[GSC-HCA-Offcampus] Off-campus and event announcements

Kevin Cedrone kcedrone at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 7 17:52:30 EDT 2012

Hi fellow off-campus students,

I am starting to plan events for the summer. Please let me know what you
would like to see, do, eat over the summer to keep the off-campus community
lively and vibrant. If you have any concerns about safety, community or
life at MIT I can help communicate those to the GSC.

My co-chair Alex will be away for the summer so I need some help planning
events. It is a minimal time commitment (or I might not have signed up
myself) and a great way to get involved with the GSC. Think of it this way,
you're guaranteed a spot on the RSVP list for the events you organize!

Your friendly neighbourhood off-campus co-chairs,
Alex and Kevin

1. Off-campus Housing Letter in Faculty Newsletter
2. Summer Kickoff Party, Saturday, 9 June 2012, 3-4:30pm, Westgate
3. GSC HCA Meeting, Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 6pm-7pm, 50-220

*1. Off-campus Housing Letter in Faculty Newsletter*
This article in the Faculty Newsletter presents the GSC's stance on the
housing market surrounding MIT. This is the first time the GSC has made a
public statement about such an issue and the off-campus  constituency
should be kept abreast as much as possible.

2. Westgate Summer Kickoff Party!!!

Come kickoff the summer with summer games, a bouncy house, and popsicles!
Saturday June 9th, 2012
3:00-4:30 pm
Free and fun for the whole family!
Open to the MIT Graduate Community.

Sponsored by the GSC Funding Board and Westgate Community Association

*3. GSC HCA Monthly Meeting*

This is the monthly GSC Housing and Community Affairs (HCA) meeting. Chairs
from all student groups and HCA members discuss ongoing projects in the HCA
and other topics related to individual dorms or the whole MIT community.
All graduate students are welcome.

Category: MIT events/clubs: interest clubs/groups
Location: 50-220
Sponsored by: GSC Housing and Community Affairs, GSC Meetings
Admission: Open to the public
For more information: Contact Randi Cabezas. gsc-hca at mit.edu

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