[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] OCH November- Boston Comedy Chicks, Fantastic Beasts, and Tea Tasting!

Molly Anne Bird mbird at mit.edu
Fri Nov 2 16:21:54 EDT 2018

Hello off-campus people!

Hope you had a fun Halloween and are looking forward to the holidays ahead! We have some awesome events planned for you this month! We have a comedy show, a movie night (Fantastic Beasts!), and tea tasting! Graduate Women at MIT's (GWAMIT's) Empowerment Conference and November events with MIT Spouses & Partners Connect are also included. See below for more details.

Sign up through the RSVP link for a spot in the lottery. We'll contact the first round of lottery winners closer to the date of the events (and post that invites went out on our Facebook group- please join if you haven't already!) and then reach out to people on the waitlist as needed.

Molly, Amanda, Shalini

1. Boston Comedy Chicks: Saturday Showcase! , Saturday, Nov. 10, 8:00-10:00pm
2. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Sunday, Nov. 18, 7pm
3. MEM Tea - 101: Tea Basics, Weds, Nov. 28, 6:30-7:30pm
4. GWAMIT Empowerment Conference, November 6-10th
5. November Events with MIT Spouses & Partners Connect, November
6. Join our Facebook Group!, Now!
7. iREFS , Whenever


1. Boston Comedy Chicks: Saturday Showcase!
When: Saturday, Nov. 10, 8:00-10:00pm
Where: Doyle's Cafe, 3484 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02130
Contact: gshalini at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/och_november
Description: Join OCH for a night full of laughs at the Boston Comedy Chicks Saturday Showcase. The show features comedians of all genders, with a focus on showcasing women in comedy. With top comedians from Boston and all around the country, this show also won an Improper Bostonian Best of Boston award in 2017! Read more here: (https://www.bostoncomedychicks.com/about/). Tickets are $13, and OCH will cover $8, so you only pay $5! Signup for a spot on the lottery.

2. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
When: Sunday, Nov. 18, 7pm
Where: Regal Fenway (201 Brookline Ave, Boston, MA)
Contact: mbird at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/och_november
Description: Join OCH to see the newest Harry Potter world film, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. We'll be going to Regal Fenway which has the fancy reserved recliner seats so you won't want to miss out! Tickets are $16.40 (with fees) but you'll only have to pay $5! Sign up for a spot in the lottery.

3. MEM Tea - 101: Tea Basics
When: Weds, Nov. 28, 6:30-7:30pm
Where: MEM Tea Imports @ Davis Square (196 Elm Street, North Cambridge, MA 02140)
Contact: axchen at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/och_november
Description: Join OCH on a trip to MEM Tea, a Boston-based loose leaf tea company. In a 1 hour seminar, we will learn about and taste the 5 major varieties of tea (white, green, oolong, black, pu-erh). Normally $20 pp, OCH will pay for $15 so you can figure out your favorite tea to keep you company this winter for just $5! Sign up for a spot in the lottery.

4. GWAMIT Empowerment Conference
When: November 6-10th
Where: MIT
Contact: mbird at mit.edu
RSVP on our website: https://gwamitempowerment2018.wordpress.com/
Description: GW at MIT’s Empowerment Conference is next week! We have a great line-up of events (and great food and fancy swag throughout the week), hope to see you there!
Check out our list of events below and go to https://gwamitempowerment2018.wordpress.com/  for more details. Many of the events have limited spots, so register soon!

Nov 6 (12-1.30 pm)- Fireside chat with Dr. Dava Newman- come listen to her experience as a professor and Deputy Administrator of NASA (and circumnavigating the world on her sailboat!) over lunch, and get to ask your own questions as well! Check out her video here<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_geNZbgeyAY>.

Nov 8 (2-3 pm)-The dynamics of gender and privilege with Abigail Francis- take a deep look at how our privileges relate to our gender identity.

Nov 8 (4-5 pm)-Become financially empowered- Basic of investing with Mark Porter- learn about the basic building blocks of stocks and bonds and how to get the most out of your savings.

Nov 9 (10-11.30 am)-Outing with Brandeis- Join GWAMIT and Brandeis WiSI (Women in Science Initiative) for an outing to the MIT Museum.

Nov 9 (12-1.30 pm)-Mindfulness for less stress with Susanna Barry- learn how mindfulness can promote stress resilience.

Nov 9 (2-3 pm)-Strength training- Come learn the basics of strength training with a group of women who all want to get stronger!

Nov 10 (9.30-10.30 am)- GW at MIT Walk/Jog/Run- Whether it’s your first time around the block or you’re a seasoned runner, we hope you’ll join us to walk, jog, or run, followed by snacks or drinks at Tatte.

5. November Events with MIT Spouses & Partners Connect
When: November
Where: MIT
Contact: http://spouses.mit.edu spousesandpartners at mit.edu
Facebook @mitspousesandpartners;  Instagram mspconnect
Weekly Wednesday Meetings
3-5 p.m. in the Eastgate Penthouse – E55
Every week we invite speakers from MIT, the community, or our group to share their expertise; we visit interesting places in Boston; or we socialize around art and fitness.
November 7: Breakfast Around the World
November 14: Thanksgiving Tasting
November 28: Gentle Stretching

LEX Language Club
Thursday November 8 at 10 a.m.
W85 Westgate Basement Lounge

Come join us and learn multiple languages through fun activities. Adults and children are welcome! Learn about the benefits of being multilingual.

Crafternoon: Air-Dried Clay Ornaments
Tuesday, November 13
1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Eastgate Penthouse

Supplies provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

MIT Language Conversation Exchange
lce at mit.edu
Facebook @MITLCE

Language Lunches
November 15 at noon in E19-202
November 28 at noon in E19-202
Meet Eat Speak
Come to meet other language enthusiasts, students taking learning languages, and native speakers of languages you’d like to practice. All MIT community members welcome! This is a great way to find a language partner! Lunch will be served.
Brought to you by the International Student Office, Office of Graduation Education, Institute Community and Equity Office and the Language Conversation Exchange.

6. Join our Facebook Group!
When: Now!
Where: Facebook....
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/
Description: OCH has a Facebook group! Join it so you can get event reminders, be notified of last minute openings, and connect with the awesome people you meet at our events! To be considered for lottery events in the future- you still MUST sign up using the sign-up sheet.

7. iREFS
When: Whenever
Where: Wherever
Contact: irefs-contact at mit.edu
Description: What we do:
The MIT iREFS group is a student group that provides peer support for all graduate students across the Institute.
Our mission is to ensure graduate student wellness, especially in times of uncertainty, stress and conflict.

iREFS is comprised of graduate students trained in conflict management by Conflict Management at MIT.
They are available to have confidential conversations, and can make informed referrals to other resources and offices at MIT.

We are here to help and support YOU!
Feel free to reach out to us at any time, we would love to take you out for coffee/tea & hear what's going on in your life!


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