[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] GSC Response to MBTA Service Cuts

Shangdi Yu shangdiy at mit.edu
Sun Nov 29 08:22:23 EST 2020

Hi Off-Campus Folks,
Hope you’re all enjoying the holiday weekend.
Due to pandemic-related budget shortfalls, the MBTA has proposed dramatic service cuts <https://www.mbta.com/forging-ahead>, including a 20% reduction in subway service, and the elimination of several MIT-area bus routes. The Graduate Student Council firmly opposes policies and developments that decrease the availability, quality, affordability, and safety of transportation services and infrastructure used by students, and encourages you to speak up. The easiest action you can take is to fill out the GSC’s transportation survey <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeR-QcS9E2oGWqBXKMYdKnH_PCvMoja_z38sDGUz6peIGaG1A/viewform> by Dec. 1, so that the GSC can effectively advocate on your behalf. You can also send feedback directly to the MBTA <https://mbta.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3wwDij8OeDXsr8F> (by 5pm on Dec. 4), attend a public meeting <https://www.mbta.com/events/2020-12-02/forging-ahead-virtual-public-meeting-system-wide-service> (6pm on Dec. 2), and call/email your legislators <https://malegislature.gov/search/findmylegislator> to tell them who you are, why you care about transit, and ask them to support investment in the MBTA in 2021 and the long term.
You can find more detailed information on these MBTA cuts and what you can do to get involved here <https://mailchi.mp/0bdbbb32509c/call-congress-daydhs-academic-duration-of-status-proposed-ruling-5098849>.

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