[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus events and announcements

Kevin Cedrone kcedrone at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 5 13:36:18 EST 2012

Dear fellow off-campus graduate students,

We have a few events to announce.

If you have any issues you want to discuss related to housing, safety,
transportation or any other community affairs issue you should feel
strongly encouraged to get in touch with Kelsey (kastoerz at mit.edu) or me (
kcedrone at mit.edu).

Hope to see you out at an event soon!

Your off-campus reps,
Kevin and Kelsey

1. Edgerton Coffeehouse, Sunday, November 18th, 5:30-7:00pm
2. GWAMIT Leadership Conference, November 5-8
3. Movie night: Argo, Thurs, Nov 15, evening showing (7:10 pm or 8:10 pm,
we'll know on Nov. 7)
4. Off-campus brunch at Darwin's Ltd., Sunday, Nov. 11th, 11:30AM
5. Election Night Party @ The Thirsty Ear Pub , Tuesday, November 6th,
6. Comedy Night VIII @ Thirsty Ear Pub, Tues, Nov. 13, 7:30pm
7. James Bond Party, Fri, Nov. 9, 7pm


1. Edgerton Coffeehouse
When: Sunday, November 18th, 5:30-7:00pm
Where: Edgerton House (NW-10)
Contact: pmindell5 at gmail.com
RSVP: pmindell5 at gmail.com (if interested in performing)
Description: - Do you sing, play an instrument, write poetry?
- Be a part of the Edgerton Coffeehouse! Sunday, November 18th, 5:30-7:00pm
- Interested in performing? Contact Pam at pmindell5 at gmail.com before
November 1st.

2. GWAMIT Leadership Conference
When: November 5-8
Where: MIT Campus (see schedule for details)
Contact: gwamit-exec at mit.edu
RSVP: leadership.gwamit.org
Description: This year’s Graduate Women at MIT (GWAMIT) Leadership
Conference theme focuses on leadership skills needed to “Take Charge” of
your future through exciting panels, talks, and workshops with leaders in
both academia and industry.

The conference kicks off Monday, November 5th, with Keynote Speaker Carley
Roney, Founder and CEO of The Knot/XO Group.

Events take place November 5-8.  For details and to RSVP visit

3. Movie night: Argo
When: Thurs, Nov 15, evening showing (7:10 pm or 8:10 pm, we'll know on
Nov. 7)
Where: AMC Loews Boston Common theater
Contact: ankitak_1984 at yahoo.com
Description: RSVP for a free ticket to see Argo with a group from MIT!

We have space for 25, and we’ll purchase tickets based on the number of
people who RSVP before Nov. 7.  RSVP is required to get a free ticket, but
you're welcome to meet up with the group if the event is full.  We’ll keep
a waiting list – please change your RSVP if your plans change. Anyone in
the MIT community including significant others is welcome.

This event is sponsored by MIT Spouses & Partners and the Graduate Student
Council Off-Campus Committee.


4. Off-campus brunch at Darwin's Ltd.
When: Sunday, Nov. 11th, 11:30AM
Where: Darwin's Ltd., 1629 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA
Contact: Kelsey (kastoerz at mit.edu)
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=712802121
Description: Socialize with fellow off-campus students, discuss off-campus
community and safety issues, and (re)discover a fantastic cafe in
Cambridge!  For those selected off the signup list, GSC HCA Off-campus will
subsidize up to $15/person, and significant others/spouses are welcomed, if
noted in the RSVP.

Note: Signup does *NOT* guarantee a spot. 15 spots will be randomly (via
Matlab) granted, and attendees informed via email at least 3 days prior to
the event. This is to ensure everyone has a fair shot at applying.

5. Election Night Party @ The Thirsty Ear Pub
When: Tuesday, November 6th, 6PM-12AM
Where: Thirsty Ear Pub, Ashdown House (NW35)
Contact: teec-officers at mit.edu
Description: - Join us for a party to celebrate the Presidential election.
- Free food will be served.
- Presented by the Technology and Policy Students Society, Thirsty Ear
Executive Committee and Grad Rat.
- 21+ govt ID required for entry. Please have ready to show at the door!

6. Comedy Night VIII @ Thirsty Ear Pub
When: Tues, Nov. 13, 7:30pm
Where: Thirsty Ear Pub
Contact: TEEC <teec-officers at mit.edu>
Description: - Join us for another Comedy Night! This month: Stand up
comedy with Phoebe Angle, Alex Edelman, Tesha Kondrat, Anthony Scibelli, PJ
- Free food and drink!
- Sponsored by the GSC Funding Board and the Peter de Florez ’38 Humor Fund
- 21+ govt ID required for entry. Please have ready to show at door!

7. James Bond Party
When: Fri, Nov. 9, 7pm
Where: Falmouth, MA
Contact: emoberg at mit.edu
RSVP: http://signup.mit.edu/1756685552
Description: Dearest Fellow Agents,

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to come to Bars, Spring Bars,
for an evening of intrigue, espionage, decadence, and cinematography. The
newest chronicle of a fellow agent--Skyfall--is coming out on November 9th
and a group of us will be in attendance. Prior to this auspicious event,
we'll be hosting cocktails. The details of your assignment are below:

Time: Nov. 9th, starting at 7pm
Where: Falmouth area, followed by the Falmouth Cinema Pub
What: Cocktails and snacks followed by watching of the newest James Bond
Special Instructions: Dress to impress; cocktail attire is encouraged. If
you would like to watch the movie afterwards, we'll be walking over to the
cinema pub.

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