[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] [GSC-HCA-OC] Important mid-month newsletter

GSC-HCA-OC-Chair gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu
Tue Nov 25 00:21:43 EST 2014

Hi Off-campus Folks!

         This is one of those rare mid-month newsletters. As you know, we
try to only email you at the beginning of the month to differentiate
ourselves from other, more frequent, campus mailing lists. However, there
are two important issues that are time-sensitive, so we are making an
exception. In other words, these are important!

        First, you should have received an email from Boris and Andrea, the
GSC HCA Co-chairs with the email title "Graduate Student Cost of Living
Survey." PLEASE DO THE SURVEY! Boris and Andrea tell me that we are still
missing a signfiicant amount of off-campus participation, and, guys, this
survey *directly* influences many elements of your life, such as stipend,
shuttle bus routes, and other such services provided by both GSC as well as
MIT as a whole. Please please please fill out this survey! The link from
that email is unique to you, so I can't include it here, but that's how
important this survey is!

      Another survey you shuold look at is the Graduate Student Experience
at MIT survey, which is part of a working group effort that makes
recommendations to the Institute. Here's the link: http://bit.ly/1sOrrYC

      Oh, and as if you needed any further incentives, there are raffles
for both surveys. The grand prize for the Cost of Living survey, for
instance, includes things like iPads and $500 gift cards for Amazon. Not
too shabby at all!

      Anyways, thanks for doing this, guys, and have a great Thanksgiving!
We will have lots of awesome events planned for you for once you come back
in December :)

Take care,
George and Jennifer - offcampus co-chairs

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