[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Recruitment Dinner - OCH Co-Chair Position Available for AY 2019-2020

Amanda Chen axchen at mit.edu
Mon May 13 14:56:01 EDT 2019

Hi all,

Are you interested in planning awesome off-campus events and helping build
community for off-campus grad students? Want to cross a bunch of things off
your Boston-area bucket list with other grad students across MIT at
discounted prices?

If yes, you should consider applying to become an OCH (off-campus housing)
co-chair! Co-chairs usually work together in a team of 3 people to organize
3 monthly events (of his/her/their own choice!). We estimate that the time
commitment is approximately 2-3 hours of logistics (i.e. choosing an event,
purchasing tickets, making reservations, emailing attendees, filling out
reimbursement forms) a month in addition to the time spend at the event.

We are having a dinner on *June 3 at 6pm (location TBD)* with interested
candidates and would like to extend the invite to the entire community.
Please email me/Molly/Shalini at gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu if you are
interested in RSVPing (before May 27) and applying to be an OCH co-chair.

Amanda, Molly, Shalini

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