[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Virtual April Events and OCH update

Shannon Marie Moreno shannong at mit.edu
Wed Apr 1 21:59:44 EDT 2020

Howdy Off-Campus Folks,

Even though we have to be physically distant, that doesn’t mean OCH has forgotten about you! Now that some of the dust has settled after the transition to WFH (working from home), we want to send out an email that has compiled some of the online resources and social events MIT has put together.

We, the co-chairs, have also been discussing some fun things to build community during this time. We are continuing to brainstorm, and in the meantime, let us know if you have any suggestions through the Facebook page! Some ideas we have had are sending out emails with links to some fun workout, baking, and craft tutorials we have enjoyed, and also starting a blog to highlight some of the creative ways you all have found to stay mentally, physically, and emotionally well during this challenging time. Be on the lookout for emails from us in the coming weeks as we figure some ways to stay connected :)

We are looking forward to staying positive and well during this unique time, and we also are looking forward to connecting to even more of the off-campus community.

Best wishes,
Shannon, Kirby, and Dylan
OCH Co-Chairs

1. Online Paint Party, Friday, April 3, 6pm-7:30pm
2. Online Yoga Classes, Every Thursday at 7:30pm (ending April 30th)
3. Online Guided Meditation Classes, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays 7:15pm-7:45pm (ending April 19)
4. Online Physical Education Classes, Multiple events
5. Wellbeats with MIT Recreation, Flexible. See details below.
6. MIT Spouses & Partners Connect


1. Online Paint Party
When:Friday, April 3, 6pm-7:30pm
Contact: paintwithmeboston at gmail.com<mailto:paintwithmeboston at gmail.com>
Description: Paint with Me Boston is hosting a free online paint party with step-by-step video instructions. Great for both adults and kids. Read about the event, see supplies needed, and RSVP at the link above.

2. Online Yoga Classes
When:Every Thursday at 7:30pm (ending April 30th)
Contact: Westgate Executive Committee (WEC)
Description: Westgate is hosting an online yoga class every Thursday until April 30th. Classes are free and open to the entire MIT community. Zoom link is above. The Meeting ID is 426 132 864.

3. Online Guided Meditation Classes
When:Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays 7:15pm-7:45pm (ending April 19)
Contact: Westgate Executive Committee (WEC)
Description: Westgate is hosting an online guided meditation class every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday ending on April 19. Classes are free and open to the entire MIT community. Zoom link is above. The Meeting ID is 559 968 068

4. Online Physical Education Classes
When:Flexible. See details below.
Contact: quarter4 at mit.edu<mailto:quarter4 at mit.edu>
Description: Welcome to Physical Education and Wellness online! All students are invited to register at https://physicaleducationandwellness.mit.edu/.

The new Quarter 4 course dates April 13-May 8 will show up as “summer 1” in the registration system. Registration opens Thursday, April 1 at 8am and will close on Friday, April 3rd at 1pm for graduate students. To register for a 2nd course email quarter4 at mit.edu<mailto:quarter4 at mit.edu> with “register for a 2nd course” in the subject line and the course name in the body of the email.

Note: Deficient May 2020 degree candidates must earn points through online option(s) during Quarter 4 by May 8th in order to graduate May 29, 2020.

Course Options:

Foundations Physical Fitness - This fully online conceptual education course will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt physical activity behaviors to include the elements of fitness. Students will complete a variety of self-assessments and learn how to plan a personalized program for physical activity that focuses on aerobic fitness, resistance training, flexibility as well as posture and back care.

Wellness Foundations: Stress Management, Nutrition and Fitness - This fully online conceptual education course will provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles. Students will complete a variety of self-assessments and learn how to create a personalized wellness program focused on physical activity, nutrition, and stress management. Students will also learn consumer skills needed to make effective use of products and services related to health.

The courses are asynchronous and run for 4 weeks with two 60-minute lessons available each Monday that can be completed anytime by Thursday.

5. Wellbeats with MIT Recreation
Contact: MIT Recreation
Description: From MIT Recreation: All DAPER students and members will have FREE access to Wellbeats, an on-demand virtual fitness platform, through April 30. Wellbeats offers 30 channels and hundreds of virtual fitness classes with something for every age, stage, and ability. The user-friendly filters make it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for. Wellbeats meets participants where they’re at with tutorials, basics, and a variety of other classes up to 50 minutes in length. To get started, download the app or visit portal.wellbeats.com<http://portal.wellbeats.com> and register with the invitation code b27fdf55.

6. MIT Spouses & Partners Connect
When:Multiple events
Where:Multiple events
Contact: spousesandpartners at mit.edu<mailto:spousesandpartners at mit.edu>
Description: MIT SP&C is open to all significant others of MIT students, postdocs and staff who have relocated to the Boston area. They are offering several ways to connect virtually:


Whether you are looking for a job or thinking about your career development or wanting to gain skills you can use now and in the future, our conference is a great way to get useful information, ask some of your burning questions and meet other career-minded folks. Our speaker, Stacey Weissbock from JobssNow, has been helping job seekers find work since 2010. Please register for the event and let us know you would like to participate via Zoom: http://bit.ly/mspc-careerconference


Every Wednesday at 3 pm MS&PC meets via Zoom: https://mit.zoom.us/j/585674692 (password: 139032)


- Our Newcomers Office Hour can be held online, please email us to arrange the time.
- Toddler Playgroup members can find some activities for kids every Monday on Facebook.
- English Conversation Group meets on Mondays at 5 p.m. and Fridays at 10am via Zoom.


Facilitated by Program Manager, Jennifer Recklet Tassi, this private appointment via Zoom or Skype is a time to ask questions, voice concerns, and reimagine your life here in Boston. We can spend the time talking about whatever is on your mind - from job search and career development to navigating a new city to figuring out how to make your experience in Boston productive and meaningful.

Book a 30 minute private appointment here: https://mspc.youcanbook.me/ Appointments will be available at various times during the week. Jennifer can talk with you via phone or Skype, Zoom.

April 2020 MIT Spouses & Partners Connect Events - please share with offcampus families!
Jennifer Recklet Tassi <Reck at med.mit.edu<mailto:Reck at med.mit.edu>>
Dylan Toshinari Muramoto;Kirby J Ledvina;Shannon Marie Moreno;
MIT Spouses & Partners Connect - open to all significant others of MIT students, postdocs, and staff who have relocated to the Boston area


Join our private Facebook Group.
Follow us on Instagram @mspconnect.
Email us at spousesandpartners at mit.edu<mailto:spousesandpartners at mit.edu>.

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