[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] OCH December - Build-It-Yourself Gingerbread

Amanda Chen axchen at mit.edu
Sun Dec 2 16:22:31 EST 2018

Hello off-campus people!

Happy December & Happy Holidays! We're excited to share a
season-appropriate gingerbread kit building events, along with December
events from MIT MIT Spouses & Partners Connect. See below for more details.


Amanda, Molly, Shalini

1. OCH Build-It-Yourself Gingerbread, December 10, 6-8pm
2. November Events with MIT Spouses & Partners Connect, November
3. Join our Facebook Group!, Now!
4. iREFS , Whenever


1. OCH Build-It-Yourself Gingerbread
When: December 10, 6-8pm
Where: 32-124
Contact: axchen at mit.edu, mbird at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=377787568
Description: Happy holidays! OCH is hosting a gingerbread-'thing' making
event on December 10 from 6-8pm in 32-124. Come build a traditional
gingerbread house, or try your hand at constructing & decorating a cookie
christmas tree or train. OCH will provide all gingerbread kits
(assembly-ready, with decorations) and an assortment of hot drinks. We will
also raffle off a couple holiday-themed gifts for the attendees during the
event! Sign up using the link to get a chance at a free spot to attend.

2. December Events with MIT Spouses & Partners Connect
Contact: http://spouses.mit.edu | spousesandpartners at mit.edu | Facebook
@mitspousesandpartners | Instagram mspconnect

>Event: Weekly Wednesday Meetings
3-5 pm, recurring
Eastgate Penthouse –E55
Every week we invite speakers from MIT, the community, or our group to
share their expertise; we visit interesting places in Boston; or we
socialize around art and fitness.
December 5: Learn English with the YMCA International Learning Center
December 12: Card Making for Hospitalized Kids and Cookie Swap

>Event: An Evening of Storytelling
Monday, December 3 at 7 pm
E55 Eastgate Penthouse Lounge
Come and hear true, personal stories from MIT Spouses & Partners Connect
members. A small group of people have been crafting their stories just for
you! Treat yourself to an evening of storytelling at the Eastgate
Penthouse. Tea and cookies will be served. A collaboration with the MIT
Women’s League.

>Event: MIT Language Conversation Exchange Language Lunch - Meet Eat Speak
Tuesday, December 11 at 12pm
Come to meet other language enthusiasts, students taking learning
languages, and native speakers of languages you’d like to practice. All MIT
community members welcome! This is a great way to find a language partner!
Lunch will be served. Brought to you by the International Student Office,
Office of Graduation Education, Institute Community and Equity Office, the
Alumni Association, and the Language Conversation Exchange.
http://lce.mit.edu | lce at mit.edu | Facebook @MITLCE


3. Join our Facebook Group!
When: Now!
Where: Facebook....
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/
Description: OCH has a Facebook group! Join it so you can get event
reminders, be notified of last minute openings, and connect with the
awesome people you meet at our events! To be considered for lottery events
in the future- you still MUST sign up using the sign-up sheet.

4. iREFS
When: Whenever
Where: Wherever
Contact: irefs-contact at mit.edu
Description: What we do:
The MIT iREFS group is a student group that provides peer support for all
graduate students across the Institute.
Our mission is to ensure graduate student wellness, especially in times of
uncertainty, stress and conflict.

iREFS is comprised of graduate students trained in conflict management by
Conflict Management at MIT.
They are available to have confidential conversations, and can make
informed referrals to other resources and offices at MIT.

We are here to help and support YOU!
Feel free to reach out to us at any time, we would love to take you out for
coffee/tea & hear what's going on in your life!


Amanda X. Chen
PhD Student, NSF Fellow, Department of Biological Engineering
Laboratory for Multiscale Regenerative Technologies  <https://lmrt.mit.edu/>
Communication Fellow, Biological Engineering Communication Lab
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
axchen at mit.edu | (c) 925-786-7993 | @Amanda_X_Chen

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