[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements: Welcome to the List, New Events

Luke Jensen ljensen at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 23 12:29:22 EDT 2013

Dear fellow off-campus graduate students,

This is the first off-campus email newsletter of the year. You may have
been added to the list automatically based on the Registrar's record of
your housing status. The off-campus subcommittee is part of the Housing &
Community Affairs committee of the Graduate Student Council (see this
website <http://gsc.mit.edu/committees/hca/off-campus/> for more details).
We keep this list low-volume (about two emails per month) and try to avoid
overlapping unnecessarily with the content you already receive from other
outlets. That being said, you are always able to unsubscribe from the list
by following the directions at the bottom of the email.

If you have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus life
that could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know. If
you have an event that you would like advertised to this list, use
this form<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHdpb0hOTzZjS2tyal83Qnhqd3pmclE6MQ#gid=0>.
We're always looking for help brainstorming and organizing new events. We're
both looking forward to meeting many of you over the next year, both on
campus and at off-campus events!

Your off-campus co-chairs,
Luke and Kelsey

1. New Shuttle Line!, Pilot program underway now
2. Thirsty Ear Spelling Bee, Tues, Sept 24th, 8-10pm
3. Dinner at The Similans, Thurs, Sept. 26th, 7pm
4. Dinner at Cantina La Mexicana, Wed, Oct. 2nd, 7pm

1. New Shuttle Line!
When: Pilot program underway now
Where: Imman Square, Union Square and East Cambridge
Contact: gsc-hca-transportation at mit.edu
Description: This is a reminder of the shuttle pilot program currently
underway with service to Inman Square, Somerville, and East Cambridge. The
route and schedule are published here:

This is a pilot program. Its continuation in 2014 will depend on ridership
numbers. If you live in some of the areas served by the new line and if you
are interested in using the line in the future, please consider using it as
much as possible from September to December. We need you to advocate in
favor of the line in the future!

If you have any question or recommendation, please contact us at
gsc-hca-transportation at mit.edu.

2. Thirsty Ear Spelling Bee
When: Tues, Sept 24th, 8-10pm
Where: Thirsty Ear Pub
Contact: teec-officers at mit.edu
RSVP: n/a
Description: Come out to the Thirsty Ear for a Spelling Bee!
Test your letter dexterity in a word battle death match for fun prizes
Brought to you by GradRat
21+ w/ govt photo ID only. Please have ID ready to show at door.
The Thirsty Ear is MIT’s on-campus pub, serving dinner and drinks at grad
student prices. http://thirsty-ear.mit.edu


3. Dinner at The Similans
When: Thurs, Sept. 26th, 7pm
Where: The Similans, 145 1st St, Cambridge
Contact: gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/299393243
Description: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus
community and safety issues, and try out a fantastic Thai place in East
Cambridge (which is on the new shuttle line)! For those selected from the
signup list, GSC HCA Off-campus will subsidize up to $15/person, and
significant others/spouses are welcomed.

Note: Signup does *NOT* guarantee a spot. 14 spots will be randomly (via
Matlab) granted, and attendees informed via email the day after the
announcement goes out. This is to ensure everyone has a fair shot at

4. Dinner at Cantina La Mexicana
When: Wed, Oct. 2nd, 7pm
Where: 247 Washington St Somerville, MA 02143
Contact: gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/CantinaLaMexicana
Description: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus
community and safety issues, and try out a tasty Mexican place in
Somerville (which is on the new shuttle line)! For those selected from the
signup list, GSC HCA Off-campus will subsidize up to $15/person, and
significant others/spouses are welcomed.

Note: Signup does *NOT* guarantee a spot. 14 spots will be randomly (via
Matlab) granted, and attendees informed via email one week prior to the
event. This is to ensure everyone has a fair shot at applying.

More information about the Gsc-hca-offcampus mailing list