[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] December Events

Molly Anne Bird mbird at mit.edu
Tue Nov 21 09:48:57 EST 2017

Hello gorgeous Off-Campus people,

For the month of December, we ease your way into finals and the holidays with Movie Monday, the OCH Ugly Sweater Party, and All-you-can-eat Sushi! So get out of your labs and come chill with some really awesome people! See below for more details.

How does it work? You sign up for the lottery on the signup link of the month: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=och_december If you are lucky, an email will be sent to you with the details of the event.

As always, if you have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus life that could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know. If you have an event that you would like advertised to this list, use this form: http://goo.gl/QtXtNP .

Molly, Mahreen, and Elise

1. Movie Monday
When: Monday, December 4th, 6pm
Where: Meet-up at CBC at 6PM and then movie around 7PM at Landmark
Contact: eledieu at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=och_december
The traditional "Movie Monday" is back: we will meet up at CBC around some nachos and pizza, decide on a movie to go see all together, reach consensus and go to Landmark Cinema to watch the new movie. The OCH will subsidize nachos and movie tickets (if you are selected).

2. Ugly Sweater Party!
When: Friday, December 8th, 8-10:30pm
Where: TBD - will contact people who RSVP'ed
Contact: mahreen at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=och_december
Description: Join us for our Ugly Sweater Party! Come dressed in your most hideous sweater to socialize with other off-campus students! Heavy appetizers, beverages, and games will be supplied. Friends are welcome! More details will be sent later to those who RSVP.

3. All-you-can-eat Sushi
When: Tuesday, December 12th, 7pm
Where: Yamato II, 545 Boylston St Boston, MA 02116
Contact: eledieu at mit.edu
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=och_december
Description: Come with us to get your fill of sushi at Yamato II's all-you-can-eat sushi! Full price is $28.99. OCH will cover $15 per person so $13.99 + drinks or other things are on you. (If you are selected from the lottery)

4. Join our Facebook Group!
When: Now!
Where: Facebook....
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/158205104913036/about/
Description: OCH now has a Facebook group! Join it so you can get event reminders, be notified of last minute openings, and connect with the awesome people you meet at our events! To be considered for lottery events in the future- you still MUST sign up using the sign-up sheet.
5. iREFS
When: Whenever
Where: Wherever
Contact: irefs-contact at mit.edu
Description: What we do:
The MIT iREFS group is a student group that provides peer support for all graduate students across the Institute.
Our mission is to ensure graduate student wellness, especially in times of uncertainty, stress and conflict.

iREFS is comprised of graduate students trained in conflict management by Conflict Management at MIT.
They are available to have confidential conversations, and can make informed referrals to other resources and offices at MIT.

We are here to help and support YOU!
Feel free to reach out to us at any time, we would love to take you out for coffee/tea & hear what's going on in your life!


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