[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] [OCH] Planning meeting tomorrow

Molly Anne Bird mbird at mit.edu
Wed Feb 28 17:06:07 EST 2018

Hello off-campus people,

Tomorrow we're meeting at Champions (Kendall) at 5pm to brainstorm event ideas for March. If you have some suggestions and want to hang out with cool people, sign up at the link below! Up to 4 people will be randomly chosen to join us.

Look out for an email soon with all the great events for March!

Molly, Mahreen, Elise

1. OCH Planning Meeting at Champions!
When: Thursday, March 1st, 5-6pm
Where: Champions
Contact: mbird at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=mtg_champions

Description: Join the OCH co-chairs to brainstorm event ideas for March and the rest of the semester! Dinner up to $15 will be covered by OCH. Limited to 4 people (randomly selected).

2. Join our Facebook Group!
When: Now!
Where: Facebook....
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/

Description: OCH now has a Facebook group! Join it so you can get event reminders, be notified of last minute openings, and connect with the awesome people you meet at our events! To be considered for lottery events in the future- you still MUST sign up using the sign-up sheet.

3. iREFS
When: Whenever
Where: Wherever
Contact: irefs-contact at mit.edu
Description: What we do:
The MIT iREFS group is a student group that provides peer support for all graduate students across the Institute.
Our mission is to ensure graduate student wellness, especially in times of uncertainty, stress and conflict.

iREFS is comprised of graduate students trained in conflict management by Conflict Management at MIT.
They are available to have confidential conversations, and can make informed referrals to other resources and offices at MIT.

We are here to help and support YOU!
Feel free to reach out to us at any time, we would love to take you out for coffee/tea & hear what's going on in your life!


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