[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Upcoming off-campus events

Alex Levin levin at MIT.EDU
Thu Mar 15 14:39:53 EDT 2012

Hi off-campus students,

We have planned a bunch of events for the upcoming weeks.  As always, if 
you have event suggestions, or would like to organize something, please 
let us know!


Alex & Kevin
Off-campus chairs

1. Standup show at Improv Boston, Sunday 3/18 at 9PM
2. Dinner at Portugalia, Tuesday, 3/20 at 7PM
3. Off-campus party fund: get $$$$ for your parties, ongoing
4. Babysitting night at Eastgate, Saturday, 3/17, 4:30PM-7:30PM
5. Sidney-Pacific March Brunch, Sunday, 3/18 at 12PM

1. Standup at Improv Boston

What: Standup comedy show
Where: Improv Boston, 40 Prospect St., Cambridge, MA
When: Sunday, 3/18, at 9PM
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=1570963227

2. Dinner at Portugalia

What: Delicious Portuguese food
Where: Portugalia, 723 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA
When: Tuesday, 3/20 at 7PM
RSVP: https://signup.mit.edu:444/signup.php?id=910513302
Note: The off-campus subcommittee will subsidize up to $15 per person

3. Off-campus party fund: get $$$$ for your parties

The off-campus party fund sponsors house parties that are open to 
members of the off-campus community.  Throwing a party and would like 
some funding?  Email gsc-hca-offcampus-chair at mit.edu for more information.

4. Babysitting night at Eastgate

Hello parents!

Need trustworthy, nearby, and low-priced babysitting? Do not worry! 
Enjoy your evenings out! Babysitters are coming to Eastgate on Saturday, 
March 17th from 4:30-7:30!

When: Saturday, March 17th from 4:30PM - 7:30PM
Who: Five experienced babysitters will take care of the children (18 
months and up)
How Much: $8/child
Where: Eastgate Lounge

We'll have special activities planned for the night, and a simple dinner 
will be provided for the children.
Registration will be required, and will open on Saturday, February 18th 
at 8:00AM.
A lottery will be held if more than twenty children are registered. If 
one child from a family is chosen, all the children from that same 
family will be chosen.

Important Notes:

1. A Late fee will be charged if you pick up your child late:

A. $10 for less than 30 minutes
B. $14 for more than 30 minutes up to an hour
C. $14 for each additional hour

2. There are 20 spots available. So hurry and sign up now!

Babysitting nights are sponsored through a Graduate Student Life Grant.

Questions? Suggestions? Contact us!

Pedro and Laura  (eastgate-pc at mit.edu <mailto:eastgate-pc at mit.edu>)
Anders and Anna (eastgate-president at mit.edu 
<mailto:eastgate-president at mit.edu>)

5. Sidney-Pacific March brunch

Event Title: Sidney Pacific March Brunch
Contact: sp-brunch-chair at mit.edu
Sponsor(s): Gradrat, LEF, SP
Location: Sidney Pacific MP room
Start: 03/18/2012 12 PM
End: 03/18/2012 1 PM
Description: Come enjoy free food! Please bring your own silverware.

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