[Gsc-hca-offcampus] Upcoming Events
Jeffrey T Chambers
jtc at MIT.EDU
Thu May 19 00:20:01 EDT 2011
Hi Off-Campus Grads,
Congratulations to everyone finishing up this term. We have two exciting
events coming up this weekend, so make sure to check them out and relax.
This Friday an off-campus student is organizing a end-of-term party for
off-campus. Then on Sunday, there is a dim sum brunch. Make sure to
check both out and meet other off-campus grads.
~Jeff Chambers
GSC Off-Campus Chair
1. Off-Campus End-of-Term Party - Friday, May 20
2. Off-Campus Brunch - Sunday, May 22 (RSVP)
3. La Fete Semi-formal - Saturday, May 21
4. In Vino Brevitas 2011 - June 1
Event Details:
1. End-of-term house party for off-campus graduate students on Friday
evening from 8-10pm. Walk over to the modern, high-rise Watermark
apartments located in Kendall Square. Feel free to bring guests. Please
RSVP to hjenq at mit.edu for additional details, with e-mail subject "term
party (the # of people in your group)", i.e. "term party 2". Snacks will
be served.
2. Off-campus dim sum brunch at Hei La Moon, Boston
WHEN: 11am, Sunday May 22
COST: Bring $5 per person (you can bring a significant other)
RSVP: Steve Goldfless sjg at mit.edu
3. La Fete Semi-formal
When: Saturday, May 21 6:00pm - 11:00pm
Where: Edgerton House Courtyard; 143 Albany St. -- (Rain location:
Hulsizer Room, New Ashdown)
Cost: This is a FREE semi-formal event
6:00pm - Dinner begins
6:00 - 7:00pm - Swing dance lessons
7:00 - 10:00pm - LIVE swing band and dancing
10:00pm - 11:00pm - DJ and dancing
Cash bar provided by Thirsty Ear Pub (ID required).
All MIT graduate students are welcome.
Semi-formal attire is strongly suggested.
This event is sponsored by: Edgerton House Association, Edgerton
Housemasters, LEF
4. Join us for In Vino Brevitas 2011 - A seminar and tasting hosted by
Prof. Linn Hobbs, who teaches the popular IAP class In Vino Veritas.
Wednesday – June 1st 2011
7:30pm – 10:30pm
Sidney-Pacific Multipurpose Room
Open to the entire MIT graduate community. 21+ only and admission only
to registered attendees. Space is limited, so register early. Register
at http://s-p.mit.edu
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