[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements

Luke Jensen ljensen at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 21 17:25:33 EDT 2013

Dear fellow off-campus graduate students,

It's a light news week from off-campus, so we'll cut to the chase! If you
have a suggestion for an event or an issue regarding off-campus life that
could be relevant for discussion with the GSC, please let us know. If you
have an event that you would like advertised to this list, use this
We're always looking for help brainstorming and organizing new events.

Your off-campus co-chairs,
Luke and Kelsey

1. Dinner at Mulan, Kendall Square, Tues, Oct 29 7pm
2. Thirsty Ear Flight Night, Tues, Oct 29, 7:30pm-11pm
3. SaveTFP's Spooky Skate, Friday, October 25th, 8pm-12am
4. New Shuttle Line!, Pilot program underway now


1. Dinner at Mulan, Kendall Square
When: Tues, Oct 29 7pm
Where: MuLan Taiwanese Restaurant, Kendall Square
Contact: gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/mulan
Description: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus
community and safety issues, and try out this Taiwanese place in Kendall
Square! For those selected from the signup list, GSC HCA Off-campus will
subsidize up to $15/person, and significant others/spouses are welcomed.

Note: Signup does *NOT* guarantee a spot. Spots will be randomly (via
Matlab) granted, and attendees informed via email one week prior to the
event. This is to ensure everyone has a fair shot at applying.

2. Thirsty Ear Flight Night
When: Tues, Oct 29, 7:30pm-11pm
Where: Thirsty Ear Pub
Contact: teec-officers at mit.edu
RSVP: n/a
Description: Come out to the Thirsty Ear Pub for this month's flight night.
We will be serving 4 Halloween themed beers with snacks for $11.
21+ with government issued ID required

3. SaveTFP's Spooky Skate
When: Friday, October 25th, 8pm-12am
Where: Johnson 1st Floor
Contact: savetfp at mit.edu
Description: Celebrate Halloween with us! Ice skate in costume, decorate
cookies and mini pumpkins, take photos, win a costume contest for a spooky
T-Shirt, get a Love Your Beaver Shirt!

4. New Shuttle Line!
When: Pilot program underway now
Where: Imman Square, Union Square and East Cambridge
Contact: gsc-hca-transportation at mit.edu
Description: This is a reminder of the shuttle pilot program currents
underway with service to Inman Square, Somerville, and East Cambridge. The
route and schedule are published here:

At this point, this Shuttle Line is a pilot program. Its continuation in
2014 will depend on ridership numbers. So if you live in some of the areas
served by the new line and if you are interested in using the line in the
future, please consider using it as much as possible from September to
December. We need you to advocate in favor of the line in the future!

If you have any question or recommendation, please contact us at
gsc-hca-transportation at mit.edu.

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