[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-Campus Housing February Events

Elise Ledieu eledieu at mit.edu
Wed Feb 1 16:25:54 EST 2017

Hello Off-Campus Residents!

As the new semester is about to start off, we´ve got a cosy artsy line-up for you. If you feel like a painter or a movie addict or a play fanatic, we offer you options to explore the Boston scene. Participants will be selected from the signups (http://signup.mit.edu/OCH_Jan) on a lottery basis.

As always, if you have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus life that could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know. If you have an event that you would like advertised to this list, use this form: http://goo.gl/QtXtNP. We're always looking for help brainstorming and organizing new events.

Also, please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns or ideas for a better MIT Off-Campus community!

Your friendly Off-Campus- Co-chairs,
Rachit, Elise, and Olesya

1. Paint Nite, Saturday February 25, 8-10PM
2. Movie: Split plus Dinner, Thursday, February 9th, 6pm
3. Play: Intimate Exchanges, Saturday, Feb 11th, 8pm


1. Paint Nite
When: Saturday February 25, 8-10PM
Where: Slate Bar and Grill (109 High Street, Boston)
Contact: levsh at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/OCH_Jan
Description: Boston winters are LONG and can be tough to get through! If you're craving summer, come join us at Slate Bar and Grill in the Financial District for a Paint Nite featuring the gorgeous Boston skyline and a summer sunset. Check out the painting here: https://www.paintnite.com/events/starburst-summer-at-slate-bar-and-grill-dining-room-financial-district_1145231. Participants will be chosen on a lottery basis from the signup sheet. If you get the spot you'll receive a follow-up email!

2. Movie: Split plus Dinner
When: Thursday, February 9th, 6pm
Where: TBD for dinner. AMC Boston commons for movie at 7.30
Contact: rneupane at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/OCH_Jan
Description: Lets kick off this chilly February with a warm dinner and a thrilling movie (Split) in the company of fellow off campus grad students. The location for dinner is TBD but it'll be somewhere around the movie theater, potentially in Chinatown area.

The signup is for a lottery to get a spot. We'll email the people selected for the event.

3. Intimate Exchanges
When: Saturday, Feb 11th, 8pm
Where: Central Square Theater
Contact: eledieu at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/OCH_Jan
Description: Choice? Fate? Destiny?

Two actors. Six characters. Four different courses of action. What will happen next? Master of form Alan Ayckbourn’s (Absurd Person Singular) Intimate Exchanges follows marriages and love affairs in a London suburb. Meet Celia Teasdale, the wife of the drunken headmaster of the local school. And then, there’s Sylvie Bell, Celia’s part-time help, to whom there is more than meets the eye – is she a modern day Eliza Doolittle? In the opening scene, Celia steps into her backyard and eyes a pack of cigarettes. Her choice leads to one of four possibilities. On alternating performances, you can follow either Celia or Sylvie in their path throughout the play. At intermission, place your vote on how you want the play to end. And, if you don’t like the result, you’ve nobody to blame but yourself!

The signup is for a lottery to get a spot. We'll email the people selected for the event.

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