[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] FW: Elections for Student Committees are LIVE and Due Tues (11/5) @ 3 PM

Kirby J Ledvina kledvina at mit.edu
Mon Nov 4 11:30:14 EST 2019

Off-Campus Folks,

See the message below from the Graduate Student Council on the student committee election. Voting ends TOMORROW at 3pm. And then, if you are locally registered, keep the momentum going and vote in your municipal elections!

In other news, we are finalizing plans for the next off-campus housing events. Stay tuned for an email within the week.


Kirby, Shannon, and Dylan

OCH Co-Chairs

From: gsc-council-full-bounces at mit.edu <gsc-council-full-bounces at mit.edu> on behalf of Peter Su <peterxsu at mit.edu>
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 10:32 AM
To: gsc-gcm
Subject: [GSC-GCM] Reminder: Elections for Student Committees are LIVE and Due Tues (11/5) @ 3 PM

Dear General Council and friends,

Can you please forward the following on to your constituents? And don't forget to make your own voice known and vote in the elections yourself! Thanks!

Dear fellow grad students,

This is a reminder that the election for the Student Committees is currently LIVE at the following link: https://engage.mit.edu/submitter/election/start/355366

The election will close on Tuesday, Nov 5th @ 3:00 PM.

It is EXTREMELY important that as many of you as possible vote in this election. It will give the GSC Nominations Board an indication of who you all want on these committees.

To help you decide who you want on the committees, here are the application answers of the students who applied. These documents are also linked from within the election:

  *   Outside Engagements: https://docs.google.com/document/d/145s9Y8X0St_Eun1ohlFaDkI8uNS2Pb7e-ilGT4LMyKE/edit?usp=sharing
  *   Campus Climate, Discrimination, and Misconduct: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o41G11mDlNUYu-rHnrAtY-3RmxTJUJdnJ_nMFDaK6Js/edit?usp=sharing

Thank you all ahead of time for voting and telling us what you think!

Peter Su
MIT Materials Science and Engineering PhD Student
MIT Graduate Student Council President
peterxsu at mit.edu<mailto:peterxsu at mit.edu>
(248) 231-6218
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