[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus Events in April - Comedy Night, Sushi Fever and Hipster Dinner

Elise Ledieu eledieu at mit.edu
Wed Apr 5 18:35:11 EDT 2017

Hello Off-Campus Residents!

This month is for foodies and comedy lovers. Participants will be selected from the signups (http://signup.mit.edu/OCH_April) on a lottery basis.

We are looking for new Chairs! This is your occasion to shine and bring joy to the Off-Campus Residents by organizing events and by advocating for people! Feel free to answer to this email if you are interested or if you have any question :) The time commitment is of about 6 hours/month.

As always, if you have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus life that could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know. If you have an event that you would like advertised to this list, use this form: http://goo.gl/QtXtNP <http://goo.gl/QtXtNP>. We're always looking for help brainstorming and organizing new events.

Also, please feel free to contact us if you have any concerns or ideas for a better MIT Off-Campus community!

Your friendly Off-Campus- Co-chairs,
Rachit, Elise, and Olesya

1. MIT Comedy Night at the Thirsty Ear, Thurs, Apr. 13, 8pm-10pm
2. Sushi Fever, Wednesday, April 19th, 7pm
3. Dinner at The Automatic, Friday, April 28th, 6:30 pm
4. iREFS , Whenever

1. MIT Comedy Night at the Thirsty Ear
When: Thurs, Apr. 13, 8pm-10pm
Where: Thirsty Ear Pub
Contact: teec-comedy at mit.edu
-	Join us for another MIT Comedy Night, with headliner Sarah Martin (The World Series of Comedy, The Steve Katsos Show).
-	Hosted by Nonye Brown-West, featuring Jarva Lund, Srilatha Rajamani, Janet McNamara, Penny Oswin, Carolyn Riley, Katie McCarthy, Kate Procyshyn, and Laura Severse
-	Snacks and soda provided. Presented by the Thirsty Ear Executive Committee. 
-	Sponsored by GSC Funding Board, Peter de Florez '38 Humor Fund, GradRat, and GW at MIT.
-	21+ govt ID & MIT ID required for entry. Please have ID ready to show at the door.	


2. Sushi Fever
When: Wednesday, April 19th, 7pm
Where: Yamato, Boylston Street
Contact: eledieu at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/OCH_April
Description: All-You-Can-Eat-Sushi --> How can you say no? 

Sign up now and if you receive an email with details, congratulations! You are one of the chosen ones to go there and have a nice time eating salmon with cool kids! 

The OCH will sponsor 15$ in your meal.

3. Dinner at The Automatic
When: Friday, April 28th, 6:30 pm
Where: The Automatic, 50 Hampshire St, Cambridge,
Contact: rneupane at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/OCH_April
Description: This new-ish spot in Inman Square is the place to be to try outrageous bar snacks and creative foods. Come check it out with your fellow off campus graduate students. http://www.theautomaticbar.com

OCH will cover $15 towards the meal and alcoholic beverages will not be covered.

The signup is for a lottery for a spot, and only chosen individuals will be emailed.

4. iREFS 
When: Whenever
Where: Wherever
Contact: irefs-contact at mit.edu
Description: What we do: 
The MIT iREFS group is a student group that provides peer support for all graduate students across the Institute. 
Our mission is to ensure graduate student wellness, especially in times of uncertainty, stress and conflict. 

iREFS is comprised of graduate students trained in conflict management by Conflict Management at MIT. 
They are available to have confidential conversations, and can make informed referrals to other resources and offices at MIT. 

We are here to help and support YOU! 
Feel free to reach out to us at any time, we would love to take you out for coffee/tea & hear what's going on in your life!


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