[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] OPPORTUNITY! Looking for new OCH co-chairs and other announcements

Shannon Marie Moreno shannong at mit.edu
Mon May 11 11:55:34 EDT 2020

Hello Off-Campus Folks!

We hope you are all doing well and staying sane during 2020. We have a few very important announcements:

The Off-Campus Housing sub-committee (OCH) of the Graduate Student Council is looking for new co-chairs for the upcoming school year! As a co-chair, you will be responsible for planning monthly events and activities to bring off-campus graduate students together. These events could be dining-focused, activity-based, or purely for creating a more cohesive community for the thousands of students living off campus around Cambridge and Boston. Commitment is typically a couple of hours per month for logistics, and of course the time required to actually execute those events!

We’re holding a Q&A session with current co-chairs for those who are interested on MAY 21, and will be conducting digital interviews at a later date for applicants. We’re looking for applicants who are motivated about planning and executing events that bring the greater graduate student community together!

If you are interested, please fill out this Google Form so you can receive a link to the info session:

The OCH co-chairs are seeking feedback on the variety and accessibility of events hosted to date. Please fill out the following survey so we can gauge how to better serve our off-campus community. We will use this information to better cater events to the off-campus housing community, so please fill it our regardless of if you have attended events:

Above are the only announcements from OCH. Please see below for some resource passed along from MIT Spouses & Partners Connect:

MIT Spouses & Partners Connect<http://spouses.mit.edu> - open to all significant others of MIT students, postdocs, and staff who have relocated to the Boston area

Join our private Facebook Group<https://www.facebook.com/groups/26423829097/>
Follow us on Instagram @mspconnect<https://www.instagram.com/mspconnect/>
Email us at spousesandpartners at mit.edu<mailto:spousesandpartners at mit.edu>

Career Connect Interviewing Workshop
Tuesday May 5 at 1 pm on Zoom
Build your interviewing skills now so you are prepared to make the most of future opportunities. Learn how to prepare for an interview, how to answer typical questions, and how to express your experience and skills in a persuasive way. Led by MIT Personnel Administrator Bori Stoyanova, longtime Career Connect speaker and friend of MS&PC.
Please register for the eventhttp://bit.ly/zoomcareer

Fashion Psychology: My Dress Speaks!
Thursday May 7 at 12 noon on Zoom
What does “My dress speaks” mean? What your clothes say to others and what your clothes say to you? Our clothes have psychological power. Every morning we make a subconscious choice when deciding what to wear. Anna will guide you to be more aware of how this choice can impact your mood, your communication, and your behavior. You will experience this power of clothes and get ready for the new season looking at some S/S2020 trends.
What to bring: Paper, Pen
Please take the VIA character strength survey:
Please register for the event:http://bit.ly/mydressspeaks

Rock Your LinkedIn Profile
Tuesday May 19 at 11 a.m. on Zoom
No matter how you define success, it starts with your LinkedIn profile. This “Rock Your Profile” session will focus on LinkedIn as a platform for professional development and help you find your voice, tell your story, and connect with opportunity. Whether you’ve never used it before or are looking for pro tips to get more out of it, we’ll cover all the best practices on using LinkedIn to make you more productive and successful.
Please register for the event:http://bit.ly/RockLinkedInProfile

Every Wednesday at 3 pm MS&PC meets via Zoom: https://mit.zoom.us/j/585674692(password: 139032). Hosted by the MS&PC staff.

Parent Zoom – every Monday<http://bit.ly/mspc-parents> at 10 a.m.
Bring your kids with you! We want to hear how you are doing and how we can better support you and your family during these difficult days.

English Conversation Group meets on Mondays<https://mit.zoom.us/j/819691230>at 5 p.m. and Fridays<https://mit.zoom.us/j/858533002> at 10am via Zoom.

Our Newcomers Office Hour can be held online, please email us<mailto:spousesandpartners at mit.edu> to arrange the time.
Toddler Playgroup members can find some activities for kids every Monday on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/groups/26423829097/>.

Facilitated by Program Manager, Jennifer Recklet Tassi, this private appointment via Zoom or Skype is a time to ask questions, voice concerns, and reimagine your life here in Boston. We can spend the time talking about whatever is on your mind - from job search and career development to navigating a new city to figuring out how to make your experience in Boston productive and meaningful.
Book a 30 minute private appointment here:https://mspc.youcanbook.me/ Appointments will be available at various times during the week. Jennifer can talk with you via phone or Skype, Zoom.

MIT Language Conversation Exchange - open to all members of the MIT community
We connect people across MIT for conversation, cultural exchange, and friendship.

How to find a conversation partner at MIT so you can practice a language you are learning or want to improve with a native speaker.

•         Visit our website: http://lce.mit.edu
•         Search and contact native speakers of languages you want to practice for one-on-one conversation held at your convenience
•         Watch this video to learn how our website works<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMQmSjPvDn4&feature=youtu.be>

•         Join our new Slack Space: https://bit.ly/lce-slack
•         Join or create channels for the languages you are interested in
•         Practice your writing skills while meeting other people at MIT who share your language interests

•         Participate in our virtual events: http://bit.ly/firstLCE
•         Conversation cafes held on Zoom
•         Breakout rooms with small groups of people for language exchange
•         Held on Friday May 8 and Tuesday May 26 at 2 p.m.
•         Register in advance

Get in touch with the LCE
Email us at lce at mit.edu<mailto:lce at mit.edu>
Follow us on Facebook @MITLCE<https://www.facebook.com/MITLCE/>

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