[GWAMIT] Announcements
gwamit at mit.edu
Mon Dec 13 10:39:25 EST 2010
Dear GWAMIT Members,
Enjoy the week!
*The GWAMIT Board*
Visit us at: http://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit
Send your ideas to: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
Send your announcements to: gwamit-sec at mit.edu
1. GWAMIT is Recruiting New Leaders!
2. Join the GWAMIT Spring 2011 Empowerment Conference Planning Committee!
3. Request for Submissions for Saturday Night @ MIT Project (Submissions
to: saturdaynightatmit at mit.edu)
4. [Tue 12/13] Association for Women in Science Holiday Party (7-10 pm)
5. Spring 2010 GCWS Courses (Application Deadline 1/4/11)
* ********GWAMIT*********
1. GWAMIT is Recruiting New Leaders!*
*Contact: *gwamit-exec at mit.edu
*Executive Board*
Co-Chairs (3 positions):
- Internal collaborations - maintain relations with MIT offices for
financial and other collaborations
- External relations - maintain corporate and other relations
- General co-chair - oversee smooth operations across GWAMIT activities
GWAMIT Treasurer - maintain budget and financial collaborations
*Spring '11 Women's Empowerment Conference (meetings starting next week!):*
- Co-Chair (1 position) of Planning Committee - oversee events, hold
Planning Committee Meetings, attend Exec Mtgs
- Funding Chair - meet with potential sponsors, help manage budget
- Logistics Chair - help reserve rooms, catering
- Publicity/advertizing chair - design flyers, posters, email advertisements
*Mentoring Program*
- Co-Chair (1 Spring, 1 Fall) - hold Planning Committee Meetings,
oversee matching, events, attend Exec Mtgs
- Planning Committee Members - develop matching surveys,
plan kick-off/end-off dinners
*Fall '11 Leadership Conference*
- Co-Chair (1 position) of Planning Committee - oversee events,
hold Planning Committee Meetings, attend Exec Mtgs
- Individual Event Leads - set content, coordinate speakers
- Funding Chair - meet with potential sponsors, help manage budget
- Logistics Chair - help reserve rooms, catering
- Publicity/advertizing chair - design flyers, posters, email advertisements
*Monthly Collaborative Events Leads (Feb, Apr)*
- 2 positions - work w/ Exec Member to plan a 1-time event in collaboration
with existing MIT offices and services, undergraduates, other universities
Interested? Please send a statement of your interest to gwamit-exec at mit.edu
*2. Join the GWAMIT Spring Women's Week Planning Committee!*
*Contact: <http://goog_1357293953>*jeanyang at mit.edu
Do any of the following describe you?
- You were impressed with our Spring 2010 Kick-Off and want to see more of
these events.
- You want to get more involved with GWAMIT.
- You want more leadership experience to further your personal/professional
- You want to work with strong, motivated, and passionate women.
- You have an idea for a talk/panel/workshop.
If so, you should join our Spring 2011 Empowerment Conference Planning
Committee. Help us bring innovative, provocative, and informative events to
To see what we did last spring, take a look here:
Event page: http://gsc.mit.edu/gwamit/events/spring2010.html
Blog post:
Last year we bootstrapped ourselves from having no initial
budget/collaborators, so this year can only be even more amazing. Come be a
part of it!
There are varying levels of commitment from helping out with specific tasks
to leading an event. No previous event planning/GWAMIT experience
required. We especially encourage students in their early years of grad
school to get involved.
E-mail jeanyang at mit.edu for more details or to sign-up.
* ********MIT*********
*3. Request for Submissions for Saturday Night @ MIT Project*
Questions? Contact Kelley Adams, adam at med.mit.edu
Submissions to: saturdaynightatmit at mit.edu
The Violence Prevention & Response team is working on a website called
Saturday Night @ MIT in the spring, which will contain stories about how
sexual and/or domestic violence has touched people’s lives.
We are looking for survivor stories, as well as stories from partners,
friends, parents, and other people close to survivors about how violence has
affected their lives or how they have seen it affect others’ lives.
We are accepting written stories, art work, poetry, videos, and other
artistic expressions inspired by people’s experiences or issues of violence
The Saturday Night project was started by Duke (
http://www.duke.edu/web/saturdaynight/index.html) and has spread to other
colleges nationally, including Harvard (
These schools focus on creating a publication from the stories they collect,
in order to distribute in April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We
are bringing an online version of the Saturday Night project to MIT so we
can accommodate more tech-savvy multi-media submissions.
All submissions should go to saturdaynightatmit at mit.edu
We are by no means going to censor anyone’s story, but we will edit it to
remove any personally identifying information. Please see our guidelines:
1. You can submit a text post, a video, or share a video link. Please send
all submissions to saturdaynightatmit at mit.edu
2. You do not need to use your real name or real email address unless you
desire to do so.
3. Submissions will be approved by site administrators before they are put
on the site. Please contact the site manager (saturdaynightatmit at mit.edu) if
you have any questions.
4. Your stories are your stories and should be presented in the form in
which you intend. However, please know that we will need to edit any
personally identifying information out of your submission (i.e. names,
affiliations, etc.).
*4. Association for Women in Science Holiday Party
**When: * Tuesday Dec 15, 2010,7-10pm
*Where: *Charlesmark Hotel and Lounge near Copley Square
*RSVP:* Register at http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=211948
Celebrate the holidays with your local chapter of the Association for Women
in Science!!
Meet fellow AWIS members and their guests at this festive event.
Enjoy a buffet dinner, a complimentary drink, play games and win raffle
Featuring dinner, raffles, games and prizes. AWIS members: $20 /Guests: $20
/Non-members: $30
Visit http://www.mass-awis.org
5. Spring 2010 GCWS Courses*
*When: *Application Deadline 1/4/11
*Where: *http://web.mit.edu/gcws/apply/index.html
*Contact:* Andy Sutton arsutton at mit.edu
Information about the Graduate Consortium in Women’s Studies courses being
offered in the spring are available at http://web.mit.edu/gcws In order to
be considered for courses, students must apply online by January 4, 2011 at
Contact Andi Sutton at arsutton at mit.edu for more information.
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GWAMIT at mit.edu
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