[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Fwd: Free afterschool program for kids 10-14 - spots still available!

Shangdi Yu shangdiy at mit.edu
Fri Oct 9 11:55:46 EDT 2020

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Sarah Goodman <sgoodman314 at gmail.com>
> Hi Grad dorm officers!
> Could you please help me publicize the following information to the family dorms?
> Thanks!
> Sarah
> There are still spots available to register your kids for Afterschool-tastic! Afterschool-tastic is an online program for 10-14-year-olds who have a parent/guardian affiliated with MIT. Mentors will lead small group activities for sparking curiosity, exploring extracurricular interests, and building a fun "afterschool" community for kids.  The program will start October 13th with two or three 1-hour sessions each week.  Activities include hands-on science, art, coding, games, design, and more! To sign up and receive more information, fill out the form at this link: https://tinyurl.com/afterschool-tastic <https://tinyurl.com/afterschool-tastic>

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