdocs and others interested in the topic
(undergraduates, faculty and administrators welcome)
Sponsored by the MIT Career Development Center (GECDC) and the MIT
Postdoc Advisory Council.
9. West Panel: "Obtaining Money: Pitching VSC, Angels and Bosses"
When: Wednesday, May 12, 6 – 9 pm
Where: 1000 Winter Street, Suite 4000, North Entrance, Waltham MA
Host: WEST/Women Entrepreneurs in Science and Technology
Pre-Registration: www.WESTorg.org (until 9pm Tues. May 10th): $30 WEST
Member; $40Non-Member. $10 more at the door.
Light dinner and refreshments included. Everyone is welcome to attend!
VCs, angel investors, and company executives are frequently asked for
funds. While you pitch, they listen. How can you ensure they get your
intended message? Come meet our distinguished panel - an angel
investor, a VC, a corporate decision maker and an entrepreneur - as
they relate their first hand experience and share their tips for
successfully obtaining the resources you need. Discussion topics will
include examples of how to deliver with passion that is personal but
not self focused, and how to prepare a professional response to
inevitable criticisms.
Panelists Include:
1) Jean Hammond, Angel Investor and serial entrepreneur
2) Rudina Seseri, Principal at Fairhaven Capital
3) Wendy Frey Caswell, CEO of ZINK Imaging
4) Mari Anne Snow(Moderator), CEO and co-founder of SophiaThink
10. Women in Biotech Series: R&D and Marketing: Friends or Foes?
When: Wednesday, May 12, 6:30 – 9 pm
Where: MIT Bush Room, room 10-105
Register: https://alum.mit.edu/smarTrans/register-login.vm?eventID=43062&groupID=18
(Members $15; Guests: $20; MIT Students $10)
Light Dinner will be served
On the one hand, you have research and development, the analytical and
fact-driven part of a business. On the other hand you have marketing,
driven by emotions, colors and all that "mushy" stuff. Or is that
really the case? How does marketing link back to R&D and why is it so
important? Dr. Kristina Isakovich '91 PhD, will discuss the crucial
role that marketing plays in business, even technically oriented
businesses such as biotech or medical devices, and how in the most
successful businesses, R&D and marketing work synergistically to
create the best and most useful products. She will show us how
marketing is indeed data driven, and the best R&D is grounded in a
deep, gut-level understanding of what the customer is trying to do.
Dr. Isakovich will also describe how the same sort of problem solving
and strategic thinking skills that make a good scientist can also make
a good "Chief Marketing Officer
Dr. Kristina Isakovich, PhD is the Senior Vice President & Chief
Marketing Officer for Philips Healthcare. Her previous positions
were VP of Marketing at Fisher Scientific, VP of Corporate Strategy at
Thermo Electron, and Senior Engagement Manager at McKinsey and
Company. She received her BS from Yale in 1984, and her PhD from MIT
in 1991.
11. Celebration of Graduate Women: Women's Networking Event
When: Thursday, May 13, 5 – 8 pm
Where: Lobby 10
More Info: http://web.mit.edu/odge/community/women/celebratewomen.html
An informal networking event with MIT graduate women and faculty.
Concurrent with the visual display, an opportunity for MIT graduate
women to meet and speak with each other as well as faculty and staff.
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